20 Aug SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2020
Sugar House Community Council meeting notes July 1st
Thanking Ben Raskin for helping with goat head removal
Motion to approve June minutes
1st Lynn Schwartz
2nd Judi Short
Secretary report Erika Wiggins-nothing new to report
Treasurer report Mike Bagley-balance of 1343.31 this month
We payed 526.42 for plants at Monument Plaza
Paypal shows we have 106.52
We need to pay a little more money for the large planters
All the planters came within 15 dollars of the board approved allotment
Detective James Bishop
Vehicle burglaries continue to be a problem and are the easiest preventable. Have seen a 34% increase this month. Please lock your doors, roll up your windows, etc.
I am working on a couple of house issues and a parking issue by the Smiths
Mike question, how is the department doing with COVID ?
We don’t have any COVID positive officers right now but we do have a couple in quarantine. We have contingency plans in case there is a large outbreak
Sally question, South of 2700 south seems to be hit particularly hard by car prowls. There are not groups coming around, just go car to car. Cars unlocked allow transients to sleep in it, which has happened more than once.
Sprague Library Update
Cherie Koford-they are laying the floor on the upper floor and carpet downstairs. The shelving units are going in. Goals to Go. We will bring the books out to you. Summer reading program is up and running.
Vivian-murals for solidarity. After the riots in Philadelphia a friend of mine wanted to speak out so he did that by murals. He went to storefronts who were damaged and asked for permission to do murals over the wood that is over broken windows. We started it in SLC We call it Walls For Justice. It is a protest with a paintbrush. We two behind Sugar House Coffee. One has also been done in Holiday. I was so happy when I saw it in the newsletter so thank you. We are looking for store owners who have space, looking for help to paint these murals and we have a GO Fund Me Page. It is a community event and we hope to see it spread throughout Sugar House. To get involved the email address is [email protected] Can also message us at Instagram and facebook
Allen Park Update
Lewis Kogan- SLC director of trails and natural lands
Katie Riser-SLC volunteer and outreach coordinator
SLC acquired the parcel and became the owners on May 1st
7.5 million to purchase the parcel
6.5 from park impact fees
1 million from SLC Public Utilities Storm Water Fund
We want to protect it as an Open Space and would love to protect the historical aspect of this area.
We have a 24 hr. security guard to protect the area
We have two full time technicians who are there 5 days a week restoring the property. We are installing fencing throughout the property. We have been inventorying all of the art pieces and trees. We have started different groups looking at the different ways we can activate the park.
We hope to open the park in some form for public access. We don’t have an opening date but are shooting for the end of July.
Only maintenance cars will be allowed just pedestrian access. The peacocks will continue to live there and around the neighborhood. We will work with partners to look at how birds can live throughout the property. How many trees are going to be cut? We have cut some of the older junk trees but are working with Tree Utah to inventory all of the trees.
We are looking at volunteer opportunities either tours, clean up, neighborhood watch, etc.
Spin Scooters
Julia Wunsch-community partnership team
We provide electric transportation to communities
We engage with the communities. We are looking for feedback to see where to deploy our scooters. Our permit for SLC is valid up to December 2021. Our fleet is capped at 500 scooters. It is 1 dollar to unlock and 35 cents for every minute afterwards. We have a program called Spin Access which provides discounted rides for those to who qualify. Spin is responsible thousands of trips in SLC. We currently serve 27 markets. We have deemed essential during the pandemic. We have W-2 employees. We clean each scooter up to 1 to 2 times per day. We are very conscious of safety and cleanliness. We have partnered with hospitals to give free rides to hospital workers. Spin Hubs are docking stations that keep the scooters consistently charged. Spin covers the cost of installment. It is all about providing other transportation options. Looking for scooter deployment options from you guys and also looking at development opportunities for Spin Hubs.
Spin has a street design team that has been working in SLC. We are looking at working with communities and partnering up with street design. 700 South 300 East is the first intersection where we have partnered with SLC. We have a strong focus on scooter safety. We encourage our riders to not ride on sidewalks. They go 15 mph. We have a safety team looking at these things. We have been operating under a pilot program. An RFP goes out in SLC later this summer and we hope to be the only scooter provider in SLC.
