Meeting Minutes November 2, 2016

Meeting Minutes November 2, 2016

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustees Present:  Teddy Anderson, Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Landon Clark, Topher Horman, Sue Ann Jones, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Susan Koelliker,  Larry Migliaccio, Dave Mulder, Maggie Shaw, Rawlins Young, Bryce Williams

Trustees Excused:  Michael G. Kavanagh, Joedy Lister, Judi Short, Jason Smurthwaite

Trustees Unexcused: Tina Escobar-Taft, Lucy Hawes, Deborah Henry, Eric McGill

The meeting was called to order by Landon Clark, Chair at 7:00pm

Motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Benny Keele, seconded by Topher Horman.  The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

There were no new trustee petitions, and no expiring trustee petitions.  Two trustees resigned from the board, Stacey Carroll from Forest Dale, and Maggie Shaw from Westminster.

The current trustee contact information was distributed for additions and corrections.  Sally will update the list and distribute it electronically to the trustees.

Treasurer Report: Larry Migliaccio

The current balance in the account is $5226.81.  There a deposit of $491 made today that is not included in the balance.  The deposit comes from the sales of coasters and a $27 donation. There was a $41 expense for the storage unit.  The storage unit is a monthly expense.

Amy brought coasters to the meeting. There are 3 different styles and they are $30 for a set of four. An order form for the coasters is on our website and in the newsletter.

Fire Department Report: Captain Kauffmann

They have started construction on Station #14.  Construction on Station #3 (Sugar House Station) will start in the spring of 2017. The final design plans will be approved in the next few weeks.

Chief Dell, SLC Fire Department retired.  Interviews for his replacement will be conducted starting next week.

As the holidays are approaching we were warned to be careful with turkey deep fat fryers and to not leave candles unattended.

Police Department Report: Detective Ashdown

We were given a reminder of the crimes that increase as the weather gets colder and the holidays approach.  Car thefts increase as people leave their cars idling to warm up, and there is an increase of packages stolen from cars and those left on doorsteps after delivery.  Several suggestions to avoid having delivered packages taken from your doorstep include having a neighbor pick up deliveries, install an electronic surveillance system, have your packages delivered to the nearest FedEx or UPS store.  There are also new electronic notification systems that will notify you via your cellphone that a package has been delivered.  Electronic weight sensitive doormats are also available to notify when a package has been delivered and removed.

In response to a question from the audience, Detective Ashdown confirmed that officers are not re-certified semiannually in CPR.  They mainly rely on emergency responders to provide CPR.  He will follow up on this issue.

Detective Ashdown doesn’t have an exact count on the number of homeless living in the Sugar House area.  There are a variety of groups who conduct a census of the homeless.  The fire department has given a current estimation of around 20 in the Sugar House area, but that isn’t a firm number.  Detective Ashdown thought that sounds about right.

There have been 47 incidents of break-ins in the Country Club area over the past 10 months, eight in the same vacant residence that had squatters breaking in.  14 were car burglaries, some were cars broken into while parked in garages.  There was an arrest of one suspect on Oct 16th who was breaking into homes. Even with 47 incidents, this area is still one of the areas in SLC with the least number of crimes.  Detective Ashdown is uncertain that all crimes are being reported and encouraged reporting because police department staffing is data driven.

Public Comments not on the agenda:

Benny Keele recognized Trustee Dave Mulder’s birthday with a cake and card from the community council.

Amy stated that in lieu of purchasing a Christmas tree this year for the plaza, we will likely be donating money to the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce for Christmas lights that will be placed on 11th East, north of 21st South. Laurie said the the Chamber spent about $12,000 last year for the lights and are looking for sponsors and donations to help with the expense.  Washington Mutual sponsors the lights on the Sugarmont Plaza.


McClelland Trail and Parley’s Trail: Colin Quinn-Hurst, SLC Transportation

These two trails intersect near the corner of the McClelland and Sugarmont and are in close proximity to the termination of the S-line in Sugar House.

The McClelland Trail follows the Jordan-Salt Lake City Canal that extends from Utah Lake in Utah County to the Eagle Gate area of downtown SLC.  The current trail project covers just a small portion of the entire length of the canal. A section of the canal runs under the Monument Plaza and is commemorated with a plaque on the plaza.

Construction is underway on the McClelland Trail from 8th South to 21st South. This is Phase 1 of the project and is the easiest section.  Phase 2 will be from 21st South to Fairmont Park and is in the planning stages.  The current focus is on the section on McClelland Street. There are 3 options for design that can be viewed on the council web-site. All designs include a pedestrian light at McClelland and 21st South.

Bolder Ventures is interested in constructing portions of the McClelland Trail on McClelland and Parley’s Trail on Sugarmont where those trails boarder their project on the Granite Furniture block. Because of the construction schedule for this development, the Transportation Dept would like to finalize the trail designs in the next 1-2 months.

Comments regarding the trail design can be left on the Sugar House Community website or at

Parley’s Trail on Sugarmont is being designed to come out into the street where the current planter troughs are located.  This section will run from Highland Dr. to a new plaza being designed and built by Boulder Ventures on the corner of Sugarmont and McClelland.

Community Development Corp of Utah: Jason Cronin    501 East 1700 South 

The Community Development Corporation is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1990.  They assist aspiring homeowners on the path to home ownership, develop sustainable and affordable housing, revitalize neighborhoods and communities, and promote self-sufficiency through home ownership.

Some of the services they provide include:

  • Home buyer preparation and advising
  • Financial management for homeowners
  • Foreclosure prevention counseling

They also provide mortgage loans and down payment assistance for those who income qualify, which is approximately $59,000 annual income for a family of four.

