SH Land Use Report May 2015

SH Land Use Report May 2015

The Sugar House Community Council Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting was cancelled for Monday,  May 18.  As far as we know, there are no new projects available to review at this time.
May 19 7:00 p.m. the City Council reviewed the request to rezone the parcel  from residential to CB at 2855 Highland Drive, and remove the parcel from our Future Land Use Plan as Open Space..  The Planning Commission has already recommended approval, but the City Council has the final say.  It is my understanding that some neighbors east of the project attended the public hearing, and asked for a 40’ rear setback between this development and their Planned Unit Development.  There already is a 6’ grade change between the two parcels.  Staff tells me that the developer has now purchased the parcel, and is planning to put townhouse or condominiums on the parcel.  However, he doesn’t think he can make it work if the 40’ setback is imposed.  I don’t recall hearing anyone make that request of us during our conversations.

The Planning Commission reviewed the request for a CVS store at the NW corner of 2100 South and 1300 East on May 27. They wanted the two parcels zoned RO to be rezoned to CB and be used for a parking lot.  I spoke to the fact that there was an excess of  40 parking spaces being provided than required, and a half empty parking lot would just be a temptation for the other parcels along 1300 East to ask to be rezoned.  The planner recommended the petition be denied because the project was not in compliance with the master plan in a number of ways.As a compromise, the Planning Commission agreed to rezone 2046 South 1300 East, but not 2036 South 1300 East.  This will go forward to the City Council to approve the rezone.
June 2 The City Council voted to submit an application for a new Federal TIGER grant to fund the extension of the Streetcar up to Highland Drive and then to the Monument.
Westminster College has submitted a petition to the city to rezone the parcels along 1300 East on the South side of the Shaw Center to Westminster Avenue.  This will be coming before the Planning Commission either in June or July.
The next meeting of the Land Use Committee will be Monday, June 15 at 6 p.m. in this room.  So far, there is nothing on the agenda.
Landon Clark
[email protected]