SHCC Board Meeting Minutes April 2, 2014

SHCC Board Meeting Minutes April 2, 2014

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Meeting

Meeting Minutes – April 2, 2014

Trustees Present: Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Robin Bastar, Laurie Bray, Russ Callister, Ed Dieringer, Deb Henry, Topher Horman, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Matt Kirkegaard,  Steve Lester, Joedy Lister, Larry Migliaccio, David Mulder, Sheila O’Driscoll, Jack Perry, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short,  Carole Straughn, Christopher Thomas, Rawlins Young

Trustees Excused Absent: Scott Kisling, Robin Baster

Trustees Absent: Russ Callister


Meeting called to order at 7:03pm  by Maggie Shaw, SHCC Chair

Approval of the March 5th meeting minutes.

Amy moved to approve the minutes, Matt seconded. Minutes were approved unanimously.


Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

Topher and Russ have petitions that will be expiring in May.

Laurie Bray brought a petition renewal for approval by the council. Laurie has served on the SHCC for six years.  She chairs the Arts and Cultural committee and is our liaison between the Community Council and the SH businesses owners (SH Chamber of Commerce). She has done an outstanding job and is a real asset to the Community Council.  Sally moved to accept her petition for an at-large trustee on the council.  Judi seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

A new petition was presented by Teddy Anderson from the Fairmont area.  After Teddy introduced herself and expressed an interest in also joining the POST Committee, Sally moved that we accept Teddy’s petition. Topher seconded and the motion passed unanimously.


Treasurers Report: Robin Bastar -Absent


Chair Report: Maggie Shaw

Maggie reported that the  Love Utah Give Utah fundraising event for non-profits in the state was very successful this year. She suggests that Sugar House Community Council participate next year as a small 501(c)3.  Judi asked that Christopher keep us informed about next year’s deadline to file.

Due to work/home time constraints, Steve Lester has decided to resigned his position as a trustee and as vice-chair.  Maggie regretfully accepted his resignation.


Fire Department Report: Nate Rock, Station #3

  • The firemen and their families rode the fire truck in the St. Patrick’s Day parade, which is a great tradition for the fire department.
  • Communications from the fire department can be found in the community newsletter posted at The Chief’s message this month focused on spring cleaning and taking this opportunity to check for any hazards around your home.  In particular, electrical extension cords that are being used as permanent wiring which is a fire hazard. Another fire hazard is dryer vents that have not been cleaned.  They need to be cleaned from the dryer unit all the way to the outside vent cover.  Smoke detectors and CO2 detectors need to be checked.  Daylight savings time is a great reminder that it’s time to change the batteries in your detectors.
  • There was a recent early morning fire in an apartment building located at 53 South 300 East that smoldered in the walls and spread to the attic.  The smoke detectors alerted the residents who had evacuated the building before the fire department arrived.  Another life saving device that has become quite popular in recent years are AEDs.  These are automated external defibrillators that can be used to restore heart rhythms in the event of a cardiac arrest.  They can be found in shopping centers, schools, and the airport.  If you are not familiar with how to use one you can call the fire department’s medical division for a demonstration and CPR training.  The fire department recommends that we have fire extinguishers in our homes, especially in the kitchen.  In case of a fire, call the fire department first then use the extinguisher.
  • Station #3 had 153 calls last month.  You can find a report of the number of callouts each month on their website. There is a new app for smart phones which will also give you information about the fire department.


Police Report: Detective Scott Mourtgos

  • Crime numbers were down this month in District 7. Burglaries and motor vehicle thefts along with vandalisms were all down after being up last month.  School resource officers were able to identify the teens who were breaking down fences in the east side neighborhoods.  They, along with the guy who was shooting out windows with a BB gun are going through the court process.
  • Patrol officers have made numerous arrests in the Sugar House area for burglaries so those numbers are down also.   The auto theft detectives want to remind everyone not to hide a spare keys in your car.  No matter how well you think you’ve hid the key, if your car is broken into a stolen property case quickly becomes a stolen vehicle case when they find your keys.
  • Detective Mourtgos distributed a mugshot of  Brian Spears who is well known for stealing vehicles in the Sugar House and Westminster College areas.    He was recently arrested again but is free while awaiting trial.  If you see him in the area acting suspiciously, please call the police. The public relations officer has set up a new Twitter account for reporting speeders.  Use #speedwatchslc to send a tweet directly to traffic officer.
  • There will be a Cops for Kids fundraiser for Children’s Justice Center on April 22 from 4pm to 8:30 pm.  The Children’s Justice Center works directly with children who are victims of abuse or neglect.  The Center provided services to over 1,600 children last year, and this is their annual fundraiser.  They hope to raise $7000 this year.   The Sizzler will be sponsoring the event in four different locations around the area including the one in Sugar House.  Police officers will be serving customers and all tips will be donated to the Children’s Justice Center.
  • There has been approval to post the crime reports online so that members of the public can look at crime reports from their neighborhoods.  It will take a bit more time to develop the program but it should go live in the near future.

