SHCC 2021 December Minutes

SHCC 2021 December Minutes

19:03:40 All right everyone, thank you for coming tonight to the Sugar House Community Council meeting.

19:03:46 We have a full agenda so we’re just going to get right to it again because of restrictions we’re going to do all questions in the chat.

19:03:54 And just remember reminder to be civil in the chat as well.  Just be an adult.

19:04:00 Let’s do a couple of updates So congrats to Jeremy Higginson for sitting at the table tonight. He is the new Garfield trustee.

19:04:07 Mindy Smith couldn’t make it but she runs family support at Highland High School, and she wanted me to just thank everybody for what they’ve done over the past year.

19:04:16 Their Sub for Santa kicked off, I think today. and they’re looking really for anything food, clothing, supplies, money.

19:04:23 The link we put in the chat, if anybody wants to write that down.

19:04:40 I’m going to unmute Jeremy Chatterton, principal of Highland High School.

19:05:02 This link is an Amazon wish list that Mindy’s put together for items that people need, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

School year is off to a great start. We’re getting through the Thanksgiving break.

19:05:20 If any of you have questions or concerns or anything about what’s happening at Highland or anything with our students please let me know. And I’d be happy to address or answer any questons.

19:05:45 Mike Bagley with the Treasurer’s Report.

19:05:52 Go ahead, Mike.

19:05:53 Hi everyone.

19:05:54 Good to be here. Thanks for showing up.

19:05:57 So not a whole lot of activity in December, the US bank balance sits at $7,541 and 94 cents. As of, 10 minutes ago.

19:06:10 And let’s see we had our annual expense for the upkeep of our website. That total is $855 for the year.

19:06:27 And then we received a donation through our paypal account so that balances is $48 and 51 cents so thanks for the generous donations and just be thinking about donations as we come to the end of the year.

19:06:42 I know it’s a time when people are thinking about giving, think about donating to the Community Council. We would love your generosity and your support. Thanks everybody.

19:07:02 Thanks, Mike.

19:07:04 We’re going to go to Tim Cosgrove, District 7 Mayor’s Liaison.

19:07:16 Hey everyone, thanks for having me. I just wasn’t quite sure what to talk about this month, but I read Landon’s newsletter and holy cow, if you want information, go to that newsletter, that’s where I was getting all my information from that.

19:07:35 Tim, Brandon does it, Okay, you guys do a great job, it’s was wonderful. So I just wanted to give a shout out and really appreciate the good work that Sugar House does.

19:07:51 There were a couple things. Jamie Stokes from our office asked me to give a reminder about the mayor’s micro grant at the end of the year. We tabulate and get those receipts, and it helps us to plan for the next year with what projects we need to prioritize. So, those are due December 31st

19:08:23 And I, I always have to try to look at this without going cross eyed because we’re talking about fiscal year, 2023 now. And so it’s planning out I can’t even believe it’s December 1 of 2021 right here in December already, but just giving a quick brief update I know fiscal year

2022 Sugar House have the two projects the Sugar House Park pavilion removal and replacement and the safe side streets study and both of those are funded.

19:09:02 And those have been forwarded to the different departments and divisions for further vetting and implementation. And I think that incorporated transportation engineering, parks and public lands.

19:09:17 And so they’re, they’re working on coordinating the timing for the implementation of that. The 2023 fiscal year process.

19:09:28 And the request for CIP funding that Sugar House had on the, on the safe side streets part two, and the Sugar House crosswalk murals.

19:09:41 So those are currently with the different departments and the city staff are using their areas of expertise to put together the cost estimates that that would incur for moving forward on those projects, those processes have to be finalized by the end of December of this year.

19:10:09 and afterwards after those applications are presented to the community development. Capital Improvement Program board, and the end of February beginning of March.

19:10:24 The board recommendations are forwarded to the mayor in April.

19:10:28 And then the mayor will make her recommendations and then that goes to the city council and may be for the fiscal year, new budget in the end of June, beginning of July.

19:10:43 So, I’ll put that timeline in the chat and you can look at that,kind of helps give a better visualization for the CIP funding, and where those projects are at.

19:11:01 I was also asked by our one of our transportation engineers Joe Taylor, to remind everybody to please please please participate in the transportation master plan community values and priority survey.

19:11:18 They’ve been working on this for a while but it’s your opportunity to weigh in and share what your priorities are and what you’d like to see the city do and where we like to grow and manage growth.

19:11:34 And there’s also an urban forest action plan, and I’ll put that in the link.

19:11:41 And last but not least, the mayor is also doing a warm winter clothing drive with Volunteers of America, on December 11th, Saturday from 11 to three, it’s at the city- county building on the east side. All you have to do is pull your car up through the horseshoe and we will be out there collecting the donations to drop them off. And I’ll put that information, also in the chat.

19:12:16 Hmm I think she’s coming here in February. Is that right, February, yes, mayor’s coming.

19:12:26 Thank you.

19:12:35 All right, Brandon, go ahead.

19:12:40 We were hoping to have. Rachel from coffee mama on tonight as the spotlight on business but I don’t see her yet so I thought I would take a minute to let everyone know that the chamber holiday party is December 15 at 6pm over at Wasatch right on the corner of Highland 21st.

19:13:02 If you’re a business owner or, you know, have anything to do with the business community or want to have anything to do with the business community. I’m going to put a link to register.

We’re looking to raise funds for us to continue to do some of the things that we’ve been doing for the last year and a half, such as the Sugar House Strong campaign, which many of you are well aware of the partnership with local first Utah which we’re starting to pick up a lot of momentum, offering educational courses to business owners in the area.

19:13:37 And in general, if you just want to get to know some of the local business owners and managers in the area.

19:13:42 Please take a moment to get some tickets, plus ones are encouraged.

19:13:48 But we’ve only got about another few days to get our numbers to Wasatch so if you are interested, act soon.

19:13:59 All right, oh yeah thanks Erica.

19:14:02 We’re also looking for people, or businesses who want to donate to our raffle that we’re going to be doing at the event so if you’re interested in providing something please reach out to Erica myself Dana, and we can get, get in contact with you.

19:14:21 Alright, thanks.

19:14:30 Next we have Sarah Woosley who is with Friends of Fairmont. Just wanted to get something on the New Year calendar for folks, and we’re going to have an event on January 11th to talk about the upgrades to restrooms, we’re interested in advancing the usability cleanliness friendliness of Fairmont Park bathrooms and we’d like to hear about innovations that are being done across the US internationally and the city.

19:15:04 So if you’re interested, I’ll put registration in the chat for a zoom, please come January, 11 seven to 8pm and sorry George I think it might conflict with a Salt Lake Council meeting, but seven to eight on January 11.

19:15:20 Thanks guys. Thanks Landon

19:15:22 Yeah. You’re welcome.

19:15:25 Next we have Andrew Johnston who is the director of homeless policy and outreach for Salt Lake City. Once again he will take all questions in the chat.

19:15:46 Hi everybody I’m ANDREW JOHNSTON. I’ve been with the mayor’s office since May of this year as the director of homelessness policy and outreach and prior to that I was in the city council representing district 2 for five years.

19:16:01 My day job for a number of years, has been with Volunteers of America Utah, I’m a social worker by training. I have a master’s in social work and I’ve been working in and out of homelessness and substance use and mental health for 20 some odd years

19:16:15 so that’s what interested me in taking the role of the city and trying to help the city coordinate with the other entities who are working on homelessness since this is a regional, state, and really a western US problem of the entire US at this point so I’m going to share my screen, and a couple of diagrams that might help sort of set the stage and then feel free to ask questions

19:17:14 Okay, this is a slide I shared with the City Council a little while ago.

