Meeting Minutes, October 5, 2016

Meeting Minutes, October 5, 2016

Trustees Present: Teddy Anderson, Mike Bagley,  Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Deborah Henry, Sue Ann Jones, Benny Keele, Joedy Lister, Eric McGill, Larry Migliaccio, David Mulder, Judi Short, Rawlins Young, Bryce Williams,

Trustees Excused:  Landon Clark, Tina Escobar-Taft, Lucy Hawes, Topher Horman, Michael G. Kavanagh, Steve Kirkegaard, Maggie Shaw, Jason Smurthwaite

Trustees Unexcused: Susan Koelliker,

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Amy Barry, SHCC Chair

Election called to order at 7:05 PM and open for 1 hour.

Approval of the Minutes: Motion made by Bryce Williams, Seconded by Mike Bagley. Minutes approved unanimously..

Treasurer Report

-$5,123.18 in the bank.

-$785 paid for the SHCC coasters for the fundraiser

-Amy noted the storage unit fee will go up $3-$4 a month.

$1,500 has been set aside from the Love Utah, Give Utah fundraiser for holiday decorations.


Public Safety Report

-Detective Josh Schmidt

– Bike patrol has been present in Fairmont Park. Have been checking the restrooms.

– Recent suspicious pressure cooker at Sugar House BBQ. Was detonated and no evidence or explosives found. Concern was around pressure cookers being used to house explosives more recently.

-Google Fiber, Jacob Bruce

-Google Fiber is moving into the Sugar House area.

-Service of Google Fiber will start in the south area of Sugar House (South of I-80)

-North area will come on board later in the winter.

–  If there are concerns about utility work being done, residents can contact 1-877-454-6959 to report behavior of contractors.


27th Street Cottage, Adam Nash- 868 E. 2700 S.

-Large building that has been abandoned and vacant for a number of years and being used illegally.

-Wants to zone to an R1-5 zoning code, currently an R1-7.

-Will be 4 single family residences and a 5th being refurbished.

-Time to start construction would be end of the year, but councilwoman Lisa Adams said it could take several months to get on the City Council agenda.

-A neighbor of the project site said he was very grateful for what the developer is doing that area and believes it will reduce the crominal activity at the current structure.


Election closed at 8:05 PM


Cottage Courts, Adam Nash : Redevelopment of 3073-3129 S 900 E

-Project is almost 2 acres

-Goal is to make the projects modern and not obsolete.

-Previous property tested positive for meth and also had been burned down. There were also needles found at the site.

-Homes expected to sell in the $375,000 range.


Committee Reports

Land Use and Zoning

On September 14 the Boulder Ventures Project at 2189 S McClelland was reheard by the Planning Commission due to a noticing issue.  The decision was still approval, with the addition of a condition for additional signage to make sure people can get through the block and are aware that it is public open space between the buildings.
The conditions of approval are:
1.  The applicant shall comply with all other Department/Division conditions attached to this staff report.
2.  The applicant shall dedicate the area required for the future extension of the S-Line Streetcar to the City or the Utah Transit Authority (UTA).
3.  The applicant shall provide sufficient space for the Parley’s and McClelland Trails as required by the Transportation Division.
4.  Certificates of Occupancy for the project shall not be issued until the private street is complete providing access through the block from Elm Avenue to Wilmington Street.
5.  Certificates of Occupancy for the project shall not be issued until the pedestrian walkway running north to south through the block has been completed on an adjacent property to the east of this development.
6.  Final approval of signage, lighting, and landscaping to be delegated to Planning staff to ensure compliance with CBSD and PD regulations.  The signage plan shall include a wayfinding component providing direction for pedestrians to destinations in and around the Granite Block.
7.  Sidewalks, plaza space and other walkways through the property must allow for 24 hour public access.
8.  All of the parcels must be combined into a single lot through an approved Planning process.
9.  The north to south oriented pedestrian passageway through the project shall be a minimum of 22 feet in width through its entirety.
10.  Final approval authority for the development shall be delegated to Planning staff based on the applicant’s compliance with the standards and conditions of approval as noted within this staff report.
11.  Approval is for the specific items discussed and identified in the staff report, on the site plan and the building elevations.  All other applicable zoning regulations still apply.
At the September 19 Land Use and Zoning Meeting (LUZ) we heard from Adam Nash about the two proposals for infill housing, Cottage Court on 900 East between 3073 and 3129 South.  He would like to add 16 in-fill houses at that location.  He also would like to add 3 houses at 868 E 2700 South. These are both planned developments.  These will also be on the October 5 , Sugar House Community Council meeting.
On October 12, the Planning Commission will hear BOTH the Dixon Building proposal at 2144 South Highland Drive, and the Marriott Springhill Suites between the former Toys R Us and Taco Bell.
The October 17 meeting of the SHCC Land Use and Zoning Committee is CANCELLED.
Parks Open Space and Trails
– Sally reported the cisterns being used in Parley’s Nature Park are owned by the Pratt Coaltion. She spoke with Juan Arce-Laretta, President of the Pratt Coalition who stated they have been in for over 3 years and are now established  Pratt would be willing to loan cisterns for new planning along the I-80 and 13th East interchange. Previous plantings have died due to lack of watering. Sally will follow up with Walt Gilmore, County Architect/Park Planner to see if the county would be willing to move and maintain them.
– Carol Straughn with the help of Ty Harrison, Professor at Westminster College have created a list of native plants and shrubs that have a better chance of surviving in low later situations. George Sumner stated that new plantings are not a high budget priority, but he is willing to address concerns along non natives alongside the park side of the fence. ally asked that they specific attention to the southeast corner where Parley’s trail enters the park.
– Sally reported that bids are going out in the next two weeks for the construction of the trail from 23rd East to 1700 East. It will take 6-8 weeks to choose a contractor, but the committee is hoping some grading work will be done this Fall.

Historic Signs

-Working to get New Crisp up and running. Owner is trying to get help from the RDA.

-Hoping to getting sign up and going by the end of the year.


SHCC Election Results

Secretary- Sally Baraclough

Treasurer- Larry Migliaccio

Vice Chairs: Amy Barry, Bryce Williams, Judi Short

Chair: Landon Clark


Spotlight on Business: Natural Grociers

-Located at 1033 E. 2100 S.

-Family owned business

-Focused on quality of ingredients, nutritonal education, affordable prices, commitment to community, and commitment to employees.

– Employees get benefits at 30 hours a week. Base wage starts $10.50 an hour and also get $1 hour for every hour they work in store credit.

-Prices comparable to stores such as Smiths.


City Updates: Lisa Adams, District 7

-Lisa talked about the recent Operation Diversion around 500 W to address the drug use and selling of drugs. People given the options to seek treatment or go to jail. Many of those chose treatment while some did not.

-The city council is working with the mayor to address some of the temporary issues of homelessness especially with the colder months coming up.


Mayors Liaison Update: Hildegard Koenig

-40 individuals from operation diversion choose treatment, 2 went to the hospital, and 10 will be prosecuted.

-Mayor an City Council evaluating the locations for services for people experiencing homelessness.

-You can request a leaf bin on a first come basis.


Library Updates:  Cherie Kofoed

Thursday October 27th from 6-7 is the Coffee and Chocolate event.

Landon Clark
[email protected]