Meeting Minutes June 7, 2017

Meeting Minutes June 7, 2017

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustees Present:  Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Landon Clark, Mary Clark, Lucy Hawes, Melanie Heath, Topher Horman, Michael G. Kavanagh, Steve Kirkegaard, Will Kocher, Susan Koelliker, Eric Mcgill, Larry Migliaccio, Dave Mulder, Benjamin Sessions, Judi Short,  Shane Stroud, George Sumner, Chris Sveiven, Bryce Williams

Trustees Excused:  Camron Anderson, Teddy Anderson, Dayna McKee, Jason Smurthwaite,

Trustees Unexcused:  Tina Escobar-Taft, Deb Henry, Sue Ann Jones, Benny Keele, Rawlins Young

The meeting was called to order at  7:03pm by  Landon Clark, Chair SHCC

Chair Announcements: Landon Clark, Chair

Landon welcomed new trustee Melanie Heath and thanked Bryce Williams Second Vice-Chair who will be leaving the board after tonight.  Bryce recently moved out of the Sugar House area.

Dave Mulder is still looking for two trustees who would be willing to work the 2-4pm time at the SHCC booth for 4th of July Festival.

Motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Will, seconded by Topher.  The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

Steve Kirkegaard presented a petition to renew as a trustee from the Dilworth area. Sally Barraclough moved to accept the petition, Larry Migliaccio seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Topher Horman presented a petition to renew as a trustee from the Fairmont area.  Sally Barraclough moved to accept the petition, Mike Bagley seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer Report: Larry Migliaccio

The account has a balance of $6739.00.  There was $9.01 in donation income and .28 in interest income.  There was a $13.00 expense for the web server and there will be a future expense of $250 to the SH  Chamber of Commerce for sponsorship of the SH 4th of July Festival.

Announcement for Heart and Soul Music Stroll:  Sally Barraclough, Heart and Soul Board Member

Sally distributed flyers for the Music Stroll scheduled for Saturday, June 10th from 3-8pm on Filmore, Glenmare, and Atkin Streets.  The event is free to the public. They have scheduled 44 bands for the event.  Larry Migliaccio, SHCC Trustee will be playing his guitar at the event at 4pm on the 2828 S. Filmore Stage.

Community Outreach: Benjamin Sessions

The 4th of July Festival booths will be in Hidden Hollow and on the Sugarmont Plaza this year.  They will not be closing Highland Dr as in years past.

A national Night Out Against Crime event will be held in Sugar House on Tuesday Aug 8th.  This event is held in conjunction with the SLC Police Dept.  More details to follow.

Laurie announced that it is not too late for artists to get a booth for the 4th of July Festival.  The chamber has reduced the cost for artists booths to $100.

Amy Barry reminded the audience that activities in and around Sugar House are posted on the community calendar which is on our website Events include the Farmer’s Market, Hidden Hollow Concert Series, Friday Night Flicks in the Parks, and Household Hazardous Waste Pickup in Sugar House Park.

Sugar House Park Update: George Sumner, SH Park Authority Board

The SH Park Authority is a non-profit board that was formed in the late 1950s after the Utah State Prison was moved. The board represents SL City, SL County, and the State of Utah.  The board of directors fill their positions as unpaid community volunteers.

The 4th of July fireworks will happen again this year.  They are sponsored by the SH Chamber of Commerce and will be produced by the same company that put on the show last year.  SL City contributed $15,000 toward the fireworks, SL County has not contributed at this point. Laurie said that Apollo Burger is the major contributor to the fireworks.  The Chamber of Commerce would like to see SHCC get more involved in sponsoring the 4th of July event.  Other activities in the park for the 4th have yet to be approved by the park board but may include food trucks and a small carnival somewhere within the park.

ZAP taxes will pay for the pond to be dredged this winter.  ZAP taxes will also pay for some new, safer playground equipment. Funding from SL County and SL City will pay to slurry seal the road in the park.  They are going to wait until the pond dredging work is done prior to sealing the roads.  The slurry seal work will be completed in the spring of 2018.

