Meeting Minutes, November 4, 2015

Meeting Minutes, November 4, 2015

Trustees Present: Teddy Anderson, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Stacey Carroll, Landon Clark, Tina Escobar-Taft, Deb Henry,  Topher Horman, Sue Ann Jones, Michael G Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegard, Susan Koelliker, Joedy Lister, Larry Migliaccio, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Carole Straughn, Christopher Thomas, Rawlins Young, Natalie Watkins,Bryce Williams

Trustees Excused Absent: Lucy Hawes

Trustees Absent: David Mulder

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Amy Barry, SHCC Chair

Approval of minutes: Carole moves to approve, Judi seconds and the minutes were approved unanimously.


Treasurer Report:  Larry Migliaccio

The balance before the start of the meeting was $4,421.13. Two small checks were written before the meeting began. Two donations were given to the SHCC. One for $300 from the Sugar House Chamber and from the United Way for $21.81.

Chair Announcements: Amy Barry

Amy mentioned Love Utah, Give Utah which raised $1,400. With that and the chamber donation of $300 brings the amount for the holiday tree to $1,700. Amy made a motion to specifically spend the money on it’s designated purpose of a holiday tree.

Further discussion about tree options were had. Those at Modern Display were quoted at anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000. Amy noted that she had seen a 15 foot tree for $1,400.

Sally seconded the motion to use the funds as planned. The motioned passed.

Amy brought up the petition for the proposed demolition of the car wash on Windsor and 2100 South. Petition is on the SHCC Facebook page and can be shared around. Currently has around 100 signatures on it.Amy mentioned that the Forestdale  Golf Course and Clubhouse has been listed on the natural register of historical places.

Fire Department Report:  No Report

Police Report: Det. Lowe

-Detective Lowe mentioned the use of the Nextdoor App and encouraged the council and audience to use the app if they are not doing so already

-Over the last month and this month last year, the burglaries and arsons in District 7 have gone down

-Extra enforcements around 24 hour fitness

–  Detective Lowe reminded us about the time of year and to not leave items in our vehicles or leaving our vehicles running.-Lisa Adams asked what should be done with old medicine. Detective Lowe said it could be brought to the Police Department Downtown. Tina said it can be brought to the Memorial Medical Center and Sally reminded us of the various medical waste days. Pharmacies cannot take the medication

– Amy asked about continuing presence of bike control.  Det Lowe said they will try to continue to be in the area when the weather is permitting.

-28 burglaries in District 7 this month compared to 32 last month. 146 thefts and larcenies last month compared to 127 this month.

Secretary Report: Bryce Williams

-No new petitions brought forth to the council. Maggie’s term expires in January and Christopher’s expires in January.

-New directories were passed out. Digital copies can be distributed upon request

-Amy mentioned a flyering initiative around the McClelland development. Teddy and Topher will lead the flyering  to raise awareness around the meeting coming up.

Public Comments for items not on the agenda:

  • Cabot  Nelson had some comments in regards to Fairmont Park and  reported appreciation about the demolishing of the existing structure, but shared frustration that something new has not been put in place. Amy said she would contact Bruce Brown for updates on the new structure. Looks as though it had to be ordered.
  • Teddy asked Lisa Adams about the carwash. Lisa mentioned Judi’s email. After the “sugar hole”, city council decided a new demolition ordinance was needed. Hard to get a permit, so people don’t get them. Judi suggested a per-day penalty. Lisa Adams will report back next month.



Music and Memory Program- Ellie Goldberg

-Program through Jewish Family Services, by providing a personal playlist. National movement, but Jewish Family Services does it in home. Through personal interview finds out what the patients like and giving them an ipod and headphones. Connects patients and families with other resources. Other assisted living facilities have a program, but only for their clients.

-Conducting an ipod drive for working ipods and itunes gift cards. Box at Sprague branch library and at Jewish Family Services. Ellie mentioned watch the documentary “Alive Inside” to highlight the type of work they are doing.

-The music can decrease negative symptoms and re-engage patients with those they love through bringing back memories.


Crosswalks Update-  Scott Vaterlaus, SLC Transportation

–  Requests for crosswalks to be painted. Some more costly than others. Have painted around McClelland and Elm , 900 E and Elm.

–  Scott mentioned that painting lines is not always the safest and easiest thing to do. Doesn’t want to give pedestrians a false sense of security.

–  Scott mentioned the hawk lights which are over $100,000.  Scott talked about some of the difficult intersections along 2100 S.  City is looking at these intersections and using the resources they have to do the best they can.

-Amy asked how often the crosswalks are painted. Scott said that the crosswalks are painted every year, but some could be missed.

-Deb asked about the city philosophy on speed bumps. City does no longer use speed bumps. Finding to be ineffective, because people will go faster and not feel the speed bump or will move over to other streets without the speedbumps. Stop signs were mentioned, but Scott mentioned that stop signs are used to assign right away, and not so much to slow people down.

-Amy asked about repurposing  hawk lights. Scott said it is possible, but factors such as traffic around the side streets could negatively could be impacted by that.

-George Chapman asked about left hand turn lanes along 2100 S.  Scott said shutting down some of those left-hand turn lanes could bring more traffic to other areas. More community input would need to be considered before those decisions are made.


 Sugar House Chamber Dues- Amy Barry, SHCC Chair

-Amy made note that chamber dues were coming up. $199 before the new year. Judi made a motion accept the renewal, maggie seconded. Motion passed.