Maggie asked about a sexual assault at 1806 South, 1400 East.  Detective Mourtgos was not aware of the incident but will report back after getting more information.

Rawlins asked that the District 6 crime statistics be included in the report because more than half of the area covered by the SHCC is in District 6.  Detective Mourtgos stated that District 6 is covered by another officer so he will have to get those from him.  In the future he will try to include those statistics in his report.


Public Comments for Items not on the agenda:

  • Analisa Holcomb from Westminster College announced that on Friday May 9th from 11:00am to 1:00pm there will be a celebration BBQ on the Westminster campus for the 23 Olympic athletes who came from Westminster/Sugar House.  10% of Team USA came from our area.  There will be a reception that will include comments by Mayor Becker, the President of Westminster, and the athletes.  There will be a backdrop for photo opportunities with the athletes and their medals. The athletes who attend Westminster have their tuition waived so that they can afford to train for their events and still attend school.  There are not any paralympic athletes attending Westminster at this time.

Larry asked about Westminster’s plans for the Garfield School located on 1500 East.  Analisa hopes to have an open house in May to address the plans for the school.   While Westminster is still looking at options, they know it will be a place of art and innovation.  Westminster will be having art shows there as well as collaborative works between various departments and the art department. They will be promoting interdisciplinary projects.  The original historic facade of the building itself will preserved but there will be changes made over time to the back portions of the school.  It will be a very expensive project because of asbestos removal and the costs associated with upgrading an old structure.

Committee Reports:

Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short

March 17th was a joint committee meeting between LUZ, POST and Transportation.  Lisa Adams SLC Council District 7 also attended the meeting.

There was discussion regarding the form-based zone codes.  Two motions came from this discussion.

  • Motion#1:The Sugar House Community Council approves adopting a third, less intense, option for land use Form-based Code.  The current FB-SE code that was proposed by Planning does not provide for an actual buffer zone, which, at 45 feet, causes a dramatic and nonconforming difference between the residential single-family homes which abut the SH-SE in the areas described in the original planning staff report.  We include a map of the parcels that need this new, less intense code to be applied to assure an actual, less intense, and esthetic approach that enhances a quality living environment for both old and new residents.  We accept the current intense use of 105 feet along 7th East and 21st South, and there are a few areas that will work at 45 feet, but we must preserve the single family housing in these areas.  This may be the only affordable single-family homes available in Sugar House in a few years, and we need to be sure to protect those neighborhoods.”
  • Motion #2:  The Sugar House Community Council has resolved many times that it is important to preserve and protect existing open space.  In concert with this prior resolution and in recognition that the tennis court land at 968 E Sugarmont is such open space with a rich historical background, it was moved and unanimously approved 968 E Sugarmont should be preserved, protected, and improved as a public amenity.  Preserving and improving this open space amenity will add significantly to a quality living environment as it offsets the high density living being created for existing residents, thousands of new residents that will inhabit the new Sugar House apartments without yards, and those who live or ride along the streetcar corridor.

Both motions were approved unanimously by the LUZ, POST, and Transportation Committees.

  • On March 25th the SL City Council reviewed the motions.  Judi included the following recommendations that were in a letter to the Planning Commission written in May of 2013.

#1  That the greenway be emphasized as an amenity and that extra points be giving to projects  that face the greenway and for second entrances on the greenway side.  With form-based code points are assigned for each aspect of a project.  If the developer gets the appropriate number of points, they can go straight to the permit process.

#2  The trail also needs to emphasized as an amenity and the sidewalks widened from 4ft to 10ft.  10ft sidewalks are required for new development only within the business district, but these areas are outside that boundary.


The City Council continued the public hearing to a future meeting and will make a decision at a later date.

Lisa Adams will e-mail those who are on the list to receive e-mails regarding when the council will be taking additional public comment.  She felt that the council was receptive to making changes and she will have a meeting next week with representatives from the mayor’s office, planning, and staff from the council to discuss other options. She also asked staff to give us specific examples of a 30 ft building, 45 ft building, and a 105 ft building, to better visualize what buildings of these sizes would look like in the corridor area.

Judi has requested that Soren Simonsen send a better detailed map that can be printed on home printers.  She commended Topher for all of his work concerning the code including going door-to-door to inform constituents in his area about the possible changes.


