05 Nov Meeting Minutes October 2, 2019
Trustees Present: Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Laurie Bray, Jeremy Chatterton, Landon Clark, Mary Clark, Sue Ann Jones, Benny Keele, Susan Koelliker, Will Kocher, Dayna McKee, Rich Knickerbocker, George Sumner, Levi Thatcher, Erika Wiggins.
Trustees Excused: Andrew Dale, Larry Migliaccio, Judi Short, Shane Stroud, Meggi Trioli, Sue Watson
Trustees Unexcused: Steve Kirkegaard, Chris Sveiven, Adam Weinacker
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Landon Clark, Chair SHCC. A motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Jeremy Chatterton and a 2nd by Will Kocher and approved by trustees.
- Thank you again for taking the time to join us tonight. We do really appreciate the attendance. Lynn thank you for the treats again.
- October 25th is the 3rd Annual Project Homeless Connect at the Salt Lake Convention Center. They are looking volunteers to help run the event and to provide services.
- ACE (Arts Culture and Events) fund application are now open and will be open until October 31st. www.slc.gov/mayor/ace-fund/
- The family of Rawlins Young is having a Celebration of Life:
Date: November 10, 2019
Time: 4pm
Place: First Unitarian Church 569 South 1300 East (parking is in the back– past the house on the North though the parking lot turn south travel to far south end).
Secretary Report – Erika Wiggins
New petition from Lynn Schwarz, intro, vote. Motion by Sally B, Second Will Kocher, vote passed. Please check info on contact list & update as needed.
Treasurer Report – Mike Bagley
$14,981 – Backyard Bash bills paid. Thank you to Dana for taking such good care of the accounting.
Trustee Elections
Motion to move Elections to November meetings so as to line up with local elections was made by Benny Keele and seconded by Mike Bagley. Trustee vote approved the move to November.
Community Announcements
District 7 CIU – Detective Cooper Landvatter
More DUIs in Sugar House. Usually 2-3 month, now over 20. District 5 has had a huge spike in burglaries. Watch out because increased enforcement may push them into our area. It’s important to call the non-emergency if someone doesn’t fit. A typical look is someone riding a kid’s bike carrying a backpack. They will walk right into backyards. If it looks like they are in the process of a robbery, call 911.
For speeding, use Speed Watch to report. This will increase enforcement in the area for 1 month. It can be found on the SLCPD website.
SLC Department of Communities and Neighborhoods – Deputy Director, Jennifer McGrath
Presented a slide show explaining the organization and duties of each department.
- Permits and inspections. Permit turnaround times have decreased steadily.
- Engineering
- Housing and Neighborhood Development – Now a Blue-Ribbon Commission. Affordable housing is a large focus.
- Planning – Helps the City adapt to change. Links master plan goals to development. Also, historic preservation.
- Transportation Division – Support the movement of people and good. Safety improvements, traffic signals, some aspects of parking, transit planning, HIVE Pass, Multi-modal transportation.
Also oversees:
- Civic Engagement
- Capital Asset and Real Estate – Responsible for guidance and oversight for the City’s capital assets. The Capital Improvement Project Coordinator is also in this group.
Sugar House Boys and Girls Club Director – Jamie Dunn, Director of Operations
Introduced Anna Resch, the new Director of the local club.
Fairmont Aquatic Center – Bess Thompson, Director
- They are in major need of lifeguards. Starting pay is around $9.50-$10.00 hour. They will pay training if they pass the swim test.
- The center has fun new toys for the pools. There have been more homeless visitors using the showers, however they have been respectful.
Salt Lake City Public Utilities – Jesse Stewart, Deputy Director
Four major utilities:
- Drinking Water
- Lighting
- Storm Water
- Sewer
Working on several projects including:
Sugar House Well – November
The project will include removing one tree and replacing it with four trees chosen by the County and City Park Authorities.
Replacing section of pipe on Hollywood near Salt Lake Pizza – Early 2020
It has been leaking. It will impact the local residents and they are going to do outreach.
Sugar House Park Update – George Sumner, Sugar House Park Authority
- There are problem activities going on under the bridges near the pump house and several pavilions. First, they will develop the trails a little bit to encourage pedestrian traffic (and visibility). They are also going to clear some brush, not all, to make it less attractive to bad influences.
- Community Garden Planning is moving forward.
- Park Authority has submitted a CIP request to the City. It is to fund the first phase of pavilion rebuilding. Asked for a motion of support. Erika Wiggins made the motion, second by Sally Barraclough, Vote approved.
2020 US Census – DeAnn Zebelean
- They need 5200 employment applications to handle Salt Lake County. Positions are temporary ranging from 5-35 hours per week. It is also a civic service. Pays $17.00 hour, very flexible. Great on a resume. Must be 18 years of age and a citizen of the U.S.
- Complete Count Committees – Grassroots effort to build response rates.
Committee Reports
Arts, Culture and Events – Lori Bray
A few events coming up:
- Hidden Hollow Plant – October 11th dedication
- SLC Studio Tour – October 12-13th 10am – 6pm
District 7 City Councilwomen – Amy Fowler
- There is something in the works for the old tennis courts. It looks like it will be updated sports courts of some kind. More outreach will be done to get the input of nearby residents.
- RDA has done several projects recently, namely ownership initiatives.
SLC District 6 Liaison – Joshua Rebolla
- Project Homes Connect – To help homeless individuals and their families at the Salt Palace, they need volunteers.
- Discussed the U.S. Census and its importance
- Increased frequency bus service. – He brought flyers on the new routes.
Meeting adjourned 8:45pm