September 2016 Chair Report

September 2016 Chair Report

Amy Barry

Amy Barry

The other day I returned home from work to find a door hanger on my front door. It was from the Salt Lake City Police alerting me a nearby home burglary. It asked me for information if I had seen anything out of the ordinary and gave tips on how to keep my home safe.

This is not the first time a home has been burglarized nearby in my 19 years of living there. However, it was the first time I ever got such a notice. It most definitely gave me a reminder to keep an eye out on my street.
Many do not know that Salt Lake City Police has a “Community Intelligence Unit” that assigns a detective to each city council district.
We have an amazing liaison in Detective Joshua Ashdown. He joins us at every community council meeting and is a resource for us all.
You do not need to be a trustee on the council to contact him with questions or concerns. He wants to hear from you to work on solutions. Detective Ashdown helps direct patrols and those resources in the area so it is important for him to hear from you.
He writes a monthly newsletter you can access to keep up on any ongoing issues.
You can reach Detective Ashdown at 801-799-3127 and/or [email protected].
We are a safer community when we get involved and watch out for each other. If you see any suspicious activity report it to the police. The non-emergency number is 801-799-3000. While is sometimes feels futile to keep calling it is important. Always reach out to Detective Ashdown as well. He is a tremendous asset to this community!
Landon Clark
[email protected]