Restaurants in the PL Public Lands Zoning District

Restaurants in the PL Public Lands Zoning District

This was approved by the Planning Commission October 28, 2020. Now this will go to the City Council for final approval. Here is a list of all the city-owned properties in the Public Lands zone where this might apply.

Here is the SHCC Letter to Planning on Restaurants in the PL Zone    SHCC Letter Restaurants in PL Zone with comments

The Planning Division has been asked to provide input on the pros and cons of adding restaurants as a permitted use in the PL Public Lands Zoning District.  The PL zone primarily includes government properties that are used for public schools, government buildings, and government operations.  The purpose of the district is to provide areas in the city for public uses and regulate the development of those uses.  The city is looking to us to come up with some pros and cons for doing this.

This is the city’s explanation for why they are doing this, along with the memo provided for the Mayor to sign.

Planning Petition Notice – Zoning Text Amendment – Permitting Restaurants in the PL Zone


If you have comments, pro or con, please use this form to convey them to the Sugar House Land Use and Zoning Committee.  We will thencompile them and convey the information to the Planning Commission.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the heart.

    Judi Short
    [email protected]