Meeting Minutes May 2, 2018

Meeting Minutes May 2, 2018

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustees Present:   Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough,  Laurie Bray, Landon Clark, Mary Clark,  Sue Ann Jones,  Steve Kirkegaard, Will Kocher,  Larry Migliaccio, Benjamin Sessions, Judi Short,   Chris Sveiven, Adam Weinacker, Erika Wiggins, Sue Watson, Rawlins Young

Trustees Excused:  Deb Henry, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Susan Koelliker, Dayna McKee, Jason Smurthwaite, Shane Stroud,

Trustees Unexcused: Camron Anderson, Tina Escobar-Taft, Melanie Heath, Topher Horman, Eric Mcgill, Dave Mulder, George Sumner,

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Landon Clark, Chair SHCC

Motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Will, seconded by Ben.  The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.

Chair Announcements: Landon Clark

There have been some issues regarding the rebuilding of Wilmington.  A buried Comcast Cable was discovered just six inches below the surface.  As a result, the rebuild of the street won’t be finished until the end of June.

Landon thanked everyone who volunteered with the Sugar House Community Council water station for the Salt Lake City Marathon.

Construction of the HAWK light on 21st South and McClelland is scheduled for sometime from June-Nov 2018.  There will also be a HAWK signal installed at 8th East and 21st South.

The Night Out Against Crime will be held on Tuesday August 7th at Fairmont Park.

The Friends of Fairmont Park are holding their first meeting of the season on Tuesday, May 8th at 6pm at the front steps of the Aquatic Center.  They will be signing up for cleanup shifts and distributing new vests.

The south side of the Toys R Us building is going to become the Nordstrom Rack and the north side will have restaurant and retail space.  Cafe Rio is moving into the Carl’s Jr. building on 21st South and Starbucks is moving into the Training Table building on 13th East.

At the East Bench Community Council meeting held Monday a developer for Lamplighter Square on Foothill Dr. announced a redevelopment that would include enlarging the liquor store.  If the state does not approve of the plan, they may look at putting the store east by the Walmart.  The Sugar House Liquor Store’s lease is up in 2019.

Sally announced that this year’s Heart and Soul Music Stroll is on Saturday, June 9th from 3-8pm.  The music festival is held every year at 2700 South on Filmore and Glenmare Streets.

Secretary Report:  Sally Barraclough

There were no new petitions.  The next expiring petition is Landon’s in June.

Treasurer Report:  Ben Sessions

The account has a balance of $5731.48.  There was an expense of $45 for Constant Contact.

Ben will be taking a five month leave from the council to travel with his family in South and Central America.  While he is gone, Mike Bagley will be acting Treasurer.

Committee Reports:

Community Outreach – Benjamin Sessions

The SH Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the Sugar House Pub Crawl on May 19th from 12- 5:30pm.  There are 10 business taking part.  Go to the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce website for more information.  Laurie announced that proceeds from the event are being donated to the Santa Shack.  The funds will help with the expenses ($1,200 – $1,400) incurred every year to move the shack to the Sugarmont Plaza for the holidays.

Land Use and Zoning – Judi Short

The city has decided for the time being to not change the current lot size requirements for house construction.  Instead they are going to address housing mitigation which is when a developer takes out more living units than they replace.  If this happens the developer is required to pay into the housing trust fund.  The current penalty is only $500 which isn’t much of a deterrent.

On March 28th the Planning Commission reviewed the request to close the alley at 1249 Chrystal Ave and 2623 Highland Dr.  They denied the request because there were too many deficiencies to city code.  The neighbors are working on the deficiencies and plan to take the request back to the Planning Commission at a later date. It will then go to the city council for final approval.

There are two new construction proposals, both for more single family housing units.  The first is located at 17th East, 1950 and 1960 South.  Two homes will be removed and five single homes with a single common driveway will be built.  The second project is at 2660 South Highland Dr.  A large older home on a large lot will be replaced with four single family homes with a single common driveway.

The next Land Use meeting will be Monday, May 21st at 6pm in the Legacy Room.

Parks, Open Space, and Trails- Sally Barraclough

This committee did not meet in April.  They will be having a joint meeting with the Transportation Committee on May 21st at 7pm in the Legacy Room to further discuss the McClelland Trail and Street.

