05 Jan SHCC Jan 2021 Agenda
7:00 | Welcome-Chair |
7:05 | Approve Minutes |
Secretary Report-Devon Cantwell | |
Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley | |
7:10 | SLC Police Chief Mike Brown |
District 7 CIU Detective James Bishop | |
7:20 | Michael G’s Spotlight on Business (SOB) |
YogaSix-2165 South Highland Drive | |
Kevin and Jamie | |
7:30 | East West Conveyance Line Project and 900 East Project |
Allison Adams-The Langdon Group | |
Ramin Nasrabadi, SLC Engineering Division | |
Adan Carrillo, SLC Manager of Transportation Engagement | |
Courtney Hamer, SLC Department of Public Utilities Project Manager
Dianne Olson, The Langdon Group, Public Involveent | |
7:50 | Canal Project Update |
Natalie Moore and Sharon Turner from Salt Lake Public Utilities | |
Tiffany Carlson from Avenue Consultants | |
8:00 |
Sugar Town Master Plan and Rezone Amendments (Snelgroves Site)
Mark Isaac | |
8:15 | SHCC Committee Updates: |
Land Use and Zoning-Judi Short | |
Transportation-Levi Thatcher | |
Parks, Open Spaces and Trails-Sally Barraclough | |
Arts, Events and Culture-Meggie Trioli | |
8:30 | Amy Fowler-District 7 City Councilwoman |
[email protected] | |
8:50 | Tim Cosgrove-Community Liaison SLC |
[email protected] | |
9:00 | Meeting Adjourned |