Special Presentation- Sally Barraclough

Sally brought back sugar beets from eastern oregon for the council to see and taste. Sally thought that many people may not have ever seen a sugar beet or even have tasted it.

Inversion School Prep- Tina Escobar Taft

  • Tina works with Utah Moms for Clean Air . Tina asked us to  reach out to school administrations in our areas to make sure they have no idling signs at their pickup and drop off areas. Contact Tina to get these signs.
  • Tina gave suggestions such as carpooling, planning our trips, and adjusting our thermostats.
  • Judi asked about school busses. Legislation coming up to make all school busses natural gas.


Committee Reports- 

Land Use and Zoning- Judi Short

-City Council will vote on November 10 whether or not to move the Fire Station #3 to the parking lot of Forestdale Golf Course on 900 East.

-Plan Salt Lake – Public Hearing November 17 and December 1 at the City Council.
Nov 10 – Public Hearing for Off Street Parking Ordinance,

-Accessory Dwelling Units will go to the City Council, but probably not until January. We have to find time on our Land Use Committee agenda to discuss this issue and formulate recommendations to the City Council.

-The proposed Streetcar Corridor Zoning will be coming back to the City Council shortly.  t that time we will probably have a draft ordinance to review.  Watch for it.

-Vision Committee is working on identifying where in the Master Plan the statements in the Vision Statement come from.

-Demolition Ordinance  it was significantly altered a few years ago after a few years of lively debate at the City Council level. The changes definitely made it more difficult for property owners to get demolition permits.

-The owner of this property has been in to discuss reuse of the property and to request a demolition permit. However, the ordinance requires that the actual plans and permit application are submitted and paid for PRIOR to us issuing a demolition permit. It also requires a bond to be posted for landscaping the lot if the replacement use is not completed in a timely manner – 18 months.

-The agenda for the November Land Use Committee will be:

5:30 p.m. 720 Ashton Avenue – Conditional Use for a Bed and Breakfast to convert to a Group Home. 6:00p.m. Boulder Ventures 2189 S McClelland proposal for a 10 story apartment building with 490 units.


Parks, Open Space, and Trails- Sally Barraclough

-Sally gave a report on the public meeting held at Tracy Aviary on October 7th regarding the McClelland Trail design. The meeting provided an opportunity for members of the community to provide input on the design concepts. The trail has received funding and construction is scheduled to start in 2016. The trail will extend from 800 South to just south of the I-80 freeway near airmont Park. There is still time to provide feedback by going to the SLC Transportation website and clicking on “McClelland Trail”. You can also receive email updates from that website.

– The POST Committee had a discussion about the Federal program called the Land and Water Conservation Fund.  This is a fund that was started in 1965 and is funded by a portion of the oil and gas royalties from drilling on public lands.  No taxpayer money is used to fund the program.  The amount going to the LWCF is currently $2.5 million a day.  The money is used to provide grants for outdoor facilities, parks, trails, baseball fields etc. and historical preservation.  In it’s 50 yr history, the program has funded $171 million in projects in Utah alone.   –

-In spite of bipartisan support, the LCWF program expired in September of this  year because Utah Representative, Rob Bishop, who is Chairman of the House National Resources Committee refused to allow the program to be considered for renewal.

-At next months meeting, POST Committee will be drafting a letter to all of Utah’s congressional representatives urging them to support the reinstatement of the LWCF. They will likely make a motion to the entire SHCC next month to also send a letter supporting this program.

  • Lastly, they worked with two guests who attended the meeting who are pursuing a splash pad for Sugar House Park. Their names are Sophia Ortiz and Ericka Burnell and they live in the Sugar House area. Sophia spoke briefly at one of our SHCC meetings. The committee advised them how to get started, and told them that they would have to pursue funding sources other than Sugar House Park authority. The committee also made sure they knew this would be a long term project that may not come to fruition, but they have the POST Committee Support. The committee will keep SHCC informed as this group continues their efforts.


Transportation- Deb Henry
–  Utah one of top 5 in the nation for cycling and walkability
– Deb urged us to use crash and collision instead of accident because it can be prevented.
– S- Line hours have been increased.
– Prop 1 did not pass in Salt Lake County. Improvements have been made by UTA. They are reaching out to the public, but without prop 1 passing their hands are tied a bit.
– 600 E. is a protected bike boulevard. Actuation push buttons lights will turn on for you. Accessible via s-line.
Arts and Culture- Laurie Bray
– Sugar House Santa Shack will open November 28
– Sugar House Chamber is looking for sponsorship this year to help light up Sugar House this year.
– RDA helped commission a beautiful painting of the plaza.
Historic Signs- No report
Business Spotlight- No report
City Updates- Lisa Adams
– City Council Unanimously voted to approve $750,000 in matching funds for the Sego Lily project in Sugar House Park. Received an email that with transition in city leadership there may be a lot of contracts that may have to be bought out. Lisa will keep an eye on this.
– Funding for Tiger grant was not received for expansion of the S- Line
– 2300 E and 2100 S. Many neighbors in the area complaining about speeds. Flashing light is needed, but no one wants the light on their strip. Working to find a spot for it.
– Public hearing for zoning for 700 E and 2100 S. Council said it can go to 105 feet if there was 20% affordable housing.  Problem if over 70 feet it has to be steel construction, but it is expensive and thus getting the 20% affordable housing will be difficult.
Library Updates- Dolly Rauh
– A branch library hours survey is out to the public to assess if the libraries are open the public would like to use them. Has nothing to do with main library 24/7 proposal.
Meeting adjourned at 9:01










Landon Clark
[email protected]