Trustees Present: Sally Barraclough, Laurie Bray, Jeremy Chatterton, Landon Clark, Mary Clark, Steve Kirkegaard, Dayna McKee, Dayna McKee, Judi Short, Meggi Trioli, Levi Thatcher, Erika Wiggins, Rawlins Young.
Trustees Excused: Sue Ann Jones, Rich Knickerbocker, Susan Koelliker, Benjamin Sessions, Shane Stroud, Sue Watson.
Trustees Unexcused: Mike Bagley Andrew Dale, Benny Keele, Will Kocher, Larry Migliaccio, George Sumner, Chris Sveiven, Adam Weinacker.
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Landon Clark, Chair SHCC. A motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Jeremy Chatterton and a 2nd by Steve Kirkegaard, motion and approved.
Reminded everyone of the Mayor Debate we are hosting with six other community councils moderated by Westminster students on July 16th at the Jewett Center for Performing Arts. There will be a candidate meet and greet from 5-6 pm and then the debate will take place from 6-8 pm. Please help us in spreading the word. Meet and greet from 5-6
Reminder for our Night Out event on August 6th at Fairmont Park from 5-8 pm. Please, please come and see the improvements to the park and to support the police officers.
If everybody is okay with it we are going to send a second newsletter this month with all of the events going on.
Bill Knowles has been given a new contract which I think is great news to be our ombudsman. You can find his construction reports on our website or in our newsletter.
Secretary Report-Erika Wiggins
One petition expiring next month, Rawlins Young. Reminder to sign in.
Community Announcements
Millcreek Mayor Silvestrini
Invited to talk about Millcreek and to show us their plans. Millcreek and Salt Lake City have similar issues. They are a new city and need some infrastructure improvements. Residents have indicated they want a city center. They expect 680 new apartments, but no new mixed use. A lot of crime in the area of Highland and it needs redevelopment. They have been given a good bond rating and are about to take one out.
Emphasized that they want to develop a smart plan for future development.
He shared concepts for development in the area including linier parks and walkable greenways. Two large projects are approved and they agreed to adjust the design to fit the plans the City has approved. Cottonwood and Solstice are the developers.
Questions about the four homes that Millcreek wants to redevelop.
Mayoral Candidate Introductions
Luz Escamilla
Currently a senator. Air quality, homelessness, affordable housing…all the common issues.
Erin Mendenhall
Second term councilwoman. Chairs Air Quality – is a key issue for her from before she ran initially.
District 7 CIU Detective – Cooper Landvatter
Not much to report again. Car prowls are way down. Burglaries are up with the increase in vacations. Don’t post plans to social media!
Firework complaints are a low priority unless there is a fire. Night Out Against Crime. Chief should be there and is up for re-election.
We are moving our community liaison Josh up early so he can get to the next meeting so come on up.
SLC Civic Engagement Manager – Liz Buehler
Redevelopment of the tennis courts west of the Boys and Girls Club. Four options for the site. It’s just over two acres total. Zoned open space so it would be a long timeline to remove it from open space. Current lease with Boys and Girls Club runs through 2027.
There is a focus group formed, and there will be two public listening sessions. There is an online survey that just launched.
Four Options:
- Missing Middle Housing – Has been objected to in the past.
- Community Garden – Issue would be Wasatch Community Garden would be 2-3 years out due to capacity.
- Sport Space – Cost of $250-350k
- Something for Boys and Girls Club – They don’t currently have the capital and they just finished a capital campaign.
Other ideas:
Music space, tie in with the arts council. It’s a missing piece. Neighbor would like something that continues the feel of Fairmont. Something mixed. Zen meditation area. Combination of both garden and sports courts.
The Music Garage – Steve Auerbach
Teaches young people how to play together and play at different venues. Dee’s Family Restaurants donated the space and funded the build. He couldn’t keep up with the workload even though it was good work…and closed. Has a plan and needs a sponsor for the non-profit.
Amy Buchanan – Sugar House Farmers Market
Testing a Sunday event on August 11th and September 8th 8:30-12:30. October event TBD. Will include a food share for the community to share/sell their overage of produce. This market will be more neighborhood feel than downtown.
Warm Springs Alliance – Slyvia Nibley
Shared the history of the springs. Building has been empty since 2005 bringing problems. Building is 37k s/f which allows room for soaking and activities. Community has made it clear they want the springs.
Suggesting a public/private partnership to redevelop the park. Warmspringsalliance.org
- Potlucks on Sundays 1-3
- Historic Walking Tour, July 21, 1pm
Committee Reports
Arts and Culture- Meggie Troili
Meeting July 8th, 7pm
Send events to be posted on SHCC Calendar.
Hidden Hallow Concert Series
Sugar Hood Flea Market
Friday Night Flicks
Yappy Hour
Call for artists coming up
Block Party Update – Dayna McKee
Block Party coming up in Fairmont Park on August 31st, roughly 11am-9pm Food trucks, games, stage for music, art market. Need local businesses to sponsor and volunteers.
Community Liaison for SLC District 6 & 7 – Joshua Rebollo
Micro Grant program available for community organizations. Reminder of firework restrictions.
UN Conference next month. They need volunteers as greeters.
Meeting Adjourned 9:05