29 Oct Meeting Minutes October 3rd, 2018
Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes
Trustees Present: Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Landon Clark, Deb Henry, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Will Kocher, Dayna McKee, Larry Migliaccio, Benjamin Sessions, Judi Short, Jason Smurthwaite, George Sumner, Sue Watson, Adam Weinacker, Rawlins Young
Trustees Excused: Topher Horman, Sue Ann Jones, Chris Sveiven, Erika Wiggins
Trustees Unexcused: Camron Anderson, Laurie Bray, Mary Clark, Andrew Dale, Melanie Heath, Susan Koelliker, Dave Mulder, Shane Stroud
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Landon Clark, Chair SHCC
A motion to approve last month’s minutes was made by Larry, seconded by Judi. The motion passed unanimously with no corrections to the minutes.
Chair Announcements: Landon Clark
Landon thanked Legacy Village for the use of their meeting room, and Lynn Schwarz for bringing cookies.
He welcomed the Boy Scout Troops from Beacon Heights and Hillside Middle School who attended the meeting.
Sue Ann Jones, who was excused from the meeting, had Landon thank everyone who has donated food to the Highland High food pantry. There will be a food drive for the pantry in November. They are requesting more peanut butter, jelly, and granola bars.
George Sumner, Sugar House Park Authority Board, announced that the pond dredging will start in the next couple of weeks. The pond has been drained and as soon as it dries out they can start taking out truck loads of silt and dirt that have built up over the past 50 years. The goal is to make the pond deeper (6ft) to stop algae growth. The project is being paid for with ZAP funding. The new playground going in was also funded with ZAP tax.
The CIP application submitted by Sally for shade structures for the Imperial Park will be heard by SLC Council on Oct 16th.
Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough
There were no expiring trustee petitions, and no new petitions to consider.
Treasurer Report: Landon Clark for Mike Bagley
There is a balance of $6239.21 in the account.
Elections Committee: Benny Keele
October is the month for election of officers. Benny passed out ballots to the trustees. Trustees were instructed to vote for three vice-chairs.
Committee Reports:
Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short
The planning commission approved a townhome project located at 2593 South 700 East. This project will replace a duplex with four townhomes.
The home located at 2660 Highland Dr will be demolished and replaced with four single family homes. They will be situated on a court accessed from Cayton Way.
There will be a public comment period at the city council meeting on Oct 16th regarding Accessory Dwelling Units. This will be the final comment period before the city council makes a decision.
Transportation: Larry Migliaccio
The transportation committee met with people living in the Hollywood and Ramona neighborhood located just west of 11th east to discuss traffic issues in this area. They are submitting a CIP application requesting funds to pay for traffic control signage.
The transportation committee also submitted a CIP application requesting $500,000 for McClelland Street improvements. This is a long process and if approved, construction would not start until 2020.
Larry presented a motion that the Community Council submit a letter to the city requesting a delay for street improvement construction on 11th East in front of the Post Office until the construction on 13th East is completed next summer. The 11th East construction is approximately 1000 ft of repaving and curb reconstruction. Landon moved to accept the motion, Sally seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Larry and Landon will write the letter.
Fire Station #3: Jared, Paramedic from Station 3
Oct 7th-13th is National Fire Prevention Week. This year’s campaign theme is “Look, Listen, Learn”. “Look” for potential fire hazards and eliminate them. “Listen” for smoke alarms and evacuate to a predetermined location. “Learn” at least two escape routes from your home or workplace.
The new Fire Station 3 will be opening this month. There will be a grand opening celebration on Oct 10th from 10am to 6:30pm. Dignitaries from the city and the fire department will speak starting at 10am with a “fire hose cutting” to follow. The station is located at 2425 South 900 East. There will be fire prevention week activities from 4pm-6:30pm.
The fire fighters will be wearing pink shirts this month in support of breast cancer awareness.
Police Report: Detective Josh Ashdown, Community Intelligence Unit
Josh gave a presentation on the Police Department Website. He demonstrated the various screen shots that allow the public to access police data, register bikes, and make comments. The data tab is the area which shows the crime stats by area and types of crimes. There is also data available regarding use of force by police officers.
Landon noted that this may be Josh’s last meeting with us. He may be reassigned to a different district. The council thanked Josh for his work our district.
Construction Updates: Bill Knowles, SLC Ombudsman
The apartment project on 10th East and 21st South is nearing completion. 10th East will reopen by Friday and the building will start to be occupied by Monday.
The Boulder Ventures Sugarmont apartment complex is running 3-4 months behind schedule. They will be completing the road paving project on McClelland between Sugarmont and Elm in the next few weeks. McClelland will be completely redesigned in the coming months.
New hawk lights have been designed and funded, one for 21st South and one for Highland Drive. They are also planning to add crossing lights on Lincoln, 10th East, and Douglas.