  • The blade sign ordinance and and the A-sign issues were on the City Council work session agenda on March 25th.  They are on the agenda for next week’s meeting to get public comment.


  • On March 12th, the  Planning Commission approved the Home2 Suites Hotelproposal for Foothill Drive and a text amendment to allow an Assisted Living facility in the SH Business District.

A member of the audience asked why the Wilmington Garden’s project is listed as student housing on the web-site.  Judi confirmed that is an apartment complex and that Westminster will not be contracting with them for housing.

  • The Sugar House Monument project will probably start in mid to late May. There are 13 trees that will be removed, five will be replanted at the site and eight that need to be moved to a new location. If you have any ideas for the trees contact Judi. Michael G requested that Judy find out what variety of trees are being relocated.


Parks and Open Space: Sally Barraclough

The POST Committee met in conjunction with the other subcommittees.  The first part of the meeting was a review of the preferred alternative design for the Imperial Park by Landmark Design.  They are on tonight’s full council agenda.


Transportation: Deb Henry

Deb thanked Topher for presenting alternative solutions for the 9th East and Sugarmont parcel.  She also thanked Carol for attending and keeping her informed since she wasn’t able to attend this joint meeting with the Land Use and POST Committees.


Arts and Cultural:Laurie Bray

The Art Walk is the 2nd Friday of every month.  The library will have an exhibit in June.  Please remember that when you come to this event it not only supports the artists but also the local businesses that support the walk.


Communications and Outreach Committee:  Christopher Thomas

Amy and Chris attended the meeting.  Christopher is going to write a “style guide” that will help people write good newsletter articles.  It will cover such things as word length, focus of the article, informational verses persuasive pieces with a separate section for the persuasive articles.

They have also determined that we need a new website that is easier to work with.  The plan is to stop using Joomla and convert to WordPress. It is hopeful that we will have a new website by the end of this month.  There will be a link to the archived documents.  Chris will attend the Executive Council meeting scheduled for Wed April 23rd at 5:30 at Maggie’s house to give us training, and set up accounts.

Community Groups and Projects:

SL Community Network: Judi Short

No report


Sugar House Chamber of Commerce:Laurie Bray

  • The Sugar House Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring an art contest for the logo design for the 2014 4th of July posters and tee-shirts.  If you know of anyone who would like to enter the contest they can e-mail [email protected] for more informaton. The theme for this year’s festival is “Nothing Beets Sugar House”.
  • When the Plaza was remodeled in 2004 a time capsule was made to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Sugar House.  The plan was for the capsule to be opened in 10 yrs.  Mary Mahoney reported that the time capsule has been safely stored in the Sprague Library all that time. On April 23rd there will be a celebration at the library between 3-5pm in the meeting room to open the capsule.  That will happen around 3:30 after someone from the Chamber of Commerce gives a few words about the history of Sugar House.  The contents of the capsule will stay on display through Saturday, April 26th. There will also be an exhibit of some the awards that have been given to Sugar House along with historical and present day photos of this area.  There will be a coloring contest for the kids with a prize drawing.  The SHCC gave their permission to use the SH logo that was designed in 2004 for the contest.  Light refreshments will be served.
  • Laurie asked Ben Davis from SLC RDA if we could make a new time capsule for the new monument plaza.  He approved and it is felt that this should be a collaborative effort between the SHCC and the SH Chamber of Commerce.


Dave Mulder announced that he is still looking for volunteers for the 4th of July SHCC booth.  He is coordinating the volunteers but he will not be in town this year for the event.  He has the awnings and tables etc., and he will deliver them to the home of   He needs people who will help set up and take down, and volunteers to run the booth from 9:00 to 6:00. Set up needs to start before 8:00am after which they close the street. The festival runs from 10-6pm.

Maggie asked Dave to send another email to the council asking for volunteers.


Community and City Presentations:

SL Marathon: Ben Burdett

This year’s marathon will be Saturday, April 19th.  has a map of the route. The half marathon splits off from the full marathon near Westminster College.  This part of the route has the most impact on Sugar House, as the half marathon route goes winds around on Hollywood, McClelland, Downington, 1000 East, E Garfield Ave and 9th East, before heading west on 1700 South.  Streets will be blocked off from 5:30am to approx 9:30am. The police are planning to follow the runners and open roads as soon as possible as the runners clear the neighborhoods.  The marathon ends at Washington Square.

The runners love the city route.  Ben apologized for the inconvenience to homeowners along the route.  There will be an aide station behind Bickrom Yoga.  The SH Chamber is providing volunteers for that aide station and SHCC trustees are also encouraged to help with that aide station. If you would like to volunteer contact Ben at [email protected].


