SH Land Use Report April 2015

SH Land Use Report April 2015

SLC TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN 4/8/15 AT Planning Commission- the city is currently in a listening process, talking to stakeholder groups.  The team leader is Tom Brennan. Nelson Nygaard  and Kathleen Sullivan are the Stakeholder Team. Chris Jones and Julianne Sabula are the SLC Transportation folks assigned to this project.  One thing they will be addressing is level of service and frequency.  They plan to use the Jingle Bus to drive around town and survey folks.  Then they will layout our options and determine what they really mean.

The CVS proposal for a store at 2100 South and 1300 East was pulled from the agenda.  CVS was to meet with the planner to review the project.  It has not yet been rescheduled.
Grand Opening of Wilmington Flats Mixed-Use Development and the Ground Breaking of Legacy Village of Sugar House
Date: Friday, May 8th
Time: 11:30am – 1pm, Ribbon Cutting Ceremony starts promptly at 11:45am
Location: Wilmington Plaza, 1215 Wilmington Ave, Salt Lake City, UT 84106
(Free parking available in the underground parking garage, entrance on the east side of the Wilmington Flats)
Light lunch and refreshments will be served on the plaza.
The apartments will be known as Wilmington Flats:
 … naming our project has been quite the challenge! It’s a mixed use project so when coming up with a name, we had to keep in mind each of our users: those renting an apartment, those purchasing a town home, those leasing office space, those operating their restaurant, etc. 
 Therefore, we are calling the apartments “Wilmington Flats.”  Our town homes will just be referred to as 1201 Wilmington. Our office and retail space will just be referred to by each Tenant’s name.  However, the project as whole will always be referred to as Wilmington Gardens. 
Dan Lofgren reports the building is almost 100% leased.  They have some work to do on the outside of the building at the street level.
21st and 21st Small Area Plan

The Salt Lake City Planning Division, working in conjunction with local consulting firm CRSA, have commenced work on the creation of a small area master plan for the 21st and 21st neighborhood. The project will study an area stretching along 2100 South from approximately 2000 East to 2300 East. The small area master plan will address the characteristics of the future development of this neighborhood.  The goal of this plan is to create an improved and beautified business district that is a unique destination but still remains compatible in scale with nearby existing, well established neighborhoods. This plan will identify not only the types of uses that are appropriate but will also establish building and site design requirements. Further, this node should improve the pedestrian experience by creating a safe and interesting walking environment. The plan will set standards for private development but will also establish guidelines for the public spaces such as sidewalks, park strips and streets. Aesthetic improvements such as landscaping, lighting, art and furnishings such as benches will also be identified.

We are currently in the data gathering phase of the planning process. During this process we will study existing conditions and identify existing barriers or significant site issues. The next phase of the project will commence with our first public open house. This open house will be held in early summer 2015. All who have an interest in the future of this neighborhood should attend and share your ideas and your vision for 21st and 21st. More details about this open house will be forthcoming.

Please feel free to share this information with your friends and neighbors. All pertinent project information will be posted to the Planning Division website at .
 There will be further opportunities for the public to share their ideas with the planning team, and you may always share your comments or ask questions by contacting John Anderson.
 John Anderson, Principal Planner
Salt Lake City Planning Division
Monument Plaza
The committee working with the RDA met, and we toured the plaza, now that it is finished.  We talked about a lot of details, one that is dear to my heart are the skateboarders that have already damaged some of the stones and fixtures on the plaza.  The business owners next to the plaza have agreed that they will be watching and letting the police know when there are boarders on the plaza.  The old “no skateboarding” signs are up and some new ones were to be added this week.
The committee is also coming up with an FAQ for the plaza that we can put on our website that will have a map, showing where to find the electrical plugs, who to call to get them activated for an event, how to get a permit, what other requirements might be, etc.  Hopefully, we will get all the information in one place.  The person to call to schedule Monument Plaza is Christina Judd, 801.535.6198 [email protected].
Landon Clark
[email protected]