SH Land Use Report March 2015

SH Land Use Report March 2015

We did not have a committee meeting in March.
We have a draft of a letter to the Planning Commission, and have been waiting to finalize it for the petitioner to respond to the questions from our Vision Statement.  We have that response now, and the committee was disappointed in the answers. So, I will finalize my letter and send it off this week.
On April 9 the Planning Commission will get a briefing on the SLC Transit Master Plan, and also the new Landscape Ordinance called Park strip/Water Wise.

I sent a letter to the City Council and the State History Committee concerning our recommendation  to put the Fairmont Club House and Golf Course on the National Historic Register, and it was favorably received.  Pat Shea, who was the sponsor of the petition, was especially pleased to see our support.
Wilmington Gardens received their Certificate of Occupancy yesterday, March 31, and resident are moving in.  In early May, in conjunction with the RDA, there will be a big Open House, they will invite the public and all of the neighborhood organizations to attend the grand opening which will consist of a ribbon cutting, live music, food vendors, tours of the property, etc. tours of the building, refreshments, etc.
To schedule the Monument Plaza call Christina Judd, Special Events Administrator and Permits Manager, at 801-535-6198 or[email protected].
The next meeting of the Land Use and Zoning Committee will be April 21 at 6 p.m. at the Sprague Library.  Lynn has summarized all our various comments regarding the proposal for the Sugar House Streetcar Zoning – Form-based Code project, and put together a recommendation for language and a map to go along with our comments.  Instead of 2 zones, SH SC Sugar House Streetcar Core,and SH SE Sugar House Streetcar Edge, there will be three zones.  I will email those recommendations to all trustees and the LUZ committee so you can think about them before the meeting.
Landon Clark
[email protected]