The contractors are installing the irrigation system for the Sego Lily and planting should take place this month.  Final concrete work will take place after the planting are completed.

Arts and Cultural – Laurie Bray

The first Sugar House Art Walk for 2018 will take place on June 8th.  The Art Walk will be quarterly rather than monthly in 2018.

Transportation – Larry Migliaccio

The Transportation Committee met twice in April. Both meetings were regarding the changes for McClelland St. between 21st South and Sugarmont.  Tom Milar from SLC Transportation led those discussions.

The Parley’s I-80 Interchange Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process is underway.  UDOT will be taking public comment until May 25th.  The Transportation Committee will be taking comments at their next meeting to forward to UDOT.  They will meet on May 21st at 7pm in the Legacy Room.

Library Update –  Peter Bromberg Executive Director and Heather Hart Sprague Branch Manager

Peter announced that the lower level of the library has not opened because the new elevator did not pass inspection.  The issues are being addressed but they have to wait for a part that is on order.  It could take another month before it is ready to be inspected again.  The bathrooms and everything else is ready to go, but the elevator must be functional to meet ADA requirements. The upstairs is still open and they will also be hosting events on the library patio this summer.

The board has selected an architect firm for the Sprague reconstruction and they are in final contract negotiations.  The library will close for the large renovation project in the fall and remain closed for a year.  They are looking for a temporary space to house the library somewhere in Sugar House.  They need approximately 1,000 square feet or more.

The board is looking for someone to represent District 7.  The current District 7 board member is moving out of the area.  The board forwards the names of candidates to the mayor who makes the final decision.

Heather announced that books from Sprague that were out when the flood happened have been stored in boxes and moved to the Main Library meeting room.  The library is not asking for donations of books however monetary donations can be made to the Friends of the Library and earmarked for Sprague.  They are considering a fund raising capital campaign for sometime in the future.

Fire Station #3 Report – Daniel Harris, Firefighter Paramedic

The monthly newsletter highlighted the need to avoid fast moving waterways during the spring runoff.  Keep an eye on children and pets.  CPR training is helpful to have in the case of near drowning situations.

The employee spotlight is on the Swift Water Rescue Team that is available 24hrs per day 365 days a year.

Summer is also wild fire season.  Because of the warming climate the fire season seems to get longer each year.  Be careful with fires in our natural lands.

Station #14 located at 3800 West, California Ave will be opening on May 17th.  This is the first fire station that has LEED certification for net zero energy use.  The open house will be from 9:30-4:00.  The new Station #3 is still under construction on 9th East.

Police Report – Detective Josh Ashdown

The department is starting a new program that includes a press briefing every time they release a body camera video of a critical incident.  This is patterned after a program being used in Las Vegas.

The City Council and the Mayor’s Office are working on the budget for the upcoming year.  They are probably going to reduce the number of new officers from the proposed 50 to 27.


McClelland Street – Tom Milar, SLC Transportation

Tom has lived is several areas of SLC and graduated from the U of U.  He works for SLC Transportation Division.  The Transportation Division handles any planning or preliminary engineering of streets, while street maintenance is handled by the Streets Department. The Construction Division handles the major engineering design and construction of city streets.

The McClelland Trail was recommended by the city in the 1992 SLC Parks and Open Space Plan.  The trail runs north and south along the Jordan and Salt Lake canal alignment.  It runs east of 11th East and in 2015-16 the city completed construction of the first phase which runs from 800 South to 2100 South.

The next phase would continue south from 2100 South to Sugarmont on McClelland.  This involves addressing the issues of having the trail on a city street.  In 2016-17 there was a public survey conducted on Open City Hall and sent directly to the businesses on McClelland.  There were four options presented.  The first option was to keep the street exactly as it is now.  The rest were various combinations of a marked trail while maintaining car traffic and parking.

The general consensus was that the street should not stay the way it is now but there was a variety of opinions regarding the other three options.  In recently held meetings with new business owners, developers, and community members opinions have changed regarding the options.  No decisions have been made yet but will need to be made soon. Boulder Ventures will be finishing their project by next spring and McClelland Street curb and sidewalks near that project will be constructed this fall.