Christopher suggested that in the future marathon organizers produce a map that not only has the various routes superimposed but also contains routes for autos to avoid the runner/bike routes.

Amy expressed her concern that in her neighborhood, blocked streets in conjunction with dead end streets will essentially be trap residents in their homes.  This is unacceptable for people who have to get to work etc.

An audience member suggested that flyers be distributed door-to-door in the neighborhoods at will be adversely affected.  Ben confirmed that flyer distribution is scheduled to happen a couple of weeks before the marathon.  Maggie stated that in the past she has been blocked in and that the community outreach has been very poor.  Ben said he would take the concerns back to the organizers.


Plaza Update: Bill Knowles C

Cancelled because the plaza construction has not started.


SH Farmer’s Market:  Amy Barry

Amy announced that she will no longer chair the SH Farmer’s market.  In addition, the board has voted to move the market from Sugar House Park to Sugarmont Plaza.  Amy will be working on starting a mini “produce only” market that will start Friday, May 16th.  The regular full market will start Friday July 11th.


Imperial Park Project

Mark Vlasic, Landmark Design

Mark introduced the preferred design by saying that there was an extensive public process that involved multiple public meetings, some of which were attended by trustees from the community council. He showed the three original concepts and some of the comments from the community regarding those designs.  Key ideas include a pavillion, an elevation change (berm), traditional style, a restroom, high quality benches and tables.  They also expressed the need for a large open area, playgrounds both traditional and natural, lots of trees and shade sails structures for the playground.  Solar power elements were eliminated due to cost and the feeling that they would not contribute significantly to the park.  Mark then introduced the preferred design going through each of the features of the new park.  They are now working on construction documents with construction to start sometime in July.  Most of the construction will be completed this year with finishing touches taking place in the spring of 2015.


Dave asked if the playground equipment will be accessible for all abilities.  Mark confirmed that they are working to make all of the areas accessible to wheelchairs utilizing materials that meet ADA standards.

Deb inquired about electricity to the park.  Lighting will be limited to uplighting for the bathroom and pavillion. Decorative light posts along Filmore and Glenmare in addition to two city lights will provide enough light for the hours that the park is open.  City parks close at 11:00pm.

Deb asked if the trees in the simulated orchard will be real fruit trees and about the sprinklers. Mark said they will not be fruit trees because of maintenance issues and the relatively short lifespan of fruit trees.  Instead they are looking at trees that provide a dappled shade.

There will be sprinklers on the lawn portion, the rest will be on a drip system.  The water for the natural play area would have to be treated if it is recirculated or used for watering plants.  Because of the expense of treating the water, it will most likely be wasted.  The manual pump system will produce very little water flow.

Carole asked if Salt Lake City Green Fruit Share would possibly take responsibility for fruit trees if they were planted in the park.  Mark feels that there would have to be a contract with the city to make sure the trees are maintained.

Amy asked where in the budget are the funds for a fence along the south boundary of the park.  Mark said it is in the bid alternate list.  If the rest of the features come in under budget the fence can be included.  Right now there is vegetative screening planned.  A “living” fence framework with vines growing on it might be an option. The budget for the fence was considered a lower priority to other features.  The neighborhood felt strongly that they wanted a bathroom which is very expensive, so other features had to be cut back or eliminated.  Reducing the amount of lighting saved a lot in the budget.

On another subject, Judi asked what Landmark intends to do with their old building on Highland Dr. now that they have moved their offices downtown.  Mark stated that the building has been sold to the orthodontists who are building the new building next door.  They are going to use the art deco structure for office space.


Spotlight on Business: Michael G. Kavanagh

Joffees Coffees 2121 South McClelland

Brandon Baugh, General Manager

The original coffee roaster started roasting coffee in the 1980’s in Canada.  He is a good friend of Marc Isaac who is a partner in Joffee’s Coffees.  The shop opened in October 2013 serving   a smooth dark roast coffee.  25 cents from every cup of coffee purchased is donated to one of four charities.  Those charities are the Utah Food Bank, Fisherman’s Foundation, Espresso Entrepreneurship, and a College Scholarship Fund in Montana for children of Iraq veterans.

Bagged coffee is sold online or in the shop and $2.25 from every bag goes to the charities.

About once a month they have a Jazz or Blues event.  The next one is a Blues event on April 8th featuring CC James and the next one is a Jazz night on April 26th.  These events start around 7pm.  Joffees is working on a full liquor license to be able to feature alcoholic coffee drinks, beer and wine.

