03 Dec Meeting Minutes November 6, 2019
Trustees Present: Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Laurie Bray, Jeremy Chatterton, Landon Clark, Mary Clark, Benny Keele, Will Kocher, Dayna McKee, Rich Knickerbocker, Lynn Schwarz, Judi Short, Shane Stroud, George Sumner, Levi Thatcher, Erika Wiggins.
Trustees Excused: Susan Koelliker, Sue Ann Jones, Andrew Dale, Larry Migliaccio, Steve Kirkegaard, Meggi Trioli, Sue Watson.
Trustees Unexcused: Chris Sveiven, Adam Weinacker
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by Landon Clark, Chair SHCC. A motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Judi Short and a 2nd by Sally Barraclough and approved by trustees.
Welcomed everyone and thanked all for taking the time to join our meeting. Also welcomed Lynn Schwarz to the board and thanked her for her donation of cookies.
Celebration of Life for Rawlins Young
The Family of Rawlins Young is having a Celebration of Life –
Date & Time: November 10, 2019 at 4 pm
Place: First Unitarian Church 569 South 1300 East (parking is in the back– past the house on the North though the parking lot turn south travel to far south end).
We are working to get bench or two placed to honor Rawlins. More details to follow.
Sugar House University Health Clinic
The grand opening of the Sugar House University Health Clinic is on November 14th from 5-7 pm. There will be tours, food, music, etc.
Millcreek Boundary Hearing
The City Council will hold a public hearing on a new proposal that incorporates the area bounded by 1300 East, Highland Drive, Miller Avenue and Woodland Avenue, and a roundabout at approximately 2300 East and 2700 South into Millcreek. Both parties have agreed that this and any future potential boundary adjustments will not include the area known as Brickyard Plaza.
The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 7 p.m. The City of Millcreek will also hold a public hearing on Monday, November 25 at 7 p.m.
Holiday Social December 10, 2019
We are going to have our third annual Holiday social in combination with the Sugar House Chamber on December 10th from 6-8 pm at Market Source Real Estate. There will be food, beverages. Everyone is welcome.
Secretary Report – Erika Wiggins
Asked all trustees to please update contact info.
Treasurer Report- Mike Bagley
$14558.08 few last bills from Backyard Bash. New PayPal account has been created, new link will be added soon.
Community Announcements
District 7 CIU Detective Cooper Landvatter
- Slight spike in vandalism over Halloween, not as much as years past. Crackdown on homeless camping in Fairmont.
- Do not post on social media that you are our of town, especially over the holidays.
- Use SpeedWatch to report traffic issues for enforcement.
Area 6 SLC Civil Enforcement Officer, Julie Lepore
She is the representative for the area. Slc.gov.civilenforcement Answered questions and concerns.
900 East Update – SLC Transportation Engineer, Jenna Carver
Project is planned from Hollywood to 2700S. Looking at whole street. Utilities first. 2021 project. A protected bike lane could be an option. An open House will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2019 meeting at Game Night – 4:00 – 6:00. There will also be a survey available by Saturday on slc.gov.mystreet
Michael G.’s Spotlight on Business – Edward Jones
Daniel Kim and Bill Anderson – Both are West Point graduates. They shared a presentation on financial planning and investing. They don’t have proprietary products that would create a conflict of interest. Every transaction is also audited by an independent auditing department. Their accounts have an “insignificant” minimum investment.
Tennis Court Survey Results and Real Salt Lake Proposal – Kyle Strayer, Special Projects Assistant and Salt Lake City Director of Communities and Neighborhoods, Marcia White
One thing that was clear from the survey was the community wants the location to remain open space/recreation. Nothing is set in stone yet. “We heard you in July,” stated White.
Real Salt Lake (RSL) VP of Community Relations, Mary VanMinde
Overview of a potential concept for the site by Method Architects. They would re-build the Boys and Girls Club building. This would be a gift from RSL and would be given to the City. Would be tied into Fairmont Park where visitors could move from facility to facility without walking on the street. Improved bike lanes and sidewalks. Lots of open plazas and outdoor gathering areas. Additional layer of parking would be under building if funding can be found from City and County. Their goal is to give back to the community.
Current building is outdated and is falling apart and was originally office space turned into a “boys” club, not unisex. The lease is coming close to an end, so it has been hard to get investment into the building.
Open House will be held at 7:00pm Wednesday, November 13th, 2019 at the Boys and Girls Club
Committee Reports
Executive Committee Elections, Benny Keele
Ballots were distributed to trustees to complete during the meeting.
Motion was made by Sally B and 2nd by Benny Keele to remove responsibility for meeting minutes from the duty of the secretary. The duty would be shared by all trustees on a rotating basis. Motion approved.
Arts and Culture Committee – Meggie Trioli
- 20th Annual Clay Arts Sale November 29-30
- Pollination – Drinks by Water Fusions 4-5 Nov 15th.
- Committee meeting next Monday
Meeting adjourned 8:24