The 13th East street project will continue through the end of the year. They are having to remove an old concrete road that was under the existing street which makes this a very difficult deconstruction.
For a full construction report go to the council website, www.sugarhousecouncil.org.
Fairmont Park Update: Tyler Murdock, Project Manager SLC Public Lands
The design plans for improvements to the off-leash dog parks are 70% complete. The Fairmont dog park will get new entrance gates, two new dog water fountains, dog agility amenities, and landscaping to help buffer the freeway noise. There will also be new benches added to the area. These improvements are being paid for with CIP funding.
There is also CIP funding for lighting the pathways in Fairmont Park. This will also include lights for the volleyball and pickle ball courts. A new CIP application was just submitted for lighting improvements for the skate park.
Michael G’s Spotlight on Business: Adam Weinacker
Adam will be providing the Spotlight on Business for future SHCC meetings.
F45 – Functional 45 (45 minute fitness training)
This type of fitness training was started in Australia in 2013. It involves 45 minutes of exercises the mimics everyday movements like squats, lifting, stretching, and twisting. An exercise coach puts members through the routine which changes each session. They welcome people of all ages older than 14 and of all conditioning abilities. They have been open 2 months and currently have 200 members. It costs $159 per month for unlimited visits and $99 per month for eight visits. There is student and military pricing. Go to www.F45training.com/sugarhouse for more information.
Library Update: Peter Bromberg, Executive Director SLC Library
Jeff Davis, Arch Nexus
Neely Leslie, Margaret Sullivan Studio
Jeff and Neely presented the results from the public outreach process that was conducted prior to the library flood. They found that the library needs multiple spaces to create, connect, and to read. The design will include library collections and a variety of seating arrangements. There will be a creative makers area and event areas.
They also presented architectural renderings of what the spaces will look like. The spaces will be modern and updated while maintaining the architecture of the building. Some areas will have folding walls to allow changing the size and configuration for a variety of activities. The largest restroom in the basement will consist of individual private stalls with one large shared sink. This space will be more open and is considered more safe. There will be a smaller restroom on the main floor and a family restroom located in the basement. The updated building will meet LEED Gold standards and will cost around 3.8 million.
The outside of the building will not be changed. They are planning flood control features in the exterior hardscape and landscaping.
There will be another public meeting to discuss the design tomorrow evening in the Sprague Library.
The building will close for construction in the spring of 2019 and reopen sometime in 2020.
Joel Briscoe – Representative District 25
District 25 is located west of 13th East and north of I-80. Joel is working on draft legislation for a carbon tax on coal, oil, and natural gas consumption. The tax would help improve our air quality by decreasing consumption. The new tax revenue would be used to decrease sales tax and give an earned income tax credit to low income earners.
Joel is also working with a state senator on a water conservation piece of legislation.
Joel is a member of the affordable housing commission. He reported that every year since 2011 Utah has added 4000 more households than we have housing units. The households include new college graduates, newly married couples, and people moving into the state. Utah is currently 40,000-45,000 units short of affordable housing. Joel sponsored a piece of legislation last year to provide a general obligation bond of 100 million dollars to start to address this housing shortage.
Joel is voting yes on each of the four propositions that are on the ballot. He feels if they don’t pass the legislative body will not take up the issues of gerrymandering, legalizing medical marijuana, expanding Medicaid, and additional school funding.
He closed by thanking the people in his district for letting him represent them in the state legislature.
City Council Report: Amy Fowler, District 7
Amy thanked Peter Bromberg from SLC Library for his work to make our library spaces welcoming for all people. She also made a statement about her feelings of loss with the news of Michael G’s passing. She considered Michael a true friend, who will be missed.
At their last meeting the city council conducted a review of the CIP projects. There are several from District 7 that will be fully funded, and some that are still waiting funding including the Fairmont Park Stream improvements. Project cost is $135,000. The improvements would save about $1000 per year in ongoing maintenance.
The list of CIP projects can be found on line. They are broken down into four categories including:
- New projects recommended for funding
- New projects not recommended for funding
- Maintenance projects recommended for funding
- Maintenance projects not recommended for funding
There will be two more public hearings on CIP projects before a final decision by the council. Amy asked that we contact her and attend the meetings if we want to support a particular project.
There will be a vote on Accessory Dwelling Units in November after one more public hearing. City staff will be working on design standards for ADUs. They are currently very busy working on the Inland Port issues so the design standards for ADUs will come later.
The sign ordinance was passed by the council.
There is a public conference room located within the new Fire Station #3 that will be available to reserve for meetings.
Election Results: Benny Keele
2018-2019 SHCC Officers
Chair: Landon Clark
1st Vice Chair: Will Kocher
2nd Vice Chair: Judi Short
3rd Vice Chair: Sally Barraclough
Secretary: Erika Wiggins
Treasurer: Mike Bagley
Meeting Adjourned: 8:55pm