Meeting Minutes July 5, 2017

Meeting Minutes July 5, 2017

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustees Present:  Camron Anderson, Teddy Anderson,  Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry,  Landon Clark, Michael G. Kavanagh, Will Kocher, Eric Mcgill, Dayna McKee,  Dave Mulder, Benjamin Sessions, Judi Short, Jason Smurthwaite, Shane Stroud, George Sumner, Chris Sveiven, Rawlins Young

Trustees Excused:  Laurie Bray, Deb Henry, Benny Keele, Susan Koelliker, Larry Migliaccio,

Trustees Unexcused: Mike Bagley, Mary Clark, Tina Escobar-Taft, Lucy Hawes, Melanie Heath, Topher Horman, Sue Ann Jones, Steve Kirkegaard, Jason Smurthwaite,

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by  Landon Clark, Chair SHCC.

Motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Judy, seconded by Chris.  The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.

Chair Announcements: Landon Clark

Landon thanked the trustees who volunteered at the SHCC booth for the 4th of July Festival.

The District 7 candidates for SL City Council were at the meeting and were introduced later in the agenda. There will also be a “Meet the Candidates” event on July 27th from 6-8 pm in the Jewett Center at Westminster College. ( see map on the SHCC web site)  This event will include the candidates for District 5 and is being sponsored by Community Councils from Sugar House, East Libery Park, Liberty Wells, and Ball Park.

Secretary Report:  Sally Barraclough

There were no new trustee petitions submitted and no trustee petitions expiring this month.

Treasurer Report: Larry Migliaccio – excused

Subcommittee Reports:

Parks, Open Space, and Trails: Sally Barraclough

This committee had a short meeting on June 19th prior to meeting jointly with the Land Use and Transportation Committees.  We discussed starting a “Friends of Fairmont Park” group in collaboration with SLC Parks Department, to support the park by advocating for park improvements and help with park clean up projects.  This effort is being spearheaded by Amy Barry.  There are already 10 people signed up for the group.  Amy encouraged anyone interested to pick up a flyer and contact her to have your contact information added to the list.

Sally reported that there was a wild fire on the grass hill at the I-80, 13th East west bound freeway exit started by the Sugar House Park Fireworks yesterday evening.  The exit was shut down while the fire department fought the blaze.  She pointed out that the POST Committee has over the past three years requested that UDOT provide better landscaping for this area. Up until now, all that has been done is the removal of some dead trees.  We are hopeful the burn scars will encourage UDOT to make improvements in the near future.

Judi made a motion to have Sally write a letter to UDOT from the Sugar House Community Council urging them to make the necessary landscape improvements to reduce the fire danger in this area, with a copy to be sent to the SLC Mayor’s Office. Landon seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Land Use and Zoning:  Judi Short

On June 28, 2017 the Salt Lake City Planning Commission granted a conditional approval of the Conditional Building and Site Design Review and Planned Development for the project located at approximately 2290 S 1300 East. The following conditions were applied to the request:

  1. Final approval of signage, lighting, and landscaping shall be delegated to Planning staff to ensure compliance with the Conditional Building and Site Design Review and Planned Development regulations.
  2. Approval is for the specific items discussed and identified in the staff report, on the site plan, floor plans, and building elevations. All other applicable zoning regulations still apply.
  3. All ground level glass shall be non-reflective as required by the zoning ordinance and shall be clear and untinted as noted in the Sugar House Business District Design Guidelines.
  4. Art shall be installed within the parking structure stair area as shown in the renderings. The windows looking into this space shall be non-reflective, clear, and untinted glass to allow for visibility of the art and potential pedestrian activity.
  5. Cross access agreements with the adjacent property owners be obtained for the roadway connection to 1300 East.
  6. Additional pedestrian signage and way-finding signage be included throughout the project to integrate it with the community and facilitate pedestrian connectivity with the rest of Sugar House.
  7. A management/programming plan be developed to maintain the gallery space as activeve space, including hours of operation and what the plan is to keep it active.
  8. That the north side of the medical building be modified to make it more integrated for pedestrian use, including adding additional signage to the entry way, and that the interior be developed to make it more inviting on that side.
  9. That the applicant return to the Commission for final approval of conditions 6, 7, and  8.

