Meeting Minutes, March 2, 2016

Meeting Minutes, March 2, 2016

Trustees Present: Mike Bagley, Sally Baraclough, Amy Barry, Landon Clark, Tina Escobar-Taft, Sue Ann Jones, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Eric McGill,  Larry Migliaccio, David Mulder, Maggie Shaw,  Judi Short, Carole Straughn, Rawlins Young, Bryce Williams

Trustees Excused: Teddy Anderson, Laurie Bray, Stacey Carroll, Lucy Hawes, Topher Horman, Susan Koelliker, Natalie Watkins

Trustees Unexcused: Deb Henry, Jason Smurthwaite

Meeting called to order at 7:01 by Amy Barry, SHCC Chair

Minutes approved. Joedy made motion, Steve seconded.

Secretary Report: Bryce Williams

-Bryce will get in touch with new trustees who do not have a roster. Expect roster no later than the April meeting.

Treasurer Report, Larry Migliaccio

-Budget stands at  $4,148.78

Chair Announcement, Amy Barry

New Committee Report: Eric McGill

-Eric working on crime and homelessness committee.

-More information to come.

March 9th Planning Commission and 900 E. Rezone

-Will be a busy meeting, those interested encouraged to get involved

March 10th trustee gathering hosted by Sally @ 7:00 PM


Community Announcements

Fire Station Report : Station #3

-Department purchased electric attempt to reduce carbon footprint.

– 162 calls in the last month by station 3 which is a busy month.

– Hired a recruitment and outreach coordinator .

-Fire Chief Dale mentioned a cadet program for ages 15-19. at no cost. Also mentioned Camp Athena for girls ages 15-19.  -There will also be 3 test preparation nights for the fire fighter tests. April 2nd from 9-12 at Public Safety Building and April 26 at Sorenson Center from 6-9 PM. or more information.

-There was some dissent about the design of the new fire station.

Crime Report, Det. Josh Smith

-Detective Lowe no longer district 7 liaison as he has been promoted.

-Josh Smith will be covering district 6 and 7 for a few weeks until a new liaison is chosen.


Public Comments for Items Not on the Agenda

-An audience member thanked Amy for her advocacy on the construction at Fairmont Park.


ASSIST Program, Dave Woodman-

Community design center.

– 3 prime programs:

-Emergency Home Repair Program: help low income families stay in their homes through licensed insured contractors to do immediate home repair: furnances, roofing repairs, bed bugs, etc. Done city wide.

-Accessibility Design: Architects can access homes of those with disabilities. Remove accessibility barriers.

– Aging in Place: Help those who are aging stay in their homes. Usually small changes to the home to help elderly stay in their homes such as adding bars in the tub, removing rugs, etc.

– These programs serve 12 municipalities in Salt Lake County except for West Valley which has their own services.


Salt Lake County Lead Safe Housing Program, Annie Dayton

-Have a federal grant to remove led from homes with children.

-Administer grant through HUD

–  Go and do free led testing in the interior and exteriors of the home. If led is found, they will do led remediation.

-Qualifications: Salt Lake County, Built before 1978, children in home half to be under 6 or a pregnant woman has to be in the home or if you have children that visit your home who visit for 6 hours a week or 60 hours in the year.

-Income qualification: family of 4 with income under $57,000 a year.


SLC Community Engagement and Empowerment, Jennifer Seeling, Community Relations Director

– Nate Salazar is one of the community liaisons.

-Jennifer mentioned the new transportation survey out. Interactive way to access the needs or wants through a tool that is similar to a game.

– Economic and community development will be split into to areas of the city’s efforts.

– Larry asked about the new theater and heard that it was over budget by millions of dollars and behind schedule. Jennifer said she will check into it.

– Eric asked about the progress of community liaisons and communication to councils through the mayor’s office. Jennifer mentioned that communication with community council chairs have been going on with the transition of a new mayor and that different councils have different structure and needs. Some community councils do not want the city to come and some want them to come to specific meetings. A structure is being figured out to best meet the needs and expectations of all community councils from the city.

-Tina asked about the citizen review board in regards to the shooting at Rio Grande and the recent shootings in Salt Lake City. Jennifer responded that 3 investigations were going on in regards to the case. One with the district attorney, one will be with the citizen review board, and then the unified police department which is basically the county.

-Tina mentioned that the community wants to be involved from the beginning and are still looking for answers. Jennifer mentioned that the mayor is reviewing the information, taking it to the council and reviewing code for changes in the process. Jennifer also mentioned support and training for law enforcement to prepare them for incidents and to also support their health and wellness.


Love Utah, Give Utah: Maggie Shaw

–  A way to raise money for Sugar House Community Council

-Big day is March 31, 2016, but can start to donate now.

-There are a few different videos out there promoting the fundraising efforts.

-Maggie asked each trustee to send the request out to 5 people they know

-A minimum of $10 per donation to use the site.

-Money goes to operations such as funding the holiday tree, our tabling efforts, etc.


