SHCC February agenda

SHCC February agenda

7:05Approve Minutes
Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley
Final vote for approval of Bylaws
7:15Mayor Erin Mendenhall
7:45District 7 CIU Detective Bob Norgaard
7:55Michael G’s Spotlight on Business (SOB)
Urban Sailor Coffee
8:00Salt Lake Mayor’s Office Liaison-Tim Cosgrove
8:10Sizzler Update
Planning Director Nick Norris
8:20Conner Mangelson-Student in the City and Metropolitan Planning U of U
8:25Lynn Jacobs-2700 South Slurry Seal
8:30Andrew Smith-Proposed Parley’s Canyon Mine
8:45Amy Fowler-District 7 City Councilwoman
[email protected]
9:00Meeting Adjourned
Landon Clark
[email protected]