November 2015 Chair Report

November 2015 Chair Report

Amy Barry

Amy Barry

This newsletter begins my 2nd year serving as chair for the Sugar House Community Council. I am thankful for the opportunity given to me by the trustees to stick around for another year. I look forward to working with the new Executive Committee.

The SHCC has been noticed of 2 important land use issues. I want to take a moment to remind my neighbors of the process.  The SHCC is not a decision making body for Salt Lake City. We are a community voice. The land use developments we will be presenting is our effort to collect your voices. We make recommendations to the developers, but they are under no obligation to modify their plans. ALL COMMENTS are included in the report we submit to the planning office and the Planning Commission.

The Planning Commission will make the final decision to grant the petitioners request. While we do our best to represent the voices we heard it is very important that people show up to the Planning Commission meeting. We won’t know the exact date until December, but we’ll keep everyone informed through the newsletter list, website and facebook.

**NOTE: We will NOT be getting further information about the development proposals at the November 4th meeting. Please visit the homepage for links to the information we have on the website and plan on attending the November 16th Land Use & Zoning committee meeting. **

As the holidays approach the SHCC will be working


to restart the annual tradition of a tree on monument plaza.  We can use donations to help purchase the tree. Anyone can donate.

Landon Clark
[email protected]