19:17:18 There’s been a lot of questions about three years in a row why there seems to be a crisis every winter for overflow, which is a legitimate question, and I can understand that completely.

19:17:31 This slide talked about the planning and action stages and why we run into this consistently so on the left you’ll see at the top left is an oval assist state homelessness Council.

19:17:41 That is a new entity as of this year that replaced a previous one that was pretty close to the same concept where on a state level as a council of individuals folks but essentially the state has that entity that should be responsible to the legislature and the governor and all of us about addressing homelessness across the entire state.

19:18:07 They break the state into a lot of different regions so there’s 13 different areas that each are now a column A local homeless council homelessness Council, and each area should come up with plans for its region, and submit those to the state of plan

19:18:25 essentially and typically a budget attached to that plan now it doesn’t mean they have the money for it. And that’s really where the state should be stepping in to help coordinate budget needs at that level for each local entity.

19:18:39 Locally, our county essentially the Salt Lake Valley is one region for that.

19:18:43 The largest one by number and by a lot of metrics, but it’s led by the solid Valley coalition to end homelessness, which serves as the local entity made up of volunteers to form a plan for this valley, and it’s you can see some of the folks in the box

19:19:00 there that gray box who are part of this. But, regular folks who have no other interest in homelessness, other than their citizens to the area or business owners, folks who have experienced or are currently experiencing homelessness.

19:19:13 Everybody can be a part of that group. There’s no qualifications, other than you have some interest in doing so, now they coordinate, you see the next box to the right that kind of brown one about planning.

19:19:27 That’s a core function or task groups the coalition breaks itself into all these different areas because there’s so many areas to look at homelessness from.

19:19:35 So they’ve got different groups that meet regularly a client focused one community engagement crisis response, which is where emergency shelter lies on that group really handles that that need education, employment health wellness housing legal rights

19:19:49 and then within some of these years even smaller subgroups looking at very specific issues so it tries to be very comprehensive and form a plan every year and they have for the last at least two years, three years probably now.

19:20:02 Now, to the right of that there’s a question mark in the next arrow to the action section. And the reason there’s a question mark there, because in the current system, there is a breakdown there at times.

19:20:15 Because if you look at, in that kind of reddish box operations money that means federal, state, city, county, capital money, which is building buildings or renting building for the wintertime.

19:20:28 And right now that comes through federal stimulus money. Previous stimulus money state City County monies, and then it also has allowed us regulation issue and that’s a city’s related issue so this year if, when the coalition had a plan to have to try and purchase motels.

19:20:46 The least one to use for emergency shelter and or housing going forward that required whatever city the hotel was listed in our motel was in to allow that based on their zoning.

19:20:59 And you can see all the coalition doesn’t control the zoning, they don’t control the state monies. So really, they can play all they want and work at is but if they don’t get support from these other entities, we run into the same problem we’ve had three years running. You know, and so it’s one of those systems that I’m not sure anybody wants it to fail or to have crises like this, but it ends up failing them consistently.

19:21:20 And we need to do a lot more work statewide and locally about why there’s that breakdown between the planning and action. And part of this is probably going to be systemic going forward because I’m not sure how much anybody wants to supersede local zoning.

19:21:35 But it’s clearly a discussion we need to talk about we need to talk at a state level about a formal state budget for homelessness, which hasn’t really been there and that way before there’s been a lot of money passing through and some processes to allocate

19:21:49 it.

19:21:50 But there’s far more need the natural funding. And so there’s a lot of discussion at this to be at the state legislature to talk through local counties and cities about how everybody contributes to this rather than a handful cities across the state.

19:22:03 So, that might set the stage for the system itself, that there is planning happening but the action lag sometimes.

This is about Salt Lake Valley and

how the valley works right now.

19:22:37 Okay, you’ll see the diagram the icons in the middle of the screen right now colored top is housing to the right hand side you see yellow and shelter red unsheltered.

19:22:48 The bottom is the jail course to the left and purple treatment to the upper left in blue.

19:22:54 And then on the outs, and then the arrow sort of talking about more movement sometimes goes with folks in this system.

19:23:02 Again this is very simplified so it doesn’t mean that’s the only way movement goes, but it gives a starting point. And then on the outside here in those boxes, there’s a lot of words and details that I can go through to help understand this a little bit.

19:23:14 If you just look at the icons first bottom right, the unsheltered and read that text.

19:23:20 We talk a lot about unsheltered homeless right now. it’s actually the minority of folks who are experiencing homelessness, but it’s the most visible obviously.

19:23:29 And so oftentimes folks go up into shelter. Now we don’t have enough shelter beds. That’s why we run into this 300 bed deficit every year, at least for the last three years since the old Road Home downtown had to close.

19:23:42 But then from shelter theoretically they should move up to housing.

19:23:47 Now on the bottom right.

19:23:48 If you go from the shelter sometimes we talk about folks who don’t want to go into shelter I don’t want services or have criminal issues going on or causing crimes.

19:23:57 Now I don’t think that’s the majority of folks but there is a way into the jail system, obviously, and into the court system on the left, and from the courts oftentimes that’s where a lot of folks are going to treatment, And this is not unique to folks who are experiencing homelessness.

19:24:12 I used to be a therapist at an outpatient clinic and almost everybody that I saw was mandated into treatment in some capacity generally through a judge.

19:24:23 But it’s not always that likely that somebody just voluntarily comes forward and says I really want help. Sometimes it is one more charge that helps them move into it or a family member that lays out an ultimatum or a spouse or somebody like that but there’s usually some other impetus to help somebody into and standard treatment.

19:24:42 So oftentimes the courts are one way into treatment if the courts function that way. Right.

19:24:47 And that’s why we have drug court and mental health court and homeless court.

19:24:51 We also have a lot of work being done locally and our district and our justice courts in Salt Lake City, to help folks who are in the resource centers, get access to take care of their charges sometimes outstanding warrants and also get treatment if they need it. And that’s where from the shelter to the courts or is that sort of long arrow going down. Now from Treatment. Treatment doesn’t last forever sometimes it’s residential sometimes it’s outpatient, but there’s always a discharge place, or a stair step down, kind of process to that, which means or still needs to be housing in the top.

19:25:25 And that’s something that we sometimes miss that generally all this comes back to housing sooner or later.

19:25:32 Now you’ll see and there’s some other arrows shelter the courts unsheltered the courts shelter into treatment. I’m going to start down at the unsheltered section here in this area here this box Salt Lake City operates a community commitment program. Some of you may have heard about this and I’m sure Tim has talked to other folks have talked about this in the past.

19:26:09 The city understands that there are impacted by folks who are unsheltered or camping outside. Right.

19:26:16 And so, taking public safety and public cleaning and outreach services together to a program to try and address the impacts. It doesn’t mean this is solving homelessness.

19:26:27 It means that if there are public needs as far as cleanliness folks camping for a long time, causing other bio waste issues or things like that, or just disruption to businesses or residences.

19:26:39 The city is trying to help address that piece, and it’s shifting over time a little bit but that involves advantage services which is a local cleaning company that hires a lot of folks who were formerly homeless or currently almost sometimes, and they do a lot of the contracting to clean across the city. It also means that the county health department has a role to play with city services to clean up larger accounts.

19:27:01 What we’re seeing more and more is that the more we’ve done this.

19:27:20 And with solid CPD trying their best to help enforce the camping ordinance, we have fewer large camps, but we also have a lot more small camps, a couple of tend to a few folks at a time.

19:27:17 And that also means we have distributed our services more widely so it does make it a little harder to get everywhere, very quickly. So one of the things that is happening is the city is investing money to make sure we have more cleaning options, and

19:27:33 more folks who can go there on a daily basis to places and that’s just starting to get going, so that we can respond more quickly than we be able to in the past.

