Meeting Minutes, May 4, 2016

Meeting Minutes, May 4, 2016

Trustees Present: Teddy Anderson, Sally Baraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Stacey Carroll, Landon Clark, Tina Escobar-Taft, Deb Henry, Topher Horman, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Susan Koelliker, Joedy Lister,  Eric McGill, Larry Migliaccio, David Mulder, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Rawlins Young, Bryce Williams

Trustees Excused: Michael G. Kavanagh, Mike Bagley

Trustees Unexcused: Lucy Hawes, Sue Ann Jones, Jason Smurthwaite, Natalie Watkins


Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Amy Barry, SHCC Chair

Minutes Approved Unanimously. Sally Made the motion and Judi seconded the motion.

Chair Announcements: Amy Barry

-The household hazardous waste starts May 5th. 7 AM to 10 AM at the Mount Olympus Pavilion in Sugar House Park. Others June 2nd and June 30th.

Police Report:  Detective Ashdown

-Crime down overall in District 7

– Crosswalks are being monitored more closely. 24 tickets written in 1 hour.

-Speedwatch on SLCPD website is a reporting mechanism to report speeding complaints with follow up from the department.

-Bike squad has started up again in Sugar House. Shifts are currently staggered.

– Skateboarders on Monument Plaza have also been given a warning about skating on the plaza.

Public Comments Not on the Agenda

-A community member thanked Amy for her work on advocating for the opening of the playground at Fairmont Park. Amy mentioned that the playground should be opening around the end of May.

-Sally mentioned the Music Stroll happening June 11th from 3-8. Everyone is encouraged to come out and enjoy all the local bands. There will also be 8 food trucks.

– A motion was put forward by Judi to support the costs of having a booth at the Sugar House 4th of July festival. Tina seconded the motion. Joedy passed out a preliminary sign up sheet for trustees to sign up for different shifts to staff the booth.

Treasurer Report, Larry Migliaccio

-Balance stands at $5,799.00


Sugar House Farmers Market, Amy Buchanan

-Will be on Wednesday evenings in Freemont Park

-5-8 PM starting June 8th and concluding October 26th.

– Still looking for sponsors for the market.

[email protected] for more information.

-POP Program stands for Power of Produce. Vouchers can be earned based on participation in the market such as trying food from a vendor, etc.

-There will be monthly events at the market such as kid specific activities, yoga classes, maker fair, bike valet, etc.

-Still looking for volunteers.


Seven Canyons Trust, Brian Tonetti: [email protected] or’

– New nonprofit

-Daylighting is the process of bringing underground water and streams above ground to it’s natural path. Something of which this group is promoting.

–  Urban interventions of residents to express themselves through arts and expression.

-Amy encouraged Brian to talk to Salt Lake Flood Control.

-A lot of the funding for this organization is through grant writing.


Leslie Castle, State School Board

-1 of 15 representatives on a state level.

-Represents Salt Lake City School District, Part of Granite, and all of Park City.

-Leslie encouraged everyone to be vocal and involved.

-Big issue on the state level is science standards such as global warming and human biology.


Elevate Buildings Presentation, Peter Nelson and Jamie Riccobono

– Buildings consume a lot of energy and where there is energy consumption there is also emissions.

-Salt Lake City hosting meetings with building owners, energy providers, etc to address strategies for better air quality.

-American Lung Association released report that SLC received an F in short term particle pollution which means we went from 7th worst air quality to 6th worst air quality.

-40% of all air pollution comes from buildings. Water Heaters, Furnaces, etc all contribute to this pollution.

-Survey at open city hall to access air pollution.