Call2Haul Program – Sophia Nicholas, Communications Manager Sustainability  Department

The Sustainability Department became a full department in 2016. Prior to that they were part of the Public Services Department.  They have 60 staff members who are responsible for the curbside pick up programs including recycling and the green waste program.  There are 10 employees who work in the policy office working on food and garden programs, carbon reduction plans, and an E2 program that helps small businesses with sustainability programs.

The Call2Haul Program is the new city program for bulk waste that will be replacing the Neighborhood Cleanup Program.  The old program had issues such as allowing pollutants to enter the storm water drainage system, and illegal dumping.

The city did a public survey regarding the Neighborhood Cleanup Program and received 4,100 responses which was very good.  They looked at several options including Call 2 Haul, a landfill voucher system, a dumpster fill pickup program, or continue with the existing program but with new restrictions to protect the waterways.  49% responded favorably to Call2Haul, 41% chose the existing program and far fewer chose the vouchers or dumpster programs.

Call2Haul was chosen to be the next program used for city cleanup.  This will be a 12 month, calendar year program with each resident getting one pickup per year, scheduled at the resident’s convenience.  Pickups will start in July.  There will be an expanded list of accepted materials including e-waste and tires.  Details can be found on the website

Zoning Text Amendment for Signs Located in the Open Space District

John Anderson, SLC Planning Division

Karen Sato, Salt Lake Tennis and Health Club

The Salt Lake Tennis and Health Club is sponsoring a zoning text amendment to allow larger signs to be displayed if they are located on their building in open space facing the freeway system.  The current open space zone limits signs to 60 square feet.  They would like to see that increased to 200 square feet.

The Tennis Club was part of the original SL Country Club until the freeway was built and the property was split.  That is how they came to be in the Opens Space Zone when they are really a commercial building and business.  The access to their property is marked with a small sign on 17th East which is a residential street.  They would like to be able to advertise their programs on the side of their building which faces the freeway.  The signs need to be large enough that people traveling at freeway speeds to be able to read them. They also feel that the larger signs deter taggers who paint graffiti on the walls.

For more information regarding the text amendment go to the Sugar House Community Council website.   Judi will be compiling comments to send to the Planning Commission.  The text amendment has to go to the Planning Commission and then to City Council for approval.

Spot Light on Business – Will Kocher for Michael G. Kavanagh

Angelina Nelson – Franchise Owner Exit Realty

Exit Realty is a international organization with a franchise office located on Wilmington Ave.  Angelina trains and mentors other brokers in addition to selling homes.  Exit Realty is a large, privately owned, real estate company that is 5th largest in the US and 2nd in sales in Canada.

Exit Realty focuses on agent training and independence, branding, paperless technology, and a sharing culture where they share clients and profits. Exit also provides charitable contributions out of their profits to help people get into housing along with other charitable programs such as Candles for Hope, People helping People, and Homes for Heroes.

Mayor’s Office and City Council Updates – Amy Fowler, City Council District 7

Nate Salazar, SLC Mayor’s Associate Director of Community Empowerment

The City Council approved a .05% sales tax increase that will add approximately 25 million dollars to the city treasury this fiscal year.  The funds are earmarked for increased police officer compensation and hiring more officers, affordable housing, transit, and roads and infrastructure.  They are also looking at a 87 million dollar bond to fund one-time expenses like the back log of road repairs in Salt Lake. The budget should be ready for a city council vote by mid June.

Tour de Utah is coming back to Salt Lake City for one of the stages on Aug 10th.  It will be a similar route as last year in the Avenues and Capital hill.

The Mayor’s Office is working with a veteran’s group on a Memorial Day Freedom Walk.  It will start at 8:30 am on Memorial Day in Memory Grove.  It is a 1.5 mile walk to honor our veterans.

The mayor released a statement regarding the executive order for the timely release of police body cam videos.  Nate left copies of that statement on the back table.

This Saturday there will be an Salt Lake City Open Streets Event.  Go on line for more information.

Amy answered a question about how the streets are prioritized for repair.  Many factors including federal standards are used to determine how streets are prioritized.  There is a large report that was compiled for Salt Lake City.

Amy stated that in regards to the new police officers, there has been a very low applicant pool.  They are conducting a study to look at other ways the funds could help the police department if they don’t end up hiring the targeted number of officers.  The study will be out by fall and will help prioritize spending for the department.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:03pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]