31 Mar Meeting Minutes March 6, 2019
Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes – March 6, 2019
Trustees Present: Sally Barraclough, Laurie Bray, Landon Clark, Sue Ann Jones, Steve Kirkegaard, Will Kocher, Dayna McKee, Larry Migliaccio, Judi Short, Meggi Troili, Levi Thatcher, Adam Weinacker, Erika Wiggins, Rawlins Young
Trustees Excused: Mike Bagley, Mary Clark, Susan Koelliker, Benjamin Sessions, Shane Stroud, Chris Sveiven, Sue Watson
Trustees Unexcused: Cameron Anderson, Andrew Dale, Melanie Heath, Deborah Henry, Topher Horman, Benny Keele, George Sumner
The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Landon Clark, Chair SHCC. Approval of minutes was postponed to next month due to a website issue interfering with having them posted on time.
Chair Announcements: Landon Clark
Welcomed Meggi and Levi to board. Working with other councils on a mayoral debate near the end of July.
Secretary Report – Erika Wiggins Seliger
Reminded everyone to check their attendance.
Treasurer Report – Mike Bagley
No report as Mike Bagley is on leave.
Committee Reports
Land Use and Zoning – Judi Short
Committee meeting on March 18th, 6:00pm. RMU Changes including a possible change of lot width requirements. Details and a map are posted on our website. Planned development at 868E 2700S. Conditional use for parabolic antenna. Planning commission had a briefing on the design standards to get them added to the code. [For a more detailed LUZ report, CLICK HERE.]
Transportation – Larry Migliaccio
Landon and Larry met with the Capital Improvements Committee to try and get $500k for McClelland St. There are two new proposals for the S-Line. Comments are due by March [check date] wfrc.org Meeting on March 18th at 7:00pm. Will be discussing the 2700 S replacement, the traffic backup on 1300 E at the freeway entrance, and a bike sharing lane on 2100 S east or 1700 E.
Trails, Parks and Open Spaces – Sally Barraclough
We did not meet last month. This is the 150th anniversary of the Golden Spike. City is hosting a celebration. Details are online. Will be held in May. Meeting at 5:00pm on March 18th a couple of topics to cover.
Arts and Culture – Laurie Bray
This Friday is the Sugar House Art Walk. She has been storing some items from a demo of a early 1900s building since 2007. She gave them to an artist at Local Colors and she would like to pay him. Also, the compass currently installed in monument plaza cracking on the corner and she would like a letter supporting getting it fixed.
Michael G. Presents Spotlight on Business (S.O.B.)
Tsunami, Judy Cullen – Marketing Director
Brought samples and menus, Tsunami was first restaurant was in Sugar House, now they have four. Truly local founded by two sushi chefs who teamed up to open the first location, building it out themselves. They wanted to get more involved in the community. They created a Boys and Girls Club Roll and held fund raisers for them.
Make most of their own sauces in house. They also know the boats that supply their salmon – often the day it was caught. Surprisingly they also offer great baby back ribs.
Community Announcements
Fire Station #3 – Cpt. Brett Key
Spoke about the top five fire causes. Getting ready to hire again and testing will begin early next year.
District 7 CIU – Detective Cooper Landvatter
Lot’s of car prowls between freeway and Brickyard. Remind neighbors not to leave bags. One thief stole $5000 hidden in a McDonalds bag. Things like ear buds and phones will prompt a break-in. More assault crimes on west side.
Detective Landvatter brought the Inn Between as his guest to speak about their operation:
Tim Keffer – Inn Between client services, shared that they are a hospice and medical respite. Also, some beds are for short term stay like a Ronald McDonald House. Total of 50 beds. Largest has been 33. Must be a medical referral. Most are from hospitals.
Sometimes they are able to connect family. A few cases have gone home with their family. Nearly all private donations. People can donate on their website: tibhospice.org
SLC Marathon Update – Kristy Wachter, Community Engagement Director
Huntsman is their beneficiary. Businesses and groups can get involved. Expo is the 12th and the Race is April 13th. Hotline will be open to answer the phones to provide directions to navigate around the race. Music festival and kids activities at the finish line.
Questions about the garbage dropped along the race route, do they have a garbage pickup? Yes, and Kristy said she’d make sure it was being handled.
Sugar House Construction Update – Bill Knowles, Salt Lake City Community Ombudsman
Boulder Ventures Project. Has had some setbacks but are now moving ahead. The road is moving quickly. At Highland and Wilmington there are new traffic lights being installed and there have been a few issues. They now have a flagman and it should be done in a couple of days. Springhill Suites on Wilmington and the building next door are going along well. Utility installations are causing some delays.
Pedestrian light on Wilmington isn’t working but it will be fixed by June. It was solar but there isn’t enough sun in that location – being hard wired.
Questions about the old Costume Company site and Elizabeth Sherman Park.
Fairmont Aquatic – Bess Thompson, Facility Manager
The center has a number of events coming up:
- Log Rolling on March 15th.
- Easter Egg Hunt April 12th, evening. They’ll drop golf balls into pool for kids to find “like Easter eggs”
- Friday nights 5:30-7:00, they are taking the lane lines out of the lap pool and opening it up for fun.
Meggi Troili will be taking a survey about changes the public would like to see to the aquatic / fitness center. Also, they are hiring staff for the summer, especially life guards.
Sprague Library Update
The library will operate in the old firehouse across from Fairmont Park for about a year and a half while the current building is being remodeled. It will offer limited services. They have to be out by May 1, but they will close and start moving March 28th. The “Firehouse Express” will be ADA compliant and will open April 28th. For more details, visit the City Library News page.
2700 South Road Project – Public Comments
Wade Crowley who lives on 2700 S. He discussed enhanced sidewalks – raised table/speed hump. Frustrated that they didn’t get notice for last month’s meeting. He feels they increase noise and pollution. He commented that the DOT states that speed humps should not be used on a main access road. They add 9 seconds for each hump. He also pointed out that the humps will push traffic to side streets.
Sarah Carlson shared photos of sidewalk designs. Restated many of the same concerns for noise, safety, and traffic diversion. She also brought up the point of businesses that would be impacted. The removal of parking on the north side of the street was raised as a concern as well.
Another resident spoke in favor of the raised crosswalks to keep cars driving the speed limit. He stated the design was only 3” tall vs 6” which is the lowest in the city currently. He was also in favor to giving up parking for a bike lane.
Another concern raised was about the design of the bike lane. That at 5’ bounded by a gutter and traffic is too narrow for the speeds that cyclists normally travel on 2700 S.
Nate Salazar – Community Liaison for SLC
Spoke to residents and their concerns. Use [email protected] to reach out with comments.
Millcreek City has dropped their legislation. Work is in progress on Inland Port issue. Air quality and local control are key.
Mayor’s Youth coalition, they need 3-4 more high schoolers to sit on the board.
9:03 Adjourned