Committee Reports

Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short

Verizon Wireless2066 South 2100 East At the LUZmeeting April 18 , we had a presentation and the land use committee agreed to forward a favorable recommendation to the Planning Commission for an (antenna) on the top of the building at NW corner of 2100 South and 2300 East  (Former Great Harvest location)  The utiliity box will be at the rear of the building, and this antenna will be about 10?? feet high and barely visible from the street.  The LUZ took a vote and decided that this was straightforward and did not need to come to the SHCC for a presentation.  I have written a letter to the Planning Commission recommending approval.
SH Fire Station 33 – I think we will be able to have a discussion with the city to explain our position that the new Fire Station design needs to look more like the traditional Sugar House, so it fits into the neighborhood better.  The planner has asked to come and address the Sugar House Community Council at the June meeting, and there may be other opportunities to make an impact.
Westminster College Rezone on 1300 East The City Council had this on their Work Session yesterday, and feedback I got indicated there was not much support for this, except for Lisa Adams.  This will be on the May 24 City Council meeting for a Public Hearing at 7 p.m.  The Council is tentatively scheduled to take action June 7.
Sugar House Streetcar Corridor Master Plan and Zoning Amendment – We have not seen this for about 15 months.  We wrote our first letter to Planning in December of 2012, so this project has taken 3 1.2 years.  We have put the reports on our website right on the slider, so you can look at it.This is a pretty major rezone of a number of parcels, and form-based code is new to Sugar House.  This will be on the May 24 City Council meeting for a Public Hearing at 7 p.m.  The Council is tentatively scheduled to take action June 7.
Cornell Appeal at approximately 1724 E 2700 South – Amir Cornell the owner of the residential property located at the above listed property has filed an Appeal of the Planning Commission decision PLNPCM2015-01034 that determined a second accessory structure (shed) on the subject parcel must be removed in order to not exceed the maximum accessory structure coverage of 720 square feet. The subject parcel is zoned R-1/7000 (Single-Family Residential) and is located within Council District 7, represented by Lisa Ramsey Adams. (Staff contact: Chris Lee at 801-535-7706 or [email protected]) Case Number PLNZAD2016-000
3120 Richmond Street – The request was to rezone the parcel from RO Residential Office to CB.  The Planning Commission voted to forward a negative recommendation to the City Council.  The planner said that Richmond Street and 3300 South would have a light rail stop and the higher zoning was warranted.  This came out of the Wasatch Front Regional Council Plan, and is planned for some 30 years from now.
Trolley Wings application for a club liquor license will be on the May 11 meeting of the  Planning Commission
974 East 2100 South – John Gardiner has filed an application for 150 apartments on the corner, taking up the parcel where Subway and the school supply businesses are now located.  We have not yet seen the plans


Parks, Open Space, and Trails: Sally Baraclough

-Carole Straughn reviewed the Utah native tree and shrub list and the native grass and
wildflower list that she obtained through her conversations with Dr. Ty Harrison who is
an adjunct biology professor at Westminster College. He has offered to assist us with
our efforts to improve the I-80, 13th East freeway interchange by giving us a field tour
of the interchange areas near his home in the Midvale/Sandy area. He also
recommended that we reach out to the UDOT Landscape Architect for advice on how to

-We will also be reaching out to other organizations such as Tree Utah and SL County
Parks Department regarding acquiring plants and maintenance and watering of the
trees and plants after they are planted.

-There continues to be ongoing discussion between the residents living near the east
end of Driggs Avenue and UDOT regarding the purchase of surplus property in the

-Sally reminded the group that Friday, April 22nd was Earth Day. Everyone was invited
to join in activities conducted in Hidden Hollow. 4th graders from Highland Park
Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary were given lessons about what makes up a
natural area and how to protect our outdoor spaces.


Transportation: Larry Migliaccio

-Larry was elected new Chair and thanked Deb Henry for all her work as the previous Chair.

-New members to the committee will e Steve Kirkegaard, Landon Clark, Bryce Williams, and Milton Brazelton.

-Next meeting May 16th at 7:00 will a focus on University of Utah Transportation Master Plan.

-June 20th meeting will have a focus on parking in Sugar House from Salt Lake City Transportation Department.


Arts and Culture: Laurie Bray

-Sugar Days was organized by the Chamber, but there is hope to include the council next year.

-Sugar House Art Walk is the 2nd Friday of every month.


Historic Signs: Joedy Lister

-Joedy talked about the mission of the committee to get as many signs up and running as possible. Noting that not everything could be tackled by the committee.

– Stark Steering sign will come on board on Friday, June 3rd. There will be a ceremony and open house. This is across from the Sugar House Post Office.

-Utah Heritage Foundation has a walking tour app of Sugar House and will feature the historic signs of Sugar House.


Jami Iwamoto: State Representative

-Jami Iwamoto stopped by the council meeting.

-Recommended going to to see bills.

-Bills for 2017 session will start to be due May 11th.


Spotlight on Business:  Shawarma King

-Located at 2223 S. Highland Drive

-Restaurant focused on Middle Eastern cuisine.

-Hours are from 11 AM- 10 PM

-Samples were provided to the council and community members.


Mayor’s Office:  Hildegard Koenig

-Hildegard introduced herself as a new community liaison for the mayor’s office.

-Hildegard will be periodically attending  the Sugar House Community Council meetings.


City Updates: Lisa Adams

– Lisa reported that work is being done and a committee is being formed to access the Ute Car Wash on grounds of being a nuisance. A vote will then be taken to decide if it will be demolished.

-Lisa noted that the mayor presented her budget and aligned with a lot of recommendations of the City Council.

-Comments on the budget will be made on May 24th.

-The City Council also approved Mike Brown as the new Chief of Police.

-Under state law the Mayor is the executive director of the RDA. The mayor stated it would be referred as the Chief Executive Officer. Lisa expressed some confusion around semantics and language.


Library Updates: Cherie Kofoed

-Cherie expressed appreciation of the council with flowers from the Sprague Branch Library.

Applications are open for Friends of the Library Board.

-Sounds of Summer concert series at Sprague Library will start happening. Still looking for music acts.


Meeting adjourned at 8:57 PM

















Landon Clark
[email protected]