Meeting Minutes, September 6, 2017

Meeting Minutes, September 6, 2017

Sugar House Community Council
General Meeting
September 6, 2017

Call to order 7:05pm

Trustees in attendance: Mike Bagley, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Landon Clark, Mary Clark, Melanie Heath, Deb Henry, Topher Horman, Benny Keele, Will Kocher, Eric McGill, Dayne McKee, Larry Migliaccio, Dave Mulder, Judi Short, Jason Smurthwaite, Shane Stroud, George Sumner, Chris Sveiven, Rawlins Young.

Trustees absent: (Excused) Cameron Anderson, Sally Barraclough, Steve Kirkegaard, Michael G. Kavanagh, and Benjamin Sessions (Unexcused)  Teddy Anderson, Tina Escobar-Taft, Lucy Hawes, Sue Ann Jones, and Susan Koelliker.

David from Legacy Village gave a welcome to their new location.

Landon Chair updates

Library update – Sprague moved Book Baby every Wednesday to Legacy Village 10:15 am – 11:15. Will try for partial reopening of library in early October.

6-10pm Music Garage will be having a Music From the Kids event on September 23rd .

Benny is chairing the election committee. He will be contacting people shortly.

Motion to approve minutes passed unanimously.

No Secretary Report as Sally is absent.

Treasurer report – Larry $6492.75 bank balance. .27 in interest. Donation of $9.01.

George Sumner – Report on Sugar House Park. Sego Lily plaza is fully funded. Construction to start sometime before the end of this year. The Draw will be closed during construction. Uptick in homeless from never to rarely of sleeping in the park. September 15th at 1pm there will be a dedication of the basketball courts. Utah Jazz is doing that upgrade for free for the park.

Judi – LUZ report. There are 2 land use issues this month. 1316 Downington (tear down 2 duplexes and rebuild) on planning commission agenda September 21st. 1701 S 1100 E old Costume Shop redevelopment will be on planning commission agenda September 13th.  If they have to take the historic knight sign down they will be allowed to fix it and put it back up per Nick Norris. LUZ Committee will be meeting with Anthony with SLC Planning to do a walk around and business district and talk about historic signs. The old DI has the Snelgrove lettering and is being remodeled for a bicycle shop. We’ll need to store it somewhere.

Melanie – Outreach report. Working on bids for website. A fall mixer is in the works.

Larry – Transportation report. The city has a draft Transit master plan. Council hearing on September 19th to discuss the draft plan. Residents can go to to review the plan and give comments. The SH Transportation committee made comments about 3 months ago. Larry’s comments were not to wait until 2040 to get more bus service. In general, they will add more routes at 15 minute frequency is the goal. Two phases to the implementation and no timeframe identified in the document for implementation on the bus service upgrade. Continually frustrated that we still have no Transportation Director.

Landon announced upcoming council debate on October 5th Gore Auditorium on Westminster Campus from 7-8:30pm.

Detective Ashdown report. Operation Rio Grande is still going on. In the last 2 days there is an increase in Fairmont Park. He is trying to get them some resources to help them. Concerned about overnight camping and leaving a mess.  1st phase to sweep everyone with felonies and getting drug dealers out of there. Phase 2 is getting resources for them and opening more beds in facilities. Phase 3 is more of a long-term solution to look at housing and jobs. Overarching goal is a 2-year process.

SLC Mobile app is easy to use and you can alert the city on multiple issues.

SLC Public Utilities Siobhan Locke and Jenni Oman upcoming project on Simpson Ave Highland to 1300 E to rehabilitate sewer line. 45-day project happening in the fall (October start time) and will be night work intensive. They will be rehabilitating the sewer along Wilmington with road repair after the Simpson project.  You can call Jenni Oman at 801-483-6878 with questions.