19:27:42 Now, public safety is police generally speaking, if your downtown is downtown ambassadors, and it’s actually been expanded to North temple and the ballpark neighborhood as well, that can also be a piece of eyes on the ground, who can call the police or

19:28:07 themselves at times to help with public safety issues, and then the outreach services go along with this where Volunteers of America Utah, the road home has their own outreach teams around their Resource Center call Salt Lake. We have outreach services that we try and deploy, even the police department at times to

offer services to folks who are outside camping try and get them in as much as we can to indoor resources, or at least give them an option for other things they have needs of right it’s not just clearing a camp.

19:28:24 And we can go to a lot more detail about that process and Camp abatements and cleanings and so forth but the city is trying to address it that way is a big, it’s a big lift.

19:28:35 Now, that’s a big operational lift it’s a big budget lift so the next one down is cities received 3.4% 7.2% of the state homelessness mitigation funds.

19:28:46 The state when they supported closure of the old shelter downtown to disperse model to at least three now in this in this valley.

19:28:58 They set up a fund to help local cities offset the cost of that to them.

19:29:04 Now for a lot of reasons that we can’t get into now tonight. Salt Lake City was not really a core piece of that 60% of those funds immediately off the top go to South Salt Lake and Midvale every year, and the rest of the states get to apply and clinics

like city for the remainder of the funds which means we’ve gotten a miniscule amount of the funds year over year. That is changing the mayor has made it a priority to talk about this everywhere she goes, and we need help from the state.

19:29:31 Now the state coordinator.

19:29:34 House and Senate leadership of the state the governor’s office everyone is to have this discussion with them that that needs to change the funds to get bigger number one, it’s only about 6 million right now for the entire state.

19:29:45 It’s got to go at least 11 million minimum, and the allocation formulas gotta change.

19:30:00 We cannot be getting 3% of that funds for the city and taking on the role we have for a number of years now, we are investing a lot of city funds into this and not getting reimbursed from the state like other cities might be.

19:30:05 Now there’s about five cities in the state who really were heavily impacted like this.

19:30:09 Not quite as much as we are, but those five are working together to advocate for change to that system.

19:30:16 The last piece here is a vehicle camping and you probably have experienced this as well.

19:30:21 This is not necessarily brand new to the United States. This goes back decades and decades. But along with unsheltered homeless folks camping in the last two years at least it really seemed to explode into a much larger level than we’ve seen previously.

19:30:36 There are a lot of folks that using vehicles to stay in. Now it’s a little more complex with them because technically speaking, there’s some details in here, the federal government doesn’t always recognize them as homeless, through their definitions because

19:30:49 they are in a vehicle which could be if it’s an RV for per se, seen as housing. Now we know, realistically, it’s not true. Most of them are hooked up to, to utilities to sewer to water etc to heat.

19:31:05 But there’s a lot of complexity in there about how they’re defined and how they self defined because a lot of folks in vehicles, don’t identify as homeless necessarily oftentimes they’re actually working or a lot of folks who are in this situation you can’t, or actually use parking someplace legally within somebody’s private property, and oftentimes trading services, they’ll be the nightwatchman or their work for, for a yard or for a company, and they’ll allow them to stay there. So it gets interesting in alternative because what we’ve talked about is that if the city were to open up, say, an RV park for folks someplace in the city on city land right.

19:31:54 A lot of the vehicles we’re seeing are older, and that’s why they can’t go into say a koa because there’s an age restriction on there. And a lot of them actually have no way to move themselves independently.

19:32:04 We’ve got a lot of fifth wheels essentially campers without trucks or without vehicles towing them, and one person will told five or 10 of these around.

19:32:14 And so if there’s a place and they would park them. Oftentimes they may break down eventually and they’ll never move it becomes a permanent koa essentially, So it’s a big issue we’re trying to identify it or address it within the city we have plans to help them move and follow the 48 hour ordinance, or even sooner.

19:32:43 And so we’re deploying compliance and PD out at least once or twice a week now to try and give notice make sure they’re moving so we don’t get folks camping for a week or two weeks in the same place.

19:32:53 It doesn’t solve it, it moves it, but at least we’re trying to address this was not set up for a long term impacts on the street.

19:33:01 If you go to the, to the left, the jail to the courts kind of section one big piece of this is that a large number of folks we see outside camping or staying or disrupting businesses oftentimes either in Sugar House business district or downtown, or folks with severe mental illness and or a lot of substance use.

19:33:24 And so one of the problems we’ve had is that they don’t fit in jail very well there’s not housing for them. And it’s difficult to force somebody into treatment for a lot of legal reasons so one thing that is happening finally the state has funded are receiving center in Salt Lake County, which is being built and sell Salt Lake as we speak.

19:33:43 center in Salt Lake County, which is being built in Salt Lake as we speak. It won’t open till 2023 but that’s a no denial receiving center so that police could pick somebody up who seems to be not in the right state of mind, disrupting traffic or pedestrian access or whatever it is businesses people.

19:33:57 They can be taken to the receiving center where they can be stabilized and get run driven directly, without going to jail necessarily.

19:34:06 That’s helpful because it saves police a lot of time.

19:34:09 When police intervene in a situation and they arrest somebody, for whatever reason, anything they’ve got is a personal property they have to catalog it so you can take an officer off line essentially for multiple hours or most of the day and these large camps, just cataloging stuff, and getting everything moved. You can see how difficult for PD intravenous on these situations, because we would lose them for hours and hours at a time.

19:34:37 This will really help that process.

19:34:40 Now, there will be some legal ramifications for somebody in that situation if they didn’t follow through on treatment options. There could be other consequences that could involve jail at some point, but really they’re trying to get them into treatment

19:34:53 is the first step with medication other supports now between now and 2023 the county is trying to figure out how to bridge that gap. And we’ve had discussions with them on that and that’s ongoing.

19:35:04 Some things in here about enhanced jail treatment or pre discharge planning, talk with the dean’s office of the Justice Court and the county about misdemeanor level offenders, we have a plan for high risk felony offenders chronically offending folks,

19:35:22 but nothing for misdemeanor folks, which is where a lot of people were talking about with fit.

19:35:26 We’re trying to figure out a way to get them into the right placement rather than just being even booked and released from the jail’s or decided and they stay on the street from local citations.

19:35:38 Going up one two that was talked about that a little bit in the courts, if you move up to the left a little bit treatment as a county specific enterprise so the county funds treatment whether mental health or substance use, and so there are some barriers to getting folks into mental health treatment particularly, but also for substance use, to some extent, without some motivation of times folks won’t go in.

19:36:03 And there are not enough beds. Any way either way, there are some beds right now for substance use, but not necessarily for mental health, especially in patient.

19:36:10 So that’s got to keep being worked on.

19:36:13 I’m a big fan of an act team and ACT team which is assertive community treatment, which is basically a mobile psychiatric hospital. I started one up a VOA years ago, and it provides all the services, Medicaid funded to somebody to live in the community

19:36:28 so that they’re not isolated not alone the medications can come to them and help them get involved in activities, live pseudo independently without having to go into treatment and live in hospital for say which is really expensive and they don’t last

19:36:42 for long in hospitals, regardless so I like that model I like to see that pursuits and more. Those are discussions.

19:36:49 Back to the right to the shelter.

19:36:51 This will get us to where we are today or tonight.

19:36:56 I’m the yellow shelter, right now we need this year based on the last three years of data we need about 1700 total shelter beds for the wintertime.

19:37:06 We have been 300 short at least some of that is probably a holdover from the transition from one big shelter downtown at Rio Grande to multiple with podcasts on their occupancy rates.

19:37:19 The one downtown for years and years could basically expand almost indefinitely. And they would have for a building that was meant to have 400 plus people in there, they would have over 1000 almost 1100 some nights over the years in there.