The Commission provided additional guidance concerning what they would like to see regarding condition 8, by noting that they would like to see a better entrance so that people (pedestrians) can see there is an entrance, signage that is inviting pedestrians into what they have access to in the building such as the deli and pharmacy, and other changes that create an active use along Stringham Ave.”

They will begin demolishing  the old Shopko any day.  Site preparation has already begun.

Outreach and Cultural Committee:  Benjamin Sessions

  • The Sugar House Art walk is the 2nd Friday of every month.  This month it falls on July 14th at various business locations in SH.  Go to their Facebook page for locations.
  • Yappy Hour for community members to have drinks and bring their dogs will be held in Fairmont Park on July 28th 6-9pm.
  • The SH Farmer’s Market is every Wed from 5-8pm in Fairmont Park
  • Friday Night Flicks in the Park events on July 7th (Farris Bueller’s Day Off) and July 14th.
  • Hidden Hollow Concert Series July 14th and 28th 6-9pm
  • Food Truck League every Monday on Sugarmont Plaza from 5-9pm
  • Sugar Hood Flea Market Sunday, July 23rd 9am-3pm sponsored by America Rust Company
  • Great Salt Lake Fringe Event in Sugar House July 28th through Aug 6th.  This is the third year for this event that takes place at various locations throughout SH.
  • Night Out Against Crime sponsored by the SH Chamber and SHCC will be Tuesday, Aug 1st from 6-8pm.  SLPD will be there to answer questions.  There will be activities for the kids.  For more information go to the SHCC website.

Transportation:  Larry Migliaccio excused (Update given by Landon)

The public comment period regarding the re-striping project on 21st South has closed.  A final decision regarding which of the three striping options will be used will be made on Wednesday 12th.

Police Report:  Detective Joshua Ashdown

The jail restrictions have been lifted.  Officers will now be able to take Class A misdemeanor suspects into custody rather than writing citations.

The city is working on a new process for dealing with homeless camps.  Report any camps to the police department and they will send people to clean them up.  Resource officers will assist homeless campers with information about where to get help.

Fire Department Station #3: Captain Silverthorne

The numbers for June are not in yet, but in May Station #3 had 210 calls.  Year-to-date 935 calls.

There was a groundbreaking for the new fire station #3 held on June 7th.  This is an 8.9 million dollar facility.  It will have a community room and 3-4 bays for engines and possibly a ladder truck in the future.  It will be a net zero building with Gold LEED certification.  This is only the third fire station in the country that will have that designation.  That means the building will create all the energy it needs to operate.

On May 20th the department hosted its first Camp Prometheus that was attended by 20 teenage boys, ages 14 to 18.   The purpose is to shift perceptions about firefighting and better engage with community youth.  The department will also be hosting a Camp Athena for teenage girls.  Attendees participate in live fire extinguishing, rescue, and a ladder climb and rappelling.

The fire department attends many social/recreational events in the summer.  In an effort to sustain the water supply, the department has adopted a “no spray” policy so they will no longer spray the crowd or instigate water fights.

CERT classes for disaster preparedness are ongoing.  Go to to sign up for classes or call 801 799-3604 for more information.

The fires that were on the north side of I-80 on the 4th of July were most likely started by debris from the Sugar House Park fireworks.  8 firefighters and 4 apparatus responded to the fires.  The engine had to supply the water because there are no hydrants in the area.  The 13th East west bound exit was closed for a time.  The department responded to back to back calls until 2am.  Some of these were medical calls.  Captain Silverthorne reminded the audience to be safe with fireworks.