UDOT update I-80 and 2-15
Katie Kourianos-Community Outreach for the UDOT project
Update from Becky Stromness UDOT project manager
Shane Marshall-
Bridge reconstruction and 2-15 concrete replacement. We have a revised scope to the I-80 piece. We are adding an east bound lane around 1300 East. The 4th lane will go eastward up to the 2-15 split. It will all fit within the existing UDOT right away. No property impacts. Will continue with bridge reconstruction. We will have a couple of tight spots next to the Parley’s Trail.
Community worry of cars to close the Parley’s Trail. The Parley’s Trail is built in the UDOT right away. Noise concerns for the community. There is no impact to the trail for this construction. Using special pavement that should decrease noise. This extra lane should really decrease the Qing line that backs up onto 1300 East. Barrier (54”) with divide I-80 and the Parley’s Trail. Air quality should improve because of a decrease in congestion. This is part of long range plan for Salt Lake County to improve air quality and decrease congestion. It is still concrete but it should be much quieter than it is today. If this project was built by itself the cost would go up significantly and we would have to go back into it so that is why we added this change now. We feel this complements Salt Lake City’s plan. Our goal is to alleviate congestion. WFRC supports adding another lane to help meet the needs of a growing population. This project causes 1300 East and 1700 East bridges are growing in width to accommodate active modes of transportation that doesn’t exist today.
Construction is still planning to begin in early 2021
Virtual public meeting is being targeted for the end of July We will get more information out as soon as we get it
SLC Airport Update
Nancy Volmer-Director of Communications and Outreach
Airport is slated to open September 15th
380 non stop flights average for Jan and Feb
We were seeing historic numbers in Jan and Feb, over 30,000 passengers a day. During COVID we have seen our numbers drop dramatically. One day we averaged 1500 passengers. We are increasing slowly our passenger numbers
Delta is very focused on SLC being a hub. We are their fourth largest hub. They signed a 10 year lease agreement with SLC that goes through 2034.
Seismic risk along with the capacity of the airport was at 10 million passengers a year and now seeing 26 million. We want to accommodate growth with a phased in implementation. First phase is a parking garage, one central terminal, west end of concourse and then 6 weeks later we will open up the west end of concourse B. Art installation is going in now. Concourse A is Delta and concourse B is the other airlines. There will be 25 gates at Concourse A. We currently don’t need as many gates we are going to demolish the current airport entirely which will say the city 300 million dollars. It is a bit of silver lining from the pandemic which will spend up construction. Broke ground in summer of 2014. We will have 16 TSA screening lines. Car rental remains on the same grounds. We have a variety of local, regional and national brands of shops and restaurants. All of the concessions will have street parking. All ground equipment are being converted to electric. More windows throughout the airport. Very green facility. We have a fly safely promise. We require masks at the airport. We have increased cleaning of the restrooms and misting of the waiting areas. You won’t be allowed to board an aircraft without a mask. Limiting touch points throughout the airport.
The Airport is part of the master plan that has been around 20 years. This airport has been designed for future growth. We wanted to have some robust public tours but because of COVID we have had to make everything virtual. Budget is at 4.1 billion dollars with no tax payer money. July 9th at noon is a public airport meeting.
Amy Fowler didn’t attend today
Tim Cosgroove-Mayor’s Liaison
Typologies is up and running. Please feel out the survey.
They mayor created a new committee for racial equality in policing and that 6 person committee will look at everything.
Fireworks are allowed July 2nd-July 5th from 11 am to 11 pm except for July 4th until midnight same schedule for the 24th of July. No fireworks east of 900 East. No fireworks in city parks or west of Redwood Road. RDA has released 4 million dollars to encourage affordable housing. Stratford Open Streets closed today. A lot of positive comments but some negative comments so we decided to end the open streets on Stratford. July 15thfederal income taxes are due. Census 2020 deadline is August 14th.