SHCC April 2023 Meeting Minutes

SHCC April 2023 Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
7:00 P.M.

In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Streaming on Instagram Live


1)   Welcome, Reports, and Updates
 Landon welcomed everyone to the meeting. We’re doing an aid station for the Marathon; April
22 for those who want to volunteer. Det. Fallows cannot make it tonight. He hopes to get a
camera set up in Hidden Hollow. The Kum & Go application goes to the Planning Commission
on April 12; Judy will have some updates about that.
 Sam Jones announced an interfaith lecture with a presenter from the University of Utah. It will be
on April 20 at the LDS Church on 2350 S. 2300 E. It starts at 7 pm and will last about an hour.
All are invited to attend.
 Sally announced there was a tree planting (20-30) new trees in Fairmont Park. Some of those
were along 900 E to ensure we have trees to replace older trees that may die one day. As to Allen
Park, there was a meeting there today with various stakeholders to begin the planning process.
Sally will keep update on that.
 All parks are busy this month. On Friday, April, from 9 to 11 there will be a cleanup with the
County in Hidden Hollow. The Marathon is the next day. Then, on the 23 rd , Friends of Fairmont
will be pruning roses in Fairmont Park from 11 to 12:30. Come and help and learn to prune roses.
Finally, there will be a POST committee meeting on the 24 th at Fairmont Park. Meet at the
pavilion near the aquatic center at 6 pm. There will be a “Yappy Hour” on June 8 th at some time
in the evening. Finally, there will be a “Heart & Soul” music stroll on Saturday, June 10, in the
neighborhood where it has usually been held from 3 until 8. Multiple stages and food trucks!
 Laurie asked for a call for artists for the glass recycling dumpster at Fairmont. We have funds
from the SLC Arts Council and the SHCC. The deadline is April 19; please get the word out. The
artists will be painting the dumpsters in late May.
 Erica and Brandon spoke on behalf of the Sugar House Chamber. There will be live music
(“Sugar House Rocks”) on Monument Plaza starting in late April. That will take place the third
Friday of every month until late October (weather permitting). It will be from 5 to 8. There will
be vendors; members of the chamber can get a discount for the booth rental. Contact Erica or
Brandon and come out and enjoy the music and support local business!
 Judy discussed the Kum & Go. There is a lot of opposition. There are negative environmental
impacts. There are things that can’t be mitigated. Because it is a conditional use, the City must
approve it unless things can’t be mitigated. There is a list of various things that can’t be mitigated
on the website. If you plan to talk at the meeting in opposition to the Kum & Go, plan to hammer
home the things that can’t be mitigated. Aside from the station, land use is going crazy. There
will be a two hour meeting this month. It will be on the 17 th from 5:30 to 7:30. There are four
projects to discuss. Also some text amendments in the Code to discuss. Mark Isaac and the Wells
Fargo guys will also talk and get some feedback about the project.
2)  Michael G’s Spotlight on Business and Business Update
 Cactus and Tropicals is on 2700 S. and 2300 E. They focus on indoor plants and also have
services where they take care of plants. They have a second store in Draper.

3)  Treasurer’s Report, Mike Bagley-

Report for Sugar House Community Council 4/5/23

US Bank account balance is $5906.14

Expense for the month were $1202.79 to Landon for meeting equipment, projector and screen
(Landon, forward me receipt for the purchase when you can)

Income $750 from Salt Lake Arts

PayPal balance is $968.33, no activity.  All these funds are for glass recycle mural

