SH Land Use and Zoning Report June 2015

SH Land Use and Zoning Report June 2015

2855 Highland Drive Rezone.  The City Council passed a motion that approved the rezone of the small parcel from  R 1/7000 to CB, with the condition that the applicant enters into a development agreement with the City that requires the following:

  • The developer plant two inch (2”) caliper trees every fifteen feet (15’) within the required landscape buffer, along the eastern and northern property lines to provide screening
  • The trees shall be planted prior to the developer receiving a certificate of occupancy.
  • The petitioner shall prepare the development agreement in a form that is satisfactory to the City Attorney.
What this means is they will just need to install twice as many trees as would normally be required in the buffer areas (every 15’ vs. every 30’) and they were particular about the caliper of tree required. They will also be required to plant the same buffer on both the east and north sides of the property. The neighbors to the east had requested a 40’ setback, but that was rejected by the City Council. They will only need to comply with the normal 7’ landscape buffer and 10’ rear yard setbacks.
 This parcel is also removed from the Sugar House Master Plan Future Land Use Map as Open Space.
The SHCC Land Use Committee meeting was cancelled for June.
On the July 20 meeting of the Land Use and Zoning Committee, at 6 p.m in Sprague Library, CVS will come back to talk to us.  If you recall, on May 27 they went before the Planning Commission for approval for a store at the NE corner of 1300 East and 2100 South.  The planner recommended the store be denied, because it was not in compliance with our SH Master Plan.  However, the Planning Commission approved it, but only approved the rezone of 2046 South 1300 East and not 2036 South 1300 East.  They want to talk to us about what they can do to have us be more favorable to their project before they go to the City Council.  I told the petitioner they could review my letter to the Planning Commission, because that included our major issues.
The Westminster College rezone along 1300 East should be on the Planning Commission agenda shortly.
Landon Clark
[email protected]