19:37:36 That can happen in the current Resource Centers because there’s a hard cap. So you can see why we have a gap per se that that hasn’t really been addressed.

19:37:43 There are a lot of efforts to address it through more housing that just haven’t been able to make the dent everyone hope they would.

19:37:48 So, the overflow that’s been cited this year on North temple, again, is to address that, for the wintertime, and there hope that’ll open up within a few weeks, this month, I’m going to cross my fingers on that.

19:38:04 And that would really put a lot of emphasis on folks with high needs. We have a large aging population in the shelter, and also on the streets.

19:38:14 We have a lot of folks who have other disabilities, and trying to make sure they’re in there and anybody on the streets gets in who’s unsheltered.

19:38:21 But there’s still an operational gap and these numbers I’m putting forward here the bottom the solid Valley coalition on homelessness.

19:38:27 Those are changed slightly since I made this, but I just want to put that in there to know that the system is not fully funded. it never has been.

19:38:36 Usually what happens is a provider Road Home VOA Catholic community services which point whoever it is.

19:38:42 They generally have to cut back services or stretch whatever dollars they get to make it work to keep the doors open, and they do it consistently.

19:38:50 But I want to make sure everyone understands that this system has never been fully funded.

19:38:55 And that’s where that state homelessness Council and state is really got to be a focus for us over and over again.

19:39:01 Now moving up, housing is ultimately sort of the end result for a lot of this with services.

19:39:07 The Valley coalition on homelessness has estimated that top box that we need about 3000 deeply affordable housing units this year. That means anybody making below 40% AMI, all the folks we’re talking about in the homelessness system.

19:39:24 We need, it’s basically 2950 beds right now, right, units. and then each year next 2020-2023-2024 they’re estimating based on historical data that we’re going to need another 1400 every year above that, you get a sense that in three years three to four years we have 7000 bed beds we need essentially if we want everybody to have a place to live, that’s affordable for them, massive number right go below that within that we need about 450 permanent supportive housing units, really geared to folks

19:40:02 who are severely mentally or severely physically ill.

19:40:07 Whether it’s age related or other things. And we really won’t be living independently on their own.

19:40:13 They’re not somebody who’s going to sort of get clean and sober.

19:40:16 Get a job back on their career trajectory make more money move up in the housing ranks those kind of things. These are folks who are generally going to have fixed incomes probably, and will stabilize perhaps but not necessarily be independent.

19:40:30 And right now there’s a large number I estimate about 15% of folks in the shelters right now, probably a little higher on the streets, that would meet that criteria.

19:40:39 And so we really need those units pretty quickly. And when we talk about all the deeply affordable housing ideas like hotel or motel conversions purpose built buildings like Pamela’s place we built downtown Magnolia open this year downtown as well.

19:40:56 Shared housing St Charles which there’s an ordinance for the City Council still a holdover from earlier this year. And then the tiny home village, you probably heard about that is right now being worked through on Indiana Avenue near to 15 on the westside.

19:41:09 All concepts about how to address this and each of them probably have a place, but it’s going to take a lot of these.

19:41:15 And then the service money as well.

19:41:17 Now, I don’t say that to sort of frustrated folks and say it’s impossible.

19:41:22 Sometimes I get that reaction and I understand it. I’m still in my job I’m still working homelessness because I do believe we can make we can make this happen.

19:41:31 Probably I don’t say that enough up front. But if we’re going to make it happen. We have to confront the reality here so I present this to everybody I can just say, We are closer than other cities in the western United States by far.

19:41:45 We are per capita have the lowest number of homeless individuals of anywhere in the western US, but I’m aware of right now, we’re within reach. If you talk about 300 beds right now just to get everybody inside that is miniscule compared to almost anywhere else in the western us all.

19:42:01 I mean, we all know about the West Coast and Seattle San Francisco and San Diego etc and we’re talking about 10s and hundreds of thousands of people, even Sacramento, California, that county has more homeless individuals unsheltered than our entire state.

19:42:18 That alone. We’re not talking about Seattle needs, we need 450% supportive housing and it’s just the city of Seattle estimates they need 6000 of those.

19:42:29 We are close to being able to address this, if we choose to as a system. We haven’t quite chosen yet but at least we have the data in front of us now that we can advocate see this is what we can do.

19:42:40 There’s a plan.

19:42:42 It also means that the mayor’s worked very hard to straddle to kind of concepts. One is, all of this is directly impacting Salt Lake City, and you all know that in a very profound way.

19:42:57 It also means that the more the city does sometimes the less other people need to do.

19:43:02 And if we’re going to get ahead of this is probably going to be big.

19:43:11 The only real plan is probably to have a lot of folks together doing this the coalition. The county as a whole and cities, the state. If one city continues to do this, whether it’s logged in Salt Lake City St George whoever it is, we’re probably always

19:43:20 going to be behind, and whenever you have the resource and the ability and the city that are doing it are going to continue to attract everybody there, they’re going to be a regional hub, which means the more you do, the more you need to do.

19:43:33 So she’s tried very hard in my estimation to voice this need at the state level, particularly, and a county level to still take actions we talked about earlier to try and address the impact right now on the city and work to get that coalition strong enough

19:43:51 that they can get their plans into action and move some things outside of Salt Lake and hasn’t happened the way, all of us would have hoped, so far, but we’ve had more discussions in unit the other year with other cities in this county, we’ve had to at

19:44:04 least two cities come forward and offer and try and work with things even though they didn’t work out at.

19:44:10 That’s an improvement. It’s also an improvement to hear the state, sort of listening to these and agree that there’s some changes that need to be made, and Wayne Niederhauser who’s a nice blue state coordinator is a great addition to the state level and

19:44:23 he and I’ve worked a lot together and the last few months on this so I’m optimistic, and I want to be realistic and looking at what we’re facing.

19:44:32 I don’t know if that’s too much at once. It sounds like fun to judge from online.

19:44:43 It’s a lot of information. I can also speak anytime offline or other days.

19:44:45 I still have my same email address from a city council days in the city so I’m always open to meeting with anybody individually or talking through with other groups, answering questions whatever be helpful.

19:44:55 And you should we ask you to answer a few questions. Yeah. Okay, how about what is the purpose of the proposed zoning text amendments related to homeless resource centers and homeless shelters.

19:45:09 the zoning texts amendment was initiated by the mayor hold, and then it goes to the city council to make the changes right.

19:45:24 So, right now, planning is taking this into kind of a phased approach. The first phase, the mayor’s intent was to say, we have to be more strategic and careful and how we’re addressing emergency shelter operations in the city.

19:45:41 Because right now.

19:45:43 Anybody could apply for a temporary or permanent conditional use for that use it in certain zones in the city, and you know with conditional use processes.

19:45:52 It’s not a guarantee but once you follow the rules you can get it right. And so there was a little less control from the city and to say we could keep setting these in place in the city or in the city in general, we may not feel comfortable with them

19:46:04 so the idea was to get six months. Once you put that forward to work on it. Part of it was rewriting the current code and pulling out the conditional use that was written now differentiating between permanent and temporary.

19:46:21 So that means that the permanent was the hold right now the temporary allowed Valley coalition and shelter the homeless to apply for the North Temple one, which wasn’t a conditional use but they could have applied for that somewhere else in

the city.

19:46:35 And then in the meantime, have discussions at the Council level in the mayor’s office and planning about how does the city want to write this to have more control over how that gets done in the city.

19:46:47 So somebody wants to place an emergency shelter in the city someplace. The city has a little more control and a little more process with the neighborhoods about how that happens in the past.

19:46:59 There’s a lot of complications and how that has happened this past year but part of it was somebody could apply, and there was no requirement on them to go to the community before they apply.