Committee Reports

Land Use and Zoning, Judi Short

The Hilton Home 2 Suites is finished up on Foothill Drive east of Walmart (where the Cowboy grub used to be.  2350 Foothill Drive  Grand Opening will be March 9 – all are invited for a tour 12-2 that day.
The Salt Lake Swim and Tennis Club expansion and PUD was approved by the Planning Commission on February 24.
March 27 at Planning Commission  Appeal of Special Exception Decision at approximately 1724 E 2700 S –Amir Cornell, property owner, has filed an Appeal of the Findings and Order issued for Special Exception PLNPCM2015-01034. The Special Exception was meant to resolve height, use, and design issues associated with an existing garage that was not built to the approved plans. It was determined that the garage could remain if a permit is pulled and certain alterations are made. City ordinance allows up to 720 square feet of accessory structures on a property. The footprint of the shed and the garage exceeds 720 Square feet. The approved special exception required the removal of the smaller shed so that the total square footage of all accessory buildings on the property is 720 square feet or less. The appellant contends that he received approval from a City employee for both buildings although no records or approved plans support his claim. (Staff contact: Chris Lee at (801)53-7706 or[email protected].)
Also on the Planning Commission agenda for March 9 is the Master Plan and Zoning Map Amendment at approximately 1964 S 900 E – A request by Cottonwood Residential to amend the master plan and zoning map designation of eight properties near the intersection of Ramona Avenue and 900 E. The intent of the proposal is to consolidate the parcels into one and then construct a multi-family residential development. The applicant proposes to rezone the subject properties from RMF-35 (Moderate Density Multi-family Residential) to R-MU-45 (Residential/Mixed Use) to allow for structures up to 45’ tall and allow more apartments. The subject properties are currently residential uses ranging from a single family home to multi-family buildings. The Planning Commission may consider other zoning designations that are equal or less intense to what is being proposed
The project 2855 Highland Drive, where we recommended that the parcel behind on Crandal Avenue be rezoned to CB Is now known as 1315 E Crandall Avenue.  The project is called Sugar House Townhomes.  The property was rezoned to CB, and they are going to build 41 townhomes on the parcel.  The City Council put some conditions on the rezone, he has to double the amount of trees along the perimeter abutting the other parcels from one every 30′ to one every 15 feet, and they have to be 2″ caliper trees.  They have been working with the city for about three months and  hope to have a shovel in the ground by April 1.
Agenda for March 21  Land Use and Zoning Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Sprague Library  PLEASE NOTE THE PLANS FOR THESE PROPOSALS CAN BE FOUND ON THE MAIN PAGE OF OUR WEBSITE
  •       Trolley Wings / Liquor license
  •       3120 Richmond Street Strip Mall
  •       Design of New Fire Station #3 2425 South 900 East
We know there will be a proposal coming soon for an apartment building 974 East 2100 South, and hope we will be able to put this off until the April Land Use Meeting
Parks, Open Space and Trails, Sally Barraclough
Sally brought the large format aerial photos used by Walt Gilmore from Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation in his presentation to the SHCC of the layout for Parley’s Trail from 23rd East to 17th East.  Members of the committee reviewed the plans but had more questions regarding the exact location of the trail through parts of the area.  There was also discussion regarding whether the surrounding property owners have been notified about the project and the construction schedule.

As a followup to these concerns, Colin Quinn-Hurst from SLC Transportation will be attending our POST Meeting in March to answer more questions in detail.

Juan Arce-Larreta, Chair of the Pratt Coalition confirmed in the last PRATT meeting that all of the property owners have been notified and are aware that construction on the trail will start this summer.

The committee also heard a report from Forest Dale Trustee Jason Smurthwaite regarding his efforts to purchase surplus property owned by UDOT, and located at the east end of Driggs Ave.  He is supported in the effort by State Representative Lynn Hemingway who facilitated discussions with UDOT.  The POST committee also supports this effort and feels that this area near the I-80, 13th East Interchange will be better maintained by private owners.

Next POST Meeting:  Monday March 21st at 5:00 in the Sprague Library

Agenda Items:  Parley’s Trail, Colin Quinn-Hurst SLC Transportation

I-80, 13th East Interchange Follow Up,


Transportation, Deb Henry (Tina Escobar-Taft reporting verbally on behalf of Deb)

