SH Land Use and Zoning Report 2015 September

SH Land Use and Zoning Report 2015 September

The Planning Commission approved the rezone of 5 parcels at 1300 East from Westminster Avenue north.  Those parcels are owned by Westminster and will allow them to be used for Institutional uses, instead of just housing.  Westminster inaugurated their new president Steve Morgan.  He has been on campus 34 years and has worked with our council many times in the past.

On October 20, the City Council will hold a public hearing on the move of the Sugar House Fire Station to 900 East.  If you have strong feelings one way or the other, that would be the time to get your opinion heard.  We should have a staff report before the meeting that we can email to trustees and will put on our SHCC website.The report written by the Planning Commission is already available.
Last night the City council was to discuss the Sugar House Streetcar Zoning project.  The Council took preliminary straw polls, indicating support for:
  • a maximum height of 75 feet in the Corridor Core, with an allowance to build to 105 feet if the building contains 20 percent affordable housing;
  • maximum horizontal length of 200 feet in the Core;
  • introducing Form-based Urban Neighborhood 1 designation along Green Street and two areas south of Green Street, with the intent to limit building heights to 30 feet;
  • prohibiting hotels and motels in the corridor edge districts, though bed and breakfasts would still be allowed; and
  • limiting taverns and social clubs to 2,500 square feet of floor space in edge districts.
The Council intends to conduct outreach regarding the proposal, including a public hearing, before they take a vote.  I’m told that Planning Staff is finalizing the proposal, so that we will have a document to review.
Planning had Accessory Dwelling Units on their agenda last week, and they tabled the discussion because some of the community councils said they had not had time to review the proposal.  Basically, they wanted to make virtually any residential parcel in the entire city eligible for an ADu.  Some of us thnk there should be requirements, such as a minimum lot size, before these can be approved.  I don’t know when this will be brought up again.
There are a number of things working their way through the planning system in the city.  The City Council will vote November 10 on the relocation of the Fire Station #3.  3101 South 900 East, a flag lot with a new home in the rear was approved by the Planning Commission. And we know that both the Mecham development and the Boulder Ventures development on the Granite Block are ready to expand to the south end of the block.
 I did learn that Standard Optical will be moving up next to Potbelly sandwiches, along with Square Nest
The SHCC Land Use and Zoning meeting will be held October 19 at 6 p.m. here in Sprague Library.  Any one of the above mentioned items may be on the agenda..
Landon Clark
[email protected]