19:47:08 And once they apply, then becomes public but then it’s already in the system right for conditional use process so it’s difficult to even stop that.

19:47:16 So, there’s a process piece and then an outcomes piece that are being worked on right now I would anticipate that changing the current language will happen in within the six months I think it’s already started.

19:47:27 The second piece about one of the new rules would be what might take a little longer than six months but I would hope this year get done.

But just my personal opinion.

19:47:39 Any idea how long the city will allow RV campaign by homeless on neighborhood streets.

19:47:46 The current parking ordinance never really imagined people living in the vehicles. And so when compliance goes out to enforce the no parking right the 48 hour rule.

19:47:58 It’s complicated when somebody’s in the vehicle because you can cite them, which they have done. If they don’t move.

19:48:06 Generally it was you tow the vehicle right, and there’s a contract with the towing company. And so the towing companies. If it was unoccupied some of these vehicles were very large and difficult, and they wouldn’t make the money back by somebody getting

19:48:19 out of impound. So they have to eat the cost of the tow the dismantling getting rid of all the materials to the dumper other places that needed to go, and they were losing money so they just stopped, they wouldn’t even tell some of the vehicles, even

19:48:28 if they’re on occupied. And then towing somebody in a vehicle is problematic for a number of number levels as you can imagine, so the ordinance didn’t work that well what’s happening right now is police are enforcing an ordinance about the public right of way, and sort of. It’s kind of like a nuisance on the public right away that doesn’t require a 48 hour notice, but generally they’re trying to give notice to folks that they can move on.

19:48:59 We are trying to make that more regular so at least once or twice a week, we can address it across the city.

19:49:04 The biggest one we have right now is in the industrial era, its massive we’ve had up to 5060 vehicles in one place over the last year out there in different places as they move around.

19:49:14 So we are trying to enforce as city wide. We meet every week, with all the folks involved in this to identify the highest priorities and get people out them as soon as possible.

19:49:24 We’re sorry it hasn’t been as quickly as we’d like at times, particularly for one or two vehicles, but we are trying and so we need to know about them if you have reports, use the app or call in and we’ll get to those as much as we possibly can.

19:49:38 What is the city stance on harm reduction.

19:49:43 I’m not sure in relation to anything specific or if it says anything. No, no harm reduction I personally believe no harm reduction and a lot of situations, depending on what your mean here.

19:49:58 harm reduction basically means, if it is difficult to stop a behavior by somebody else for a lot of legal and other reasons.

19:50:06 How do you help them be safe until they can get to a place to stop, often have you talked about harm reduction in the context of drug and alcohol use, but it can mean a lot of different places, part of the city right now, trying to handle unsheltered camping or parking is sort of a harm reduction model of saying, we understand there’s none of beds indoors for everybody.

19:50:27 And so we haven’t taken the tact of other cities in this county have strict enforcement everywhere all the time and driving people physically out.

19:50:35 We’ve also said you can’t stay one place for long, because a lot of problems so when we do an abatement and a cleaning. It doesn’t mean folks won’t come back and means we’re trying to clean so it doesn’t become a larger environmental hazard, but also

19:50:58 that until this overflow can get in it’s going to be hard for folks to go any place because there’s not place to go. So it’s a difficult balance we’ve been handling there.

we’re trying to find that balance right now and work really, really hard at more permanent solutions with our partners.

19:51:15 Emily from Sugar House coffee said Thanks for the info help me understand some questions I had a, the new shelters with their new model of services was supposed to provide better outcomes that was to compensate for the decrease number of beds that provided

19:51:31 by the road home as this new model of services failed to deliver as advertised or the new shelters providing the needed throughput.

19:51:42 That’s a fundamental question to the whole system right, I know, I was in the council when a lot of promises were made a few all around for that and you remember this.

19:51:51 But the site selection process of where the places would go and the neighborhoods were told will make that is low impact as possible.

19:51:59 Make sure that they’re integrated well and there’s a move in their temporary the move out the housing.

19:52:10 That is not functioning the way I think any of us wanted to at least from my end. There’s a couple reasons one I think we’ve also run, we run into a massive housing problem I mean, I’m not sure that we forecast this for years ago, that, not just the pandemic

19:52:22 and the impact there and the economy which, when the economy goes down or struggles with jobs and incomes and those kind of things. A lot of things get worse with homelessness just in general over the decades.

19:52:35 But with housing has been so unobtainable for folks, particularly if you’re the lower end of the income spectrum. We have a massive shortage, that there’s no place to move into.

19:52:45 And so yeah, we’re going to get folks in the resource centers who might normally just self resolved and get out pretty quickly. Generally historically about 60% of the folks coming into those centers would stay one, two, maybe three weeks Max and never

19:52:58 come back again. They would just find their own ways out.

19:53:03 That hasn’t happened to the same level we’ve seen in the past. And we haven’t had a place for that population we’re literally living there and probably will live there the rest of our lives is no other options to move out to a permanent supportive housing.

19:53:20 So, there hasn’t been a way to get out to the housing that housing there yet. The second piece is there’s not enough resources in the system necessarily still, I talked about them being underfunded.

19:53:28 And that’s been true I set up one of the resource centers.

19:53:43 A few years back and we had to cut the staffing, just to make budget that first year, and we’ve sort of tried to backfill get more case management and services but it’s difficult. We’re also seeing that a small number of people who have severe mental illness.

19:53:59 So that’s why I talked about this whole system being here that there was a lot of hope to get enough housing to move people out. And that hasn’t really been realized in my, in my view, quite yet.

19:54:04 I’m still hopeful we can, which is why I put those numbers up there, and that right now, the state legislative session this February, there will be at least one bill asking for $200 million towards this type of housing, which is a huge step, traditionally estates put in two to $4 million per year. Towards housing statewide.

19:54:26 It would be a massive step up and is needed badly. I also serve on the state housing affordability commission which has been trying to look at these things as well so there is some movement there but you’re right, we’ve got to have more flow through into

19:54:41 housing and other services. Otherwise, these centers are going to be full consistently which they have been. And people are going to live there the rest of their lives, essentially, which is not what an emergency shelter should be in any way even a resource center shouldn’t be that.

19:55:34 Amy Fowler…And maybe a couple of questions. First off, I want to say thank you, Andrew.

19:55:39 This information is always so incredibly helpful to me as a city council person.

19:55:49 I believe in our administration, which is why the mayor stole you from the city council and put you where you’re at, and to our constituents in our residents throughout Salt Lake City.

19:56:01 One of the things I want to address real quickly that I was thinking about as I was listening was about the resource.

19:56:11 The, the lack of resources. And one of the issues that we have is, even if we as a city are able to fund beds.

19:56:21 We can’t always find people to work them.

19:56:25 And Andrew I’m sure you could talk a little bit more about that but there is a staffing issue. It’s not just that people need a bed, and they get to go sleep in that bed.

19:56:40 But as we all know, there needs to be somebody there, that is attentive to that person, especially with the vulnerable population that we see that are dealing with severe mental health issues, or severe substance abuse issues, which Andrew has another wonderful presentation about the inner play between all of those. But it really is also about staffing. And so, if any of you know anyone who wants to go into social work, or wants an intern position, I think that the VOA would welcome them. The city would figure out a way to welcome them right this is a really an eye, like, we as a city council can appropriate money. We can’t tell where that money goes. Right. And so we can say we can have legislative intense on it, we can say this is what we’re hoping for. But one of the big issues that we’re seeing and to be fair, we’re seeing this through every industry,

19:57:55 but we’re seeing the impact is, is we don’t have staff. We funded 13 social workers in our, in the public safety area, and I think Jessica has found like to hire or something great like people are not coming out and we just don’t have the staff so we

19:58:18 can have the best intentions possible. We need people there that are like doing the work. And that is part of something that I want to make sure is also clear and and I’m like, We have given city raises.