MARCH 21st, 7pm – Discussion of Salt Lake City’s 2016 TIGER GRANT.
This month’s meeting will happen on March 21st at 7pm at Sprague Library. We will be joined by Julianne Sebula from the transportation department to discuss Salt Lake City’s next application for a TIGER grant to help fund trails, walkability, safety, as well as improvements in the streetcar’s serviceability to Sugar House. Please join us and learn more about the TIGER grant process. Last year 625 applications totaling $9.8 Billion were submitted for the funding, and only $500 Million was awarded which indicates a significant need for more investment in our country’s infrastructure. I reiterate that this is existing funding that has a competitive bidding process which tends to bring out the pitchforks, but is a vital tool to invest in our public spaces.
On February 3rd, 2016, U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx announced $500 million will be made available for transportation projects across the country under an eighth round of Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) competitive grant program.
Like the first seven rounds, FY 2016 TIGER discretionary grants will fund capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure and will be awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the nation, a metropolitan area, or a region.  The 2016 TIGER grant program will focus on capital projects that generate economic development and improve access to reliable, safe and affordable transportation for communities, both urban and rural. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, does not provide dedicated funding for the planning, preparation, or design of capital projects (which is where SLC’s local match comes in); however, these activities may be funded as part of an overall construction project.
Since 2009, TIGER has provided nearly $4.6 billion to 381 projects in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, including 134 projects to support rural and tribal communities.  Overall, the Department has received more than 6,700 applications requesting more than $134 billion for transportation projects across the country.  The TIGER grant program supports innovative projects, including multi-modal and multi-jurisdictional projects.  These federal funds leverage money from private sector partners, states, local governments, metropolitan planning organizations, ports, and transit agencies.  The 2015 TIGER round alone is leveraging $500 million in federal investment to support $1.4 billion in overall transportation investments.
TIGER funding is provided in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, signed by President Obama on December 18, 2015.  Applications are due April 29, 2016.
Salt Lake City is exploring ways to improve transit service for our residents, employees, and visitors. Throughout the summer of 2015 we held almost 20 outreach events in neighborhoods around the City where we asked what was important to you. We heard that you want more and better bus and train service, to more areas of the City, and that you also want it to be more comfortable and convenient. The “Design Your Transit System” tool builds upon what we learned from you by providing you an opportunity to be the director of your very own transit system. With this tool, you get to prioritize the improvements you told us were important.
This prioritization game allows you to make adjustments to the different ways transit services are provided in the community; from the areas served, to the frequency of service, and the extension of evening and weekend schedules. You have a theoretical budget of $100. As you make adjustments you will see the benefits you can generate within your budget – you’ll also be forced to make some choices! Once you’ve decided how your system will operate, you can choose how your transit system should look and grow over time by identifying future investments (buses, light-rail, streetcar, transit stops) that are most important to you. We will use these results to better understand community priorities and inform the ultimate Transit Master Plan recommendations.
WASATCH CHOICE – Wednesday June 29th 
The Wasatch Choice vision provides a blueprint for how transportation, land use, and economic development can be shaped to improve the quality of life for residents along the Wasatch Front. This year’s Consortium meeting will focus on refreshing the Wasatch Choice vision looking out to 2050 to reflect the dynamic changes in the region, the Your Utah Your Future statewide vision, and local efforts like Salt Lake County’s The Future We Choose. Consortium partners are pleased to announce the event will be combined with Utah’s Active Transportation and Health Summit to highlight the importance of building vibrant communities that promote active living.
As Sugar House and the surrounding areas grow (whether we like it or not), it is vital that we make walking, cycling and transit better options for our community or risk having Sugar House completely succumb to gridlock, idling cars, and sprawling parking lots that drive up the costs of retail and domestic rentals and are a constant source of anxiety for Sugar House residents. Mayor Biskupski’s first budget will be upon us shortly and we need to pay close attention to the funding allocated for broken sidewalks, crosswalks, safety, HAWK lights and similar infrastructure. Between 2007 and 2015, the city and city council chose to raise the funding of bicycle infrastructure from $50,000 to $4,000,000 per year and saw an increase in cycling of over 27% in just one year. Please remember that everyone on a bicycle or a bus, or walking down the street is one less person between you and where you are trying to go, so please treat them politely and encourage your legislators to build safe routes.
Protected bike lanes will help to radically transform the number and type of cyclists that ride and to create a more liveable city. The protected bike lane on 300 S has led to a 30% increase in the number of cyclists using the street, as well as changes in the types of cyclists using the street – more casual and family cyclists are riding. Additionally, business is up on 300 S. This mirrors the success of businesses located on bike routes in other cities. Despite what some reports have implied, the majority of businesses (59%) on the street are supportive of the new configuration (59%  –  source)
Historic Signs, Joedy Lister
-Stark Steering sign. Hopefully by mid-may the sign will be operational again.
– Amy shared appreciation for the efforts of the committee, but mentioned that budget is on inhibitor of being a partner in those efforts.
Spotlight On Business- Paint Mixer: Kelly Buskirk
– 1327 E. 2100 S.
-Next to the Dodo for over 2 years.
-Location in Sugar House and Park City.
– Studio holds up to 50 people. Don’t have to be 21. Just 21 to purchase alcohol.
-Great for parties or date night.
-Step by step painting instruction
-Cost usually around $35 and each painting class is 2 hours. Alcohol is an extra cost.
-Enter: Lovepm for a $5 discount online.
City Updates
Lisa Adams, District 7
-January the council had it’s retreat.
-Lisa is pleased with council priorities: Housing and Homelessness, Economic Development, and Streets.
-March 1 is an ideal date to have the bike police back.
– Larry asked about the theater downtown being over budget and behind. Lisa mentioned that the article in the Tribune was incorrect. The theater opening date is exactly on track for the first opening in November with  a Grand Opening in November with a lot of free events. City is over budget, but during the time of building, the cost of construction has gone up 50%, but it is covered by private donations.
Library Updates, Shiree
– Library is searching for a new executive director.
– The 24/7 library pilot program has been suspended based on the financial costs.
Meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM






Landon Clark
[email protected]