Monument Plaza - E Wiggins

Sugar House News and Information

     With some of the most fashionable attire in Sugar House, Urban Blues will keep you stylish and hip! Learn more...

     Looking for high-quality outdoor products (I know you are because we are all trying to get out more)? Check out...

     Photography by Laurie captures Sugar House history, families, and nature one photo at a time. She is also a very...

     Fancy a cocktail after work or on a night out? The RUIN has been serving up the best cocktails in...

     At Commerce & Craft, good design, originality, and craftsmanship do not have to be out of reach for anyone. Every...

     Since 1998, Backyard Birds has been Utah's locally owned, independent birding supply and nature & garden gift shop! Hear how...

     Maxwell Christian from Wasatch Brew Pub was kind enough to join us for our latest #SugarHouseStrong Opening Stories interviewed by...