Carmen Hardy one of the owners for the Old Costume Shop in January and been working on a redevelopment project. Presented on their project for redevelopment of this building. In 1800s it was a lumber yard and after was a church that Westminster built. Unfortunately, none of original chapel remain. Remodel is to extend the Costume building look. Developer is asking for the following conditional uses: 1) extend height of building of 18”; and 2) extend Juliette balconies from the allowed 4” to 12” to allow someone to step outside and nothing extends over property line.

The plan is for 19 apartments with ground floor is a live/work plan. The historic sign will be restored and remain part of the new development. They found the original company (Rainbow Signs) that restored it last time and will do it again.

1316 E Downington Ave project. The petition asks for a rezone to allow for up to RMF30 to allow 30’ in height. David Gellner is the planner on this project. Intent is to build 3 single family attached townhomes. The current zoning does not allow duplexes or townhomes. The only issue at this time is the zoning petition. The existing abandoned 2 duplexes are non-conforming.

Lisa Arnett, Prescott Muir Architects presenting for the owner. Discussed the riparian and flood plain storm drainage on the east of the property of Emigration Creek. The owner will rehabilitate the slope and flood plain as part of the redevelopment project.

The intent is for town homes to not be student housing, planned 2 car garages, driveways and will be priced at $500,000 each. That part of the project will come back to the community with a planned development.

Will Kocher has an announcement for Bess Thompson with Fairmont Aquatic is looking for swim coaches.

Lisa Adams City Council Representative for District 7 give updates. Council is in midst of CIP projects and determine funding. $615,000 (100% impact fee eligible) for Fairmont Park lighting on multi use field, pickle ball courts and add 2 more volley ball courts. Need more comments to bolster CIP project for dog park upgrades for double gates and dog water station for $59,000. Looking at how much of the dog park project is impact fee eligible. If you notice an increase of homeless folks in District 7 call the non-emergency police line 801-799-3000 or the Mayor’s office. It’s not illegal to be in the park. It’s illegal to camp overnight, use drugs at any place, and not use the facilities properly. If you want to comment on CIP projects [email protected].

Aabir Malik project manager with Comena Group that developed many Sugar House projects. Presented a development 101 from the developer’s perspective. Compare developers to movie producers. They form the concepts and general ideas and bring other parties together to make the project a reality. After the concept is formed they go find an architect to design the project. Then they are going to look for tenants to determine interest, raising capital to finance the project.

There are 5 basic steps in the development process that Aabir talked about.

  • Concept/idea of what they want to build and the best use for the potential site. Do a rough performa to compare potential costs and revenue to ensure the project makes sense financially.
  • Feasibility is broken down into different aspects that start with the first is a market study engaged with a 3rd party to determine demand of the concept in the market. The second is a financial analysis, engage with contractors to get estimates of construction costs, determine market rate for rents, etc. The third aspect is the city ordinances and community engagement. This helps fine tune the plan.
  • Planning and Financing is the following step. Designing the project is the kick off for architects and building design. At this point community engagement comes in the most before plans are finalized. Developers also start talking to financers to determine how much debt they will give on the project. At the end of this stage all the permits are obtained.
  • Project Construction is the point where construction companies are hired.
  • Operations or Sale. This is the final phase where units are sold, rented or leased and operators are selected if necessary to manage the project long-term.

Nate Salazar the Community Liaison from the Mayor’s office presented. Public survey on potential changes to neighborhood cleanup is still up online. Public forum on homeless resource centers is September 26th at Leonardo 6-8pm. More open houses toward the end of the month. You can go to open city hall for all the dates. Operation Rio Grande is moving into Phase 2. Salt Lake County committed to helping us bring more treatment beds to this phase. David Litvack reported that the county is bringing 37 additional treatment beds on September 7th. The closure of a portion of Rio Grande street is in place go to to give comments. The video of Det. Payne and the U of U nurse has 3 ongoing investigations and DA Sim Gill and Sheriff Rosie Rivera are looking at criminal charges.

Adjourned at 9:12

Landon Clark
[email protected]