The shop also participates in the Art Walk every 2nd Friday and the Poetry Slam every 2nd Thursday.  Check their Facebook page or Instagram for a list of events.


City Council Update: Lisa Adams District 7

  • City Council has chosen to continue the public hearings about the rezone in Sugar House.  There is still time to make comments through the Salt Lake City Hall website.  There will be an announcement regarding the date when public comments will be taken by the City Council. Lisa will provide the date on a future District 7 e-mail.  She is pleased with the amount of public input regarding this issue.  Judy asked if the public will get to see the plan prior to the public comment meeting.  Lisa said that if there is a whole new plan, it will have to go back to the planning commission.
  • Sugar House fireworks are again in jeopardy.  Some of the large sponsors have backed out this year.  $15,000 has been pledged by Salt Lake City.  They are still short $45,000. It takes approximately $60,000 every year to put on the fireworks.  Lisa has been meeting with Scott Workman to brainstorm ideas to save the show.  She suggested that they approach large corporations early in the year so that they can consider budgeting a larger donation.

Judi asked about using the press to inform the public about the possible cancellation.  Lisa said there have already been articles in the paper.

A member of the public feels that we have been hearing this for several years and yet every year the fireworks get saved.  She wonders if this is desensitizing the public to the real issue of annual funding insecurity.

Laurie suggested that the whole valley enjoys the celebration and that the funding should not necessarily come exclusively from Sugar House.

Deb expressed concern that UTA does not run transit on the 4th of July. Lisa thanked her for bringing that to her attention.

Michael G suggested that a website be created through which the average citizen could make a donation.  He also volunteered to work with some local radio stations to do some public announcements.

Teddy suggested combining advertising for the street fair and the fireworks encouraging the public to attend a full day of activities.  Lisa reminded us that there is quite a gap in time between the two as the fireworks don’t start until around 10:00pm.

New information regarding the fireworks show since our meeting.  Atomic Burgers has donated the additional funds needed thereby saving fireworks show for 2014.


Report from the Mayor’s Office:  Shawn McDonough

  • The neighborhood cleanup program schedule is completed.  Shawn passed around a map showing the schedule but did not distribute copies.  The city does not disseminate the information early in order to deter illegal dumping.  The Sugar House area will be done between early June through late July.
  • Open City Hall is taking comments on the following new topics:
  1. Design Guidelines for Historic Apartment Buildings and Multi-family Dwellings
  2. Golf Courses:  There are eight courses in the city system, each are unique in their uses.  The city is looking at a way to brand them for advertising.
  3. Downtown Streetcar
  4. Water Use and Tree Protection: Due to the increase in water wise landscaping, the urban trees are not getting enough water.  The city is considering a change to the water ordinance.
  5. Google Fiber for SLC: There is going to be a feasibility study paid for by Google.  If the study proves to be positive Google will pay to install the fiber.  No taxpayer money will be used for the project. Deb expressed concern about how Google Fiber will affect free web services currently available at libraries and parks.
  • There will be a press conference tomorrow to announce a Bee Hive Pass competition between the SLC Districts.  Lisa strongly encouraged District 7 residents to get a pass, noting that we have the first streetcar.  The district who has the most citizens get a pass will win a yet to be determined prize. The competition runs from now through June 3rd. Michael G reminded us that you need documentation to prove you are a city resident.  Christopher said that your water bill works for documentation.


Maggie recognized Representative Brian King who made himself available to answer questions regarding this year’s legislative session at the close of tonight’s meeting.


Library Events: Dolly Rauh

  • At the Main Library will be hosting author Mary Roach on April 21st at 7pm in the main auditorium.  The event is being sponsored by Weller Book Works.The Stuffed Animal Sleepover is happening again at the Sprague Library on Friday April 25th kids may drop off their stuffed animals anytime before the library closes at 6pm.  On Saturday morning at 10am there will be a slide show presentation showing what the animals did overnight in the library.  Donuts and apple cider will be served, after which the kids can take their animals home.
  • There is a “Right to Libraries” declaration to sign located on the back table.  We were requested to sign to show our support of public libraries.  This is a national effort.   After signatures have been collected the documents will be presented to the state legislatures during National Libraries Week.
  • Christopher talked about two new library services that he finds very helpful.  The first is an app on his phone that links him to the library collection electronic versions of books and audio files.  The second is a service called which has tutorials on a large variety of topics such as photoshop and computer coding. Dolly said that SLC is one of the few test sites whose public library system is offering this service for free.  It would normally cost an individual around $1000 a month for this service. It is mostly used by large corporations for training purposes.
  • The April Kids Edition is available with a list of activities at the Sprague Library for kids. For all other events check the library website.


Judi moved that we adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]