SHCC Jan 6th 2020 Meeting Minutes

SHCC Jan 6th 2020 Meeting Minutes

7:00: Welcome-Chair

7:05: Approve Minutes

Secretary Report-Devon Cantwell

Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley

  • Sugarhouse Strong series

  • PayPal balance: $847.51

7:10: SLC Police Chief Mike Brown, District 7 CIU Detective James Bishop

7:20: Michael G’s Spotlight on Business (SOB)


2165 South Highland Drive

Kevin and Jamie

It’s an LA based franchise with about 100 locations, we opened the first two in Utah. This location opened December 10th. Soft open, pre-sale. Hoping to do full open soon. No religious undertones. UVC filtration 6-10 times, masks to the mats, no shared surfaces or borrowed equipment. First class is always free. 25-28% capacity, 7.5-8 feet apart. Families or roommates are the only exception. About 15 per class.

Thank you to Marina for Sugarhouse Strong video projects! We hope to find another videographer


James Bishop- sugarhouse day shift patrol

Shifting structure


Lots of property theft

  • SLC has one of the highest nationwide rates for property theft

  • What can be done about it?

    • Funding things that will help decrease crime

Concerns about new apartment complex, perceived uptick of unsheltered folks

7:30: East-West Conveyance Line Project and 900 East Project

Allison Adams-The Langdon Group

Canal Project Update

Natalie Moore and Sharon Turner from Salt Lake Public Utilities

Tiffany Carlson from Avenue Consultants

7:45: Snelgroves Presentation

Mark Isaac

Mix used housing

Affordable units are for young professionals, single parents, etc

P3- one more floor would mean equivalent number of affordable units

8:15: SHCC Committee Updates:

Land Use and Zoning-Judi Short

Transportation-Levi Thatcher

Parks, Open Spaces and Trails-Sally Barraclough

Arts, Events and Culture-Meggie Trioli

8:40: Amy Fowler-District 7 City Councilwoman

[email protected]

8:50: Tim Cosgrove-Community Liaison SLC

[email protected]

9:00: Meeting Adjourned Go Utes!

Landon Clark
[email protected]