Fire Station #3: Brandon Babcock, Firefighter

The Fire Department will be breaking ground on the new Fire Station #3 soon.  It is expected to be completed one year from now.  It will be located on 9th East, south of the Fairmont Golf Course Clubhouse.

The SL Fire Department will be hiring more fire captains.  They are currently in the interview process.  They are also conducting a new recruit academy next month.  They are adding fire fighters and paramedics throughout the city.

The wet spring has caused an increase volume of vegetation throughout the state and we were reminded to be very careful with fire including campfires and fireworks.

Due to the increased opioid epidemic in Utah, the fire department is now distributing Narcan kits that can reverse a drug overdose.  The kits are free to the community for families who may have an addicted loved one or family members who are on pain medications and at risk of overdose. Contact the fire department for a free kit.

Mr. Babcock was asked about the current contract negotiations that are ongoing with the city.  Right now the negotiations are between the city and the Firefighters Union, after which the decisions regarding pay and benefits will be made public.

Public Safety Report (Police): Detective Ashdown, District 7

The business burglary ring that was operating in Sugar House has stopped their activity.

Summer months usually see an increase in residential burglaries.  Community members were reminded to not let mail or newspapers pile up while they are away on vacation.

There has not been a final decision about the location of a Sugar House precinct.  As Sugar House continues to grow, Detective Ashdown is pushing for more officers for the area.

Amy announced that Detective Ashdown was featured in the latest Utah Stories publication.

Lisa Adams announced that the SLC Police Chief honored Detective Ashdown and the other Community Intelligence Unit Officers with an award for the work they perform.

Community Liaison Report: Bill Knowles

The Boulder Ventures contractor apologized for the unnecessary weekend lane closures on McClelland at 21st south. Storm drains and water lines are being installed.  They will not be working on the project during the 4th of July holiday, so the streets will be open. They will remember to open the lanes at the end of the workday on Fridays.

The Mecham project south of the Vue is on hold.  There is a landscape bond on the project so they will be putting in landscaping by the 16th of September.  The street connecting Elm to Highland through the block is still expected to go through.

There will be utility work on Wilmington starting in mid to late July.  The street will be repaired and resurfaced after the utility work is done.  Hopefully this will be completed this fall.

There has been new concrete installed on 10th East near the Gardner apartment development.  The pedestrian walkway could not accommodate wheelchairs.

The CVS Pharmacy project is underway on the corner of 21st South and 13th East.  Demolition of the car wash and office building is underway and they are prepping the parcel for building.

There is a road project scheduled for 21st South from 17th East to 23rd East.

ShopKo Block Update: Mark Isaac, Westport Capital Partners

The demolition permit and the landscape bonds have been filed.  The ShopKo building will be taken down starting in the next 10 days.  They are waiting on the approval of their permits.

The project has undergone an extensive public process, including on-line surveys, public meetings and multiple meetings with the SHCC.  They have taken that input and incorporated changes based on the feedback that they received.  The project will be presented to the SL Planning Commission on June 28th.  Public comments will be taken at that meeting.

They have signed a contract with the University of Utah for a large clinic that will be located on the eastern end of the 9.5 acre parcel.

Mark presented a video presentation of the renderings of the buildings, streets capes, and art installations.  They are proposing a mix of architectural features and materials.  The renderings are available on the Sugar House Community Council website,

Judi requested that all comments regarding the new renderings be submitted as soon as possible so that she can forward them to the Planning Commission.

Planning 101 Presentation: Nick Norris, SLC Planning Director

Nick Norris used a power point presentation to explain the basics of zoning.  Zoning is “A set of rules used to control where businesses and homes are built in a city”.

The state of Utah requires all cities to have a zoning ordinance.  The main reasons for zoning are to protect health, safety, and welfare and to implement adopted master plans of which there are nine in Salt Lake City.  The first zoning rules in SLC were implemented in 1927.  There were federal regulations passed during the 1920’s that allowed states to write zoning laws.