/Secretary’s Report, Shane Stroud/POST Committee Update,
Sally Barraclough/Transportation Update, Kenzie Osguthorpe
 We have three individuals applying to be trustees: Molly Jones from the Sugar House Park
neighborhood, and Adrienne White and Matt Monahan, both from the Westminster
neighborhood. Landon introduced them. Shane asked for a vote to approve admission of the
trustees. Judy moved that each be admitted to the Board and Sally seconded the motion, which
passed unanimously.
 US Bank account balance is $5906.14. Expenses for the month were $1202.79 to Landon for
meeting equipment, projector and screen. Income $750 from Salt Lake Arts. PayPal balance is
$968.33, no activity. All PayPal funds are for glass recycle mural.
4)   Flood and Runoff Report, Jesse Steward, Salt Lake City
 We’re hoping for gentle warming to that the snow doesn’t melt all at once. Fortunately, out
current outlook looks rather cool; we’re hoping it helps melt the snow in phases. We are at about
207% of normal. City Creek is at about 128% and Parley’s is at 200%.
 The City has been doing a lot of planning. There will likely be higher flows than any year since

  1. The City is releasing water from Little Dell to make room for runoff. They are cleaning
    drains and preparing to bifurcate creeks as need to control runoff. The City has improved grates
    and pipes at City Creek at the hairpin on Bonneville and in Memory Grove. Little Dell, which
    wasn’t around in 1983, will help control flooding as well. Right now, the City is anticipating the
    infrastructure can handle the runoff, but it might not if there is a sudden warming. If you are
    proximate to a creek, you should consider sandbags.
     Residents can determine flood risk with maps on the City’s site. They should consider flood
    insurance (most policies have a 30-day waiting period). Let the City know if you see a clogged
    drain or grab a rake and clear the clog. But don’t clear clogs along a creek; call the City instead.
    Be safe: keep kids and animals away from flowing waters and don’t swim in or drive through
     The City expects peak runoff on the four creeks through the City will start in about 2-3 week. It
    will then peak sometime in June and start to come down after that.
    5)   Sugar House Park Authority, Sid.
     If you see Sugar House Park flooded, it is designed to be flooded! It will be used as a detention
    basis and will likely be filled with water.
     The Authority meets 10 times a year. Since 1990, the County runs the Park; it is a joint venture
    between the City and the County. They rent pavilions. You can find out more at Sid also discussed the Authority’s opposition to the Kum & Go. They would
    like to modify the garden center but there are some challenges because some federal grants
    restrict how the center can be used.
    6)   Foothill Village
     The folks from Foothill Village presented. Asana Partners. They are developers and investors.
    They own the Foothill Village property. They want to restore existing facades and modernize.
    They want to cut the building in half and create a pedestrian connection to the adjacent park.
    They are in planning but getting close to construction; they plan to start in June. It will be done in

phases and tenants will stay open during construction. They will be incorporating bike racks
through the center.

7)   SLC Arts Council
 Brenda from the Arts Council presented. There is some construction going on on Highland Drive;
Anagrams and Sugar House Benches were impacted. They are looking to remedy those impacted.
The benches are not structurally sound and are in the process of being removed.
8)   Tim Cosgrove, Sen. Blouin, Rep. Briscoe, Councilwoman Amy Fowler, Mark Isaac’s Group
 Tim Cosgrove from the Mayor’s Office noted that Sally discussed a lot of what’s coming up, like
tree plantings and the marathon. Sen. Blouin is working on gun violence and water issue. Rep.
Briscoe is working on water and Great Salt Lake issues as well as air quality issues.
Councilwoman Fowler discussed the amendment to the ADU ordinance. It maintains the owner
occupancy requirement. There will be another golf event in August.
 Mark Isaac and his associates discussed the Wells Fargo Building. It is currently zone for 105 feet
tall. They would like to build tall; in exchange, they would fill out a document that would
obligate them to provide certain community benefits. They plan to build with mass timber. They
want a bigger setback on the building than currently exists; as much as 50 feet from 2100 S. To
get the set back they will need to “skinny up” the building and build taller. Parking entrances
would remain about the same as they are now so as not to change traffic patterns much. They do
not have a design plan to share; they are committed to working with the community to come up
with a design that works for residents of Sugar House.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, May 3, 2023, at 7 p.m.

Landon Clark