19:58:37 I think that we have good incentives, but it’s also a really hard job it’s like deciding to be a public defender in my, in my personal case right like I took a 60% pay cut.

19:58:51 And it’s so that that’s also something that we have to be aware of. And that the toll that it takes on our social workers, the toll that it takes on the people that are there everyday working.

19:59:04 I’ve seen it we’ve all seen it.

19:59:08 Like, we just need to somehow figure out a way to encourage more people to be in those staffing positions and it’s a difficult thankless.

19:59:20 Actually, I’m not going to say thankless, I think, hopefully if you’re there, it’s a thankful job, and you’re doing it for that reason right but that is also part of the part of the issues I, the City Council could put for $3 million in Andrew and I’ve

19:59:37 had these conversations, right, we could put forward to $3 million, and say let’s build all of the things.

19:59:47 If we don’t have the staff there, we don’t have people there. Then, we don’t necessarily also get to open or get to provide the resources that people need so that they’re not still sleeping under the viaduct.

20:00:04 Right, so that’s also something that I think we need to keep in in mind. The other thing, and this is the last question that kind of got brought up about affordable housing, and it does go back to the staffing in some ways but

20:00:21 throughout my last three and a half, almost four years on the council, the RTA has made a huge impact on affordable housing, and we have, I think, an Andrew can correct me if I’m wrong but one of the first

20:00:40 developments that will go what I like to call from zero to penthouse

20:00:47 in on State Street, with the bridge your development that’s going down on what is it to something to 12 I don’t know around their State Street.

20:01:01 We’re going from permanent supportive housing to penthouse all in one building all in one development.

20:01:13 And the other. And the reason that this is so important to me is to get rid of the stigma that people who are poor can’t live with people who are rich, or people who have mental health issues can’t live with people who don’t.

20:01:30 And by the way, maybe we all do.

20:01:32 But we this is one of the first developments that we are going to have in Salt Lake City.

20:01:46 And I’m excited to see where that goes. Because we have put a lot of effort into it as a city and a a city council. And I think it can be a model for what we can do here in Sugar House, and for what we can expect from developers, and it’s something

20:02:03 that comes to us that we were able to sort of expect that from the RDA in that area, because we had an RDA project there, so we can put a little bit more demands on people and on developers, because they’re looking for an incentive right here in Sugar

20:02:25 House, we don’t necessarily. Well, number one, we don’t have an RDA project area so we don’t have the same tools that we did with an RD a project area in that.

20:02:35 But we still can put pressure on developers to look at what affordable housing is and this idea, not just affordable but attainable housing, and that you can have zero depend house developments.

20:02:51 At least that’s my opinion

20:04:24 Salt Lake City currently has 74% of all those units in the city for the entire county that means three out of every four of those were in SLC compare the rest of the county.

20:04:35 We actually have 60% of them for the entire state in the city.

20:04:40 We’ve done a great job in allocating $65 million, and last six years ish towards affordable housing.

20:04:48 but you can kind of see how this cycle gets really tight because the more you put in the more it’s here, the more services are here, the more people come here.

20:04:56 And it’s a never ending cycle right, unless a lot of folks are doing this housing, it’s going to continue potentially to be more and more concentrated in one city.

20:05:06 And that’s a difficult thing for this say to sort of manage and a lot of ways right so that is hard. There’s a question there about how many affordable units have been built.

20:05:16 I’ve got from the Valley coalition a chart and prominent of time landed to do this but essentially this year we are anticipating about. We needed about 3000 units this year, we anticipated about 500 at being created, and about 110 being really focused on homelessness.

20:05:35 3000 need 580 being built about 100 being ready for the homeless.

20:05:42 Now it gets worse the next few years, I will show you the slides depress you.

20:05:48 But you can see we’re not in a good trajectory. That’s why we need more than one city more than a couple cities to do this it’s got to be a statewide effort.

20:05:56 In a lot of ways, I think George brought up a couple points landing quickly the about state audit which are important. There have been state audits, since the beginning of the new shelter system right three years ago, safety and security audit

20:06:12 which have pointed out some needs that the city’s trying to address through more state funding to pay for it. We need more officers and more dedicated resources around those resource centers, and also different working collaboration.

20:06:21 If we have the resources to do that both fire and police we could do that that’s why this push for our state mitigation funds is huge for us.

20:06:29 There’s also a general Homeless Services audit which the second phase was just released a few weeks ago, and a couple takeaways from that are number one housing first approach seems to work over 90% of the people in the move the shelter’s into that type of housing, stay in that housing long term. It’s also incredibly expensive, which they bring up. And so, to build that many more housing units like this is PR in their view, perhaps prohibitively expensive, and they’re advocating for more flow through

20:07:00 those which create a longer discussion we could talk through that, but there are artists be happening to try and get the system to a place that’s more efficient.

20:07:10 And so I welcome those and I know the providers are responding and the system’s responding, as they go along and getting better. And we’ve seen that and the safety, security audits were three years ago it’s a pretty difficult lot it for the Road Home

20:07:24 to sort of experience and for the homeless system to experience, and with multiple providers now, they acknowledged it is getting better and you to this resource center so the trajectories and the right path.

20:07:38 Thank you, Andrew.

20:07:51 CIU officer Bob Norgarrd, go ahead.

20:08:02 So, we’re still having a big problem in in Sugar House with car prawls. That’s your vehicles being broken into your belongings being stolen. So please don’t leave your, your valuables out in plain sight iPads personas anything.

20:08:15 One case that caught my eye was a guy left his passport and $700 cash in his truck.

20:08:20 And that was all taken another situation it’s on arises folks leaving their garages, open, either by mistake or whatever but people are just walking by seeing the open garage.

20:08:33 Taking bikes taking tools taking anything they can just quickly grab and run.

20:08:37 So try to be you know diligent make sure everything is all secured catalytic converter fists are still becoming a problem for some reason Prius’s or being targeted.

20:08:48 So I don’t know the significance behind that I’m having trouble finding an answer to that.

20:09:14 Can you put your info in the chat for us. Yep, absolutely.

20:09:17 Thanks.

20:09:19 Have a good night.

20:09:23 All right, Leah you want to talk road construction.

20:09:37 I, how about road design. Okay. All right, I am going to show you our

20:10:11 Highland drive workshop, can you see our screen.

20:10:15 Great. So today.

20:10:18 So let’s see transportations 1100 East Highland drive project team launched a virtual Town Hall online. I’ll drop the link in the chat for you. And these are a little different.

20:10:31 The intent here is to put all the same information that we would have at an in person, in person open house to put it online so people can take some time with it.

20:10:41 Look around read the information, check the FAQs out look at the designs, and then come to the open house and talk to us if they have questions or concerns or want to share comments so I’m going to kind of walk you through it.

20:10:55 And when you come into the open house, it will look, I mean it’s meant to look just like a real open house.

20:11:02 This project is I think I’ve spoken with you out twice. This fall, about the Highland drive project it comes out of the local link study which is looking at mobility between Sugar House and MillCreek-Holiday areas.

20:11:19 And really, it’s sort of motivated by the local by the funding our future bond, which dedicated funds to reconstruct the pavement. In the roadway so we decided, Lynn Jacobs with transportation is our project manager and Lynn really wanted to make the

20:11:36 most of the, the funding that we have and also, you know, make the most of the fact that the impacts will be difficult in Sugar House very it’s a limited area there’s not a lot of room.

20:11:48 There’s a lot of businesses a lot of traffic so we’re going to do it we want to do it once we want to do it right.