Backyard Garden Share

Patricia Thomas, Executive Director

Backyard Garden Share is a non-profit organization the distributes surplus vegetables and fruits donated by local gardeners to food banks, churches and schools throughout the valley.  Last year they redistributed 7000 lbs of produce to 74 sites to be given to those who didn’t have access to fresh fruits and vegetables.  This year there are more distribution sites than ever including East High and Highland High School.

To learn more about this organization and how to donate go to

University of Utah Department of Political Science: Daniel Patterson

Daniel is working on a research project involving civic engagement and public participation.  They are doing a case study right now regarding the recent homeless resource center site location selection and the role of citizens in that process.

There are two ways for those who are interested in this research project to get involved.  The first is an eight question survey regarding the role of citizens in government decision making. The second would be to agree to be formally interviewed regarding the subject.  The interview would be anonymous.

Capital Improvement Project CIP 101:  Mike Akerlow, SLC Department of Community and Neighborhoods

Capital projects are typically cost over $50,000 and have a life expectancy of over 5 years.  They include projects like fire stations, streets, parks, playgrounds, bicycle and pedestrian improvements.  They do not include public utilities projects.

7-9% of the General Fund is set aside for CIP.  Other funding sources include Class C (gas tax), impact fees, and other one-time funds. Impact fees must go to police, fire, roads and parks or public lands projects.

Starting in the fall, constituents and who want to submit projects for CIP funding must go through the appropriate department.  City departments will assist the applicant with bids for the project.  City departments also submit their own applications for funds for various projects.

For 2017-2018 SLC has $14,021,509 in CIP funds after the debt service is paid to allocate to various projects.

Candidates for Salt Lake City Council, District #7

Each of the candidates for SLC Council District #7 were given 5 minutes to introduce themselves and answer questions from the audience.  Candidates include Samantha Finch, Amy Fowler, Ben Haynes, Benjamin Sessions, Jason Sills, and Abe Smith.  There will be an opportunity to spend more time with each candidate at the July 27th event being held at Westminster College (see chair announcements above).

Mayor’s Office Report:  Nate Salazar, Community Liason for SLC and Erin Summers, summer intern

Nate distributed a flier regarding fireworks safety tips and a list of the types of fireworks that are allowed in the city.  He also gave the dates in July that it is legal to set off fireworks.

The public comment period on open city hall for the re-striping of 21st south has closed.  Nate will take comments made tonight back to the mayor for her to consider in her decision.  The closer you live to the area, the more weight will be given to your comment.

Erin Summers is helping coordinate volunteers for stage 7 of the Tour of Utah Bike Race.  This race is the second most watched race behind the Tour De France.  Stage 7 is the final stage and it is in Salt Lake City this year.  It will be an eleven lap course located in the avenues around the capital.  They are looking for 300 volunteers to help with the event.

Spotlight on Business: Michael G. Kavanagh

Barebones Living – 1215 Wilmington Ave #140

Tarja Dye, Executive Vice President Human Resources

The company, which sells high-end camping gear and gardening tools, was founded by Social Entrepreneur Robert Workman.  He believes that getting outside brings clarity and renews the passion to create an impactful life.  The company is three years old and has 28 employees.

They are associated with the Tifie Humanitarian Inc. providing humanitarian aide and fund raising for various initiatives in Napal, Africa, and Utah.  Each employee who works for Barebones is given 40 hours of pay per year to participate in non-profit work in the community.

Library Update: Cheri Koford

The “Sounds of Summer” concert series is taking place every Thursday from now until the end of August at 7:30 on the Sprague Library Patio.

There will be a movie night on Tuesday July 11th at 9:00 on the Library Patio.  The movie is “Goonies”.  There will also be a movie night on the second Tuesday in August.

The Super Summer Reading Challenge program is still ongoing.  Its for adults as well as kids.  There are prizes for meeting reading goals.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]