SH Land Use and Zoning Report July 2015

SH Land Use and Zoning Report July 2015

An update to the 21st & 21st Small Area Plan will be given at the Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, August 12th at the City & County Building, 451 S State St at 5:30pm.   The Planning Staff will provide the Planning Commission an update. The project includes an area stretching along 2100 South from approximately 2000 East to 2300 East. The small area master plan will address the characteristics of the future development of this neighborhood. The goal of this plan is to create an improved and beautified business district that is a unique destination but still remains compatible in scale with nearby neighborhoods. The plan will establish guidelines for private development, public spaces such as sidewalks, park strips and streets. The plan is currently finishing up the data gathering stage and is moving towards scenario development.  Many of you probably attended the recent Open House. (Staff contact John Anderson (801) 535-7214 or [email protected] )

Ivory Homes bought an existing home at 1019 East 2700 South.  The lot was huge, they have added a house on the north and the south.  The one on the south facing 2700 South is 3200sf and listed for $531k.  I assume the other two are for sale or soon will be.  The existing home is still there.
New businesses at the VUE – Cubby’s has opened, The Square Nest will be moving in during September, not sure what else.
Agenda items for August 17 Land Use Meeting
  • Conditional Use request (PLNPCM2015-00580) for a flag lot at 3101 South 900 East (R-1/7,000)
  • CVS may have a new proposal for us
Salt Lake City Planning is revising their parking ordinance.  They will be making changes to the minimum off street parking requirements.  Changes will eliminate the reduction to 1/2 stall per residential dwelling in mixed use projects in CN, CB, RMU 35 and 45 zoning, and some other changes.
At the City Council last night, they approved a moratorium on any new building approved in a CB zone that exceeds 20,000SF of building size, effective immediately.  Because buildings could be approved larger than 20,000 SF through the conditional building and site design review process, it has created very large buildings to be approved.  This was not the intent of the conditional building and site design process when it was approved.
These two items, reduced parking and increased size, will create undue strain on small walkable commercial nodes.  These two issues need to be revised within six months.
Landon Clark
[email protected]