20:11:54 So our goal for the project is to build a safe inviting sustainable and comfortable road from it to about 17 south on Highland drive, 1100, East that provides transportation choices for a variety of users.

20:12:11 And so as you go through the site you can kind of click on any of these images and they’ll pop up and you can, you know you can zoom in, check them out.

20:12:19 And then you can just scroll around. So, here are some of the reasons behind the project.

20:12:30 As you know we’ve talked about I think before. There are lots of really great full height street trees, we have businesses right up against the back of the sidewalk, this is kind of north of sugar of 21st South like soup kitchen and what used to be the eyeglasses store that’s now a tattoo shop over by TeaZanti some of those folks again also where the post office.

20:12:54 So we want to keep the character of the Sugar House business district but we are seeing a lot of pedestrians in the 21st South Highland drive area. And we’ve had two fatalities in the last five years.

20:13:09 So while the number of crashes, which is about 352 is not unusual for a road of this size and type fatalities are really problematic we want to avoid them.

20:13:22 The other thing is there’s a little gap of Carly’s trail that isn’t connected, that we can connect as we go through on the south side of 2100 South over by Wilmington that signs big Whole Foods.

20:13:37 And the movie theater that area. So we can make that connection and connect a really great trail system that’s already existing.

20:13:45 So as you go through this site you can kind of see what the different designs look like I’ve presented these to you before so I’m not going to do it again I know you have a lot of other people on the agenda.

20:13:55 But I do want to just let you know you can see that and you can also see

This is actually our rendering showing how we would widen the sidewalk.

20:14:25 And this is north of 21st south. You can see on the west side of the road, this is right by Sugar House pub.

This allows us to make some room for those trees but it also allows us to provide a safe, comfortable place for bikes and scooters and some of those other non motorized vehicles to be away from pedestrians, but also out of the travel lanes and it shifts

20:14:59 the parking all the way to the east side.

20:15:02 So that’s north of 21st south and then the other section. This is here at Zions Bank, you can see the lanes draping is kind of pretty close to what exists today and that’s what we put in after the canal project this last summer.

20:15:24 But you can see over on the west side, there’s that connection of the Parleys trail and a really nice wide multi use path for cyclists and pedestrians.

20:15:33 There’s also I don’t know if you can see under all of these beautiful trees that we have this fall but there is also a bike lane on the east side which is the northbound side of the road.

20:15:46 So there are a lot of things there. Those are just some renderings you can see on this same exhibit, there are sort of the cross sections of how each section of road looks as we go north from Ramona to Wilson, it doesn’t change as much, so you can kind

20:16:05 of zoom in and see, sorry again this is easier when you have a regular mouse not a touch screen, you can see what those cross sections look like.

20:16:15 And then the last thing I wanted to just point out and let you know about is that

20:16:23 the whole current design is here.

20:16:26 So you can zoom in on the map, all the way down to your house, your favorite coffee shop that place where you go and do your volunteer work with the dogs and animals rate at best friends.

20:16:39 The place where you go and do your volunteer work with the dogs and animals right at best friends. And you can see exactly how that’s going to look in front of you know Sterling furniture or over by Wells Fargo.

20:16:49 You can zoom up and down and kind of take a look and we would really encourage you to do that, so that you can kind of understand what this might look like in front of you and of course we want to hear from you as well so as you’re on the site, you can

20:17:01 click to leave your feedback. There’s a form there you can also click an ad your contact information to get signed up for email updates. And then we are having a digital online open house on December 7 which unfortunately is the same day as city council

20:17:21 so we do want to encourage you to come if you can. The meeting is from four to six. So we tried to stagger it towards the end of the work day for our businesses in the area, and then into the evening hours when residents are home.

20:17:36 If you can’t join us again please feel free to leave your feedback and if you want to just make a comment, go ahead and if you want to make a comment and ask for a direct response will be happy to respond to them if you provide your contact information.

20:17:49 And this project is in design it is not scheduled to go to construction until 2023. So next year we will be working more directly with the businesses to talk about how construction traffic might be phased how to mitigate impacts during construction some

20:18:06 of the programs that the city has we related to managing construction for businesses.

20:18:12 Also the FAQs we’ve we have had a couple of business and property owner workshops. We’ve also had a lot of one on ones with the businesses that are most directly impacted.

20:18:22 And we have a lot of questions and answers based on the input that we’ve heard from the public so far. So definitely check that out as well.

20:19:00 Lynn Jacobs SLC Transportation…I see the question about when we investigate road improvements, how do we account for side street traffic, and specifically on 1100 East Highland, as we’re redesigning improving it How does it impact.

20:19:14 Ninth east and 13th east and that’s a really great question. As you can imagine it is really difficult to try to predict how traffic will change, especially during construction is things, you know, it’s a lot of human psychology goes into that and people

20:19:26 make individual choices, and it’s really difficult to try to predict that. And so we know that there will be, especially during construction there will be traffic that diverts to those other roadways.

20:19:38 Unfortunately there’s not a lot we can do about it is just going to be part of the nature of gain through the construction on this particular project, as we’re rebuilding 11th in Highland when we are done, the roadway capacity or in other words how many

20:19:51 cars we can actually move on this roadway doesn’t really change all that much. And so, we’re not really restricting traffic or changing the amount of flow that can happen on this roadway.

20:20:01 And so we would expect that over time that that traffic would just naturally come right back to the roadway as it has been in the past. Hopefully that answers the question.

20:20:14 Then you want to go into your update as well. Hey, thanks.

20:20:17 Thanks Leah.

20:20:19 So I have an update and it’s not on the line I think that’s what’s on the agenda. I don’t have anything new to share from presented to you on that, that’s fine.

20:20:28 But I do want it Oh, I need screen sharing the line and if you don’t mind, making that a possibility for me.

20:20:35 I did want to come and just share with you our 13th, East project that we’re just barely starting on.

20:20:42 This is really early in the process.

20:20:44 And so this is really everybody’s first opportunity to start getting engaged with this project. And so I just wanted to take a minute and kind of make sure everybody knew what was going on with a project.

20:20:58 Boy Can you see my should be a 13 feast website. Yeah, we’ll see that hopefully I’ll put the link to this in the chat when I’m done but 13th, East LLC.

20:21:05 com.

20:21:06 So 13th, East will be reconstructed after Highland drive. So as we’ve been working in Leesburg great come last couple times and give us presentations on a pilot drive.

20:21:18 As soon as we’re done with building talent drive. The following year, we shifted we look at 13 see so we’re now at the point where we’re kicking off and starting to study and evaluate 13th east and start to look at what we need to do with this roadway.

20:21:31 When we rebuild it in 2024.

20:21:35 And so it’s kind of the next shoe to drop in the whole project in. And so the city is launching and environmental and concept design. For this project, and we’re really looking between 21st self.

20:21:47 And we’re looking for our study all the way down to 33rd in Mill Creek. We don’t currently have enough funding to build all the way to 33rd our funding ends somewhere right around the, the mill creek boundary.

20:22:02 But, as we’re looking at the study we want to think about how this roadway will function cohesively all the way to 33rd in front of Brickyard in that area down there.

20:22:10 And so, we are looking at that and making sure that we’re counting for that. And as we rebuild the road to the north, we’re ready for it.

20:22:17 So, as you kind of look at this website there’ll be details about all the previous studies that have been done all the plans and what they recommend and what they suggest, and that’s kind of where we’re starting off from but we’re really at a point in

20:22:29 the study where we want to hear from you what issues you have on the roadway. What kind of problems people face, we want to make sure that we can address as many issues as we can, when we’re out there doing this.

20:22:40 And so, like I said, it’s really just trying to identify gaps in the network, trying to identify things that need to get improved things that aren’t working well and and trying to find solutions for that and so if everyone could come to this website you’re

20:22:52 going to notice that there’s a spot for feedback.