In addition they build new homes and renovate existing homes to provide affordable housing for the community.  For those who qualify, they provide low interest loans for critical home repairs and energy efficiency upgrades.

The Community Development Corporation is funded half through government grants and half through private donations.

For more information go to or call 801-994-7222

Committee Reports
Parks, Open Space, and Trails: Sally Barraclough

This committee did not meet in October.

Sally reported that there was a volunteer clean up activity in the Draw in October.  Volunteers and county employees removed weeds that had taken over the perennial planting beds.  Some of the large shrubs have died and will be replaced by the county in the spring.  She encouraged those present to walk through the Draw and see the improvements from this project.

Land Use and Zoning: report submitted by Judi Short, presented by Landon Clark

This committee did not meet in October.

On Oct 12th the Planning Commission heard the plans for the Dixon Building proposal on 2144 S. Highland Dr. and the Mariott Spinghill Suites to be located between the old Toys R Us and the Taco Bell.  Both projects were approved.

The next meeting will be Monday, Nov 21st at 6pm in the Sprague Library.  On the agenda will be a new fuel center for the Brickyard Harmons and Sego Homes proposal for 5 single-family town homes at 2594 South 800 East.

Transportation: Larry Migliaccio

This committee did not meet in October.

The next meeting may be a joint meeting with POST to discuss the McClelland Trail options on McClelland Street.  There will also be a discussion regarding transportation issues surrounding the next three years of construction of projects taking place in Sugar House. Concerns and suggestions will be forwarded to Bill Knowles who will be assisting as a liaison between SH businesses, construction developers and the public. Bill will be forming a small committee to help address issues that arise during the construction.

Arts and Culture: Laurie Bray

The Santa Shack opens on November 26th (Saturday after Thanksgiving) with Santa arriving via firetruck. This will be this Santa’s thirteenth year.

Sugar House Farmer’s Market started a Holiday Market tonight which will run through December.  It is every Wednesday from 4-8pm at Wilmington Flats.

There will be a Winter Carnival the first Saturday in December.  It is still being planned but there will be activities all day at various locations throughout Sugar House.

Salt Lake City Notification Ordinance: Amy Barry

On open city hall there is a topic called “Recognized Community Organizations Ordinance”.  This is a proposed update of an existing ordinance by city planning. Changes will provide clarification to insure that the intent of early notification for proposed projects is being met.  There is one portion of the ordinance concerning the public notification process for developments that are located within 600 feet of two different community organization boundaries. The change would allow public notification in this case to occur through an open-house event rather than making presentations to the respective community organizations. The open-houses take place one Thursday a month at the City and County Building downtown which is not optimal for public discourse.

Amy encouraged trustees and community members to go to to comment about this change in the ordinance.

SLC Council Updates:  Lisa Adams, District 7 Councilman

The Dilworth tennis courts will be resurfaced in the spring. They will be striped for both tennis and pickle ball.

The CIP budget was approved last night. Included in the budget is funding for slurry sealing and re striping the road in Sugar House Park.  This expense is being shared with SL County and the SH Park Authority.

The SLC Council acting as the RDA Board took $21 million in funding from the RDA to work on affordable housing.  This reallocation did not affect any projects in Sugar House.  It was determined that some projects that were going to be funded through the RDA were actually eligible for impact fee funds.  Some of these projects include the McClelland Trail, parts of Parley’s Trail, and the Hawk Light on 21st South.

The moratorium on impact fees will not end until the spring of 2017. This is because there is a 90 day period following the approval of the new plan which won’t happen until sometime in December.  One of the changes includes authorizing the council to approve expenditures for projects throughout the city instead of only small restricted areas.  For clarification Lisa mentioned that throughout the moratorium impacts fees were collected for public utilities for water and sewer lines which was very important for Sugar House.

The DI building is on the list for city owned buildings that could potentially become a homeless shelter, however this was an all inclusive list and the DI building doesn’t meet the criteria for a shelter facility. It could be considered for an emergency only, winter overflow facility for families.  That is still unlikely because there are not enough bathrooms, no showers, and significant HVAC issues.

The mayors office and the city council are working together to determine four sites throughout the city that could potentially host a homeless resource center.  These centers are to hold no more than 150 individuals and must meet a list of criteria regarding the location. The four sites will be announced on November 21st.  The public process will start after that with input taken on design, type of population for each center, and services to be offered.  A resource center is not the same as a shelter.  The resource centers will offer job counseling, drug and mental health treatments, and other services in addition to showers and a place to sleep. $12 million has been allocated to purchase property for these centers.  That money is reimbursable by the state and county.

Mayor’s Office Report: Hildegard Koenig and Nate Salazar

Operation Diversion has been an on-going operation by the SLC Police Dept to bring in individuals from around the Rio Grande area to assess their situation, arrest those with outstanding warrants and process others for treatment.  There have been three different diversion days with a total of 119 people sent for treatment, 18 arrests, and 2 sent to the hospital.  The mayor’s office has received positive comments from relatives of some of those who have been sent to treatment.  They are also receiving positive feedback from business owners in the area.

After the announcement of the homeless resource center locations on Nov 21st, the city will be conducting community engagement workshops starting the week of Nov. 28th to allow the community to weigh in on the project.

The Mayor’s Office of Community Empowerment has reorganized and the liaison for our district in the future will be Nate Salazar.  He will be working in Districts 3,5,and 7.

Library Announcements: Cherie Kofoed

There is an on-line financial safety course starting this Monday at 6pm.  It is a two part course. Contact the library for more information.

The Sprague Library will be one of the locations for activities for the Winter Carnival on Dec 3rd.

Meeting adjourned at 8:52pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]