The two components of zoning include zoning text and zoning maps.  There are currently 56 zoning districts in SLC.  The districts are divided between Base Zoning Districts (ie:residential and commercial etc), Special Purpose (ie: open space and airports etc), and Overlay (ie: historic districts and groundwater protection etc).  Nick explained how to read the color coded zoning maps.

He also explained “Permitted” uses in the zones, and “Special Approvals” which includes special exceptions, conditional building and site design reviews,changes to historic buildings, and variances. Variances are dictated by state law.

The Planning Division is responsible for public engagement regarding projects and the impacts those projects will have on the community.

The slide presentation is available to download.

21st South Resurfacing and Striping Project: Dan Bergenthal, SLC Transportation

Lisa Adams, City Council District 7, introduced this presentation.  She prefaced the topic by saying that by city ordinance anytime street work is done, the community must be surveyed regarding proposed changes to that street, specifically bike lanes.

Dan Bergenthal distributed a flyer that described three options for the 21st South Roadway Resurfacing and Safety Project (1700 E – 2300 E).  This section is scheduled for a resurfacing maintenance project in July.

The SLC Complete Street Ordinance directs the city to improve safety for all roadway users.  This is also required in a number of city master plans.

Dan performed a crash analysis for the 1700 E to 2300 E section of 21st South.  He looked back at 3 yrs of crash data for 2014-2016.  21st South is currently a four lane roadway, two lanes in each direction.  During that time there were 73 crashes.  By looking at the type of crashes that occurred, going to a three lane roadway, one lane in each direction with a continuous turn lane in the middle, crashes would be reduced by 30%. The three lane option would also benefits pedestrians, making it safer to cross the street.

Based on similar conversions that have been made on other streets in Salt Lake City, the traffic capacity will remain the same or slightly higher with travel times only effected slightly longer, primarily during rush hours.

Option #1 Three Lanes with Bike Lanes in both directions

Option #2 Three Lanes with no Bike Lanes

Option #3 Keep the Roadway as it is currently (four lanes, two in each direction)

The city wants your input.  In person at a Project Open House Thurs June 22nd 6-7:30pm at Arch Nexus, online at, by email at [email protected], or call (801) 535-7130.  Please respond by July 4, 2017

Spotlight on Business: Michael G. Kavanagh

Music Garage – Steve Auerbach, Director

1192 Wilmington Ave.     (801) 577-2263

This is a band program, not a music lesson program.

The Music Garage offers summer band camps for all levels of musicians age 18 and under who are ready to play in a rock, blues, bluegrass or jazz band.  The camps offer 50-minute sessions over 5 days.  The camps are facilitated by professional musicians and take place in a recording studio.

They also offer summer songwriting and recording camps.  These camps are for all ages and levels of songwriting for any genre.  They are also 50-minute sessions over 5 days.

The camps are also offered throughout the year. Call 801 577-2263 for openings.

Mayor’s Office Update: Nate Salazar, Community Liaison

Mayor Biskupski  has signed on with 60 mayors from other cities around the country to continue with their commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement, despite President Trump’s decision to pull out of the agreement on a federal level.  The SLC goal is to move to 100% renewable energy by 2032 and to reduce our carbon footprint 80% by 2040. Mayor Biskupski has just signed on as co-chair of the Sierra Clubs’ Mayors for 100 Percent Clean Energy Program.

The Mayor nominated Senator Jim Dabackis to the UTA board.  That nomination will go before the City Council in the near future.

There have been offers made to two people for the SLC Director of Transportation position, but both of those candidates have now declined the offer.  The Mayor’s Office is now going to hire a contractor to help find a Transportation Director for the city.

Library Update: Cherie Koford

The library board has decided as of July 1st to start waving all late fees.  There will be an auto renewal feature for items that do not have a hold request on them.  However, if you don’t return an item after four weeks or the renewal period you will be charged the replacement cost for the item.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:04

Landon Clark
[email protected]