20:22:56 If you click on that feedback tab. There’s a really brief survey that pops up. And it’s really a simple form should only take about five to 10 minutes to fill out.

20:23:07 And it’s really just us looking for information about this roadway and how it works and, and what’s working and what is it, we’re going to leave this survey open until January 5.

20:23:17 And so over the next month we’re going to be doing a lot of work to try to get people to know that this survey is open, And we wanted to strategically like not close it until after the holidays.

20:23:27 And after people are back from the holidays so that everyone has time to take it. And we also have time to get the word out. So to do that, we’re here meeting with you tonight, we’d love for you guys to share this information with people and make sure

20:23:38 everybody knows about it. We’re sending out a bunch of postcards to all the residents in the area, and we’re going to do social media blast already have everything we can to try to get the word out but anything you can do to help is greatly appreciated.

20:23:50 Again, this is for construction in 2024. So we are like three years out, and we’re just trying to just get started so that we can figure out what we’re doing and do it and with, with plenty of time to spare.

20:24:05 There is a place to get back to us and get updates. So you can fill out a form here. We also have this email address info at 13 fees SLC calm. And then there’s also a hotline number that people can call if they want to talk to someone.

20:24:21 So that’s the information and just really look forward to hearing from everyone on this project and we’re excited to get going on it.

20:24:28 And then there’s a question in the chat about is the right turn light on 13th and 21st Is it okay to turn right on red or wait to the light turns green.

20:24:38 Oh boy.

20:24:55 I don’t remember off the top of my head, how we have that configured right now. If it says no right turn on red, then know if it doesn’t say that, then you should be allowed to make a right turn on red, as long as it’s clear to go.

20:24:56 All I can get a more specific answer if, if, Yvonne if you want to just email me with your contact info I can get back to you after I’ve gone out and double check what we have out there in place right now.

20:25:08 I unfortunately don’t remember every traffic control we have in the in the in the district. so I’d have to double check.

20:25:16 Alright thanks Lynn thanks guys.

Cherie Koford update from Sprague branch library.

20:25:40 If you haven’t stopped by recently, uh, you should stop by especially on the east side we have some patio furniture, and we have some pots that we were going to be filling with plants, and we’re super excited about that.

20:25:54 So the patio furniture.

20:25:57 There was a delay in getting it because the money was coming out of this fiscal year and not last fiscal year. So that’s why, But you should stop by and see that, and I found out today that we are planning in person programming for February, so it’s super

20:26:14 exciting will have story times again it will be limited to numbers with registration.

20:26:20 But we’re super excited to have invite everybody back to the library for in person programming. And then, we are also launching a adult reading challenge.

20:26:34 So this is kind of like the thousand books before kindergarten, and some of the other challenges that we have four different age groups we have an adult one that is coming out in early 2022, so we’ve got a lot of fun things planned, and we hope to see

20:26:49 you all at the library.

Amy Fowler, District 7 Councilwoman, We are going to hybrid meetings on December 7.

20:27:29 So there will be in person and virtual. If you do come in person, we are requiring a mask, and we are sticking very strictly to the requirement of a mask.

20:27:49 So that’s December 7 oath of office and all of that will take place on December, or excuse me, January 3.

20:28:53 And, you know, they’re certainly things that we are trying to do and I’m grateful for Andrews input.

20:29:11 It’s kind of, I haven’t we haven’t had a council meeting for like three weeks so

20:29:19 I can’t think of anything else right at this moment, obviously all the construction that’s been talked about and you guys have seen my comments, not happy with some of the things that have happened here on 900, East, and I hope that

20:29:41 that is being conveyed.

20:31:31 We’re just going to do some quick committee updates since we have a little bit of time. Judi you want to talk about land use,

We seem to have three projects, every single month.  The old fire station parceled rezoned.

20:32:03 Another one is the stealth wireless communications facility facilities.

20:32:09 And then the third one is 1861 South 1300 east as the building just south of Allen Park.

20:32:19 And I have 19 pages of comments about that project.

20:32:24 So it’s gonna be really interesting to see what’s going to happen.

20:32:28 But guys, I think he’s asking for too many exceptions.

20:32:31 Land Use meeting is December 13th at 6 pm.

I have an 1824 36 Park Street. And then I have the homeless text amendment that Andrew was talking


And then there’s a planned unit development.

This is a 501, 511 and 515 East on 2700 South

20:33:55 thank you. Sally you want to do a parks update.

20:34:00 I’m a little bit of a quiet time for the post committee, and obviously as we go into fall and winter. I appreciate all the work that Sarah has done with the fence of Fairmont Park, I did want to announce the city announced that Troy Baker work, who works

20:34:16 for Salt Lake public lands, retired in December, so he’s been with public lands for I think close to 30 years. So those of you who know him, we’re going to really miss him.

20:34:27 And so I wanted to announce that and then probably lastly I’ll be keeping in close contact with urban forestry department.

20:34:36 Regarding trees because as you know it’s been really dry, we need some rain, and most of us have turned off our sprinkler systems or have quit watering our lawns.

20:34:47 And as the winter goes on, that can be very detrimental to trees if we aren’t getting snow.

20:34:54 So kind of keep an eye on your trees, and I’ll try to keep you all informed, they usually can kind of tell you if it’s been so many weeks, depending on the diameter of your tree, how much water you actually should haul out there and put around your tree

20:36:48 Laurie Bray…So those of you who don’t know the Santa shack is alive and well. And it’s 2275 South Highland drive so it’s across the street from Patagonia.

20:37:01 And we’re doing everything outside again. And we’re open Monday through Friday from 330 to seven and Saturdays 11 to seven.

It’s been in Sugar House for 75 years so we’re trying to keep the tradition alive, and you can find information on Facebook and Instagram and you know the

20:37:51 really cool thing is because I asked everybody if they’ve been there before we have lots of new people coming this year. It’s really great location and they’re noticing that people from Park City, especially so yay.

20:38:06 And people from the new apartments. And so, I’ve had a number of people come who say they just moved here from out of state, and I always take that opportunity to tell them about the Community Council and things like that.

20:40:03 Amy Fowler…All right, Amy, go ahead.

20:40:07 Hi everyone, sorry to interrupt, one last time but I did want to introduce and I meant to do this earlier and I apologize, I did want to introduce our intern, Laura Stevens, Laura.

20:40:20 Hi Laura.

20:40:25 So Laura is interning with us, she’s going to be joining me here at our Sugar House Community Council meetings, and she takes notes, and does an amazing summary of our meeting so if anyone is always is ever interested in that, then we can certainly pass

20:40:45 it on the summary of the meeting, it’s sort of like another minutes, if you will, and but she shares it with the rest of the city council and with our staff, so it’s okay.

20:41:01 Landon Can I give Laura Just a little. Yeah, of course. Laura I’m if it’s okay with you that I put you on the spot to tell a little bit about yourself.

20:41:08 And for our Sugar House community.

20:41:10 Yeah. Um, I am a student at the University of Utah, studying city planning.

20:41:47 And Laura, remind us what year in school, you are, are you a senior this year. Um, yeah I’m in my last year of my master’s program will be graduating may 5 and sixth in planning, and hopefully you will stay with salt lake city when you’re done.

20:42:09 It’s been really fun to work with salt lake.

20:42:13 So, this is your Sugar House community, and Laura’s been wonderful for the last couple of months that we’ve virtually gotten to know each other, mostly text an email, but I encourage people to reach out to both of us and Laura is a wonderful asset

20:42:32 to the community and thank you for being with us Laura and choosing to intern with us.

20:42:40  Meeting Adjourned!

Landon Clark
[email protected]