Highland High School Needs 2018
Highland High is a unique school with many students struggling for even the most basic needs. Roughly half of the...
Highland High is a unique school with many students struggling for even the most basic needs. Roughly half of the...
Administrative Interpretation Blue Boutique - 1383 E 2100 South had a complaint that signs were too large and whether they...
7:00 Welcome-Chair Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Sally Barraclough Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley 7:05 Elections 7:10 Committee Reports Land Use and Zoning-Judi Short Transportation-Larry Migliaccio Trails, Parks and Open Spaces-Sally Barraclough Arts and Culture-Laurie Bray 7:20 Community...
Minutes: SHCC Transportation Committee. Sept. 17, 2018 Committee Members Present: Larry Migliaccio, Sue Watson, Mike Bagley Public & Representatives of Hollywood,...
7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Sally Barraclough Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley 7:10 Community Announcements Fire Station #3 CIU District 7 Detective Josh Ashdown 7:20 Sue Ann Jones-Country Club Trustee Highland High School...
Blue Boutique Signs - A citizen complained that the signs were too big, and the city enforced on the sign. Signs...
This is a request for a Planned Development at 2593 South 700 East. The parcel is zoned RMF-30: Low Density...