SHCC July 2021 Minutes

SHCC July 2021 Minutes

July 2021 SHCC Minutes


Adam Weinacker and Sue Watson have termed out and have decided to not reup their petition.  Our secretary Devon Cantwell is moving to Canada so we are in need of someone to fill the secretary spot.  

We have been working with UTA to get a plaque put on the bus bench at 1900 East and 2100 South in honor of a long time Sugar House Community Council member Rawlins Young.  

We are working with the contractor for the I-80 project to beautify that area once it is done.  We will be applying for a CIP application to get the funding.

We have submitted a letter to the city to start the process of creating a Sugar House Alliance, modeled after the Downtown Alliance.  

Reminder about Mural Fest coming up in conjunction with the Sugar House Art Walk August 13th from 5-9 pm.   Congratulations again to the three muralists chosen Bill Louis, Chris Peterson and Evan Jed Memmot.  Like to thank everyone who donated to this awesome cause.

Mike Bagely: Treasurer Report  Our bank balance is $10,833.00.  

Mayor’s Liaison Tim Cosgrove: Thank you for respecting the ban on fireworks, will continue it for the 24th.  No big fires to report from the 4th of July.  Transportation Updates: Master plan survey, looking for community advisor members to participate, update on Local LInk please to participate in the survey which closes July 27th.  Working through the Highland Drive concept. Yappy Hour is this Tuesday from 6-9 pm at Fairmont Park.  Please do not drive on 2100 south and 300 west tomorrow, there will be heavy street closures.  The mayor’s office is working closely with Public Utilities in getting out all drought information.  There are 26 boards and commissions in Salt Lake City.  Please check out our website for openings.  

Fire Department is back.   We have Fire Chief Bob.  We had three working fires in SLC for one set of our teams.  Been a challenge with the heat and fatigue. We have two medical directors who have been deployed to sites which has been really helpful.  Last totals are in May 908 total calls, 40 fire calls and 98 medical calls.  Over 80% of our fire employees have been fully vaccinated.  That number continues to increase.  Still using our COVID measures.  No tours at this time.  Doing our best to mitigate the risk of fires because we are entering the fire season. 

Senator Gene Davis: Would like to ask UTA to donate a bench in honor of Rawlins Young possibly at Highland Drive.  Asking for council support.  Judi Short would like to look into getting a statue of Rawlins Young on Monument Plaza.  

Sen. Iwamoto: The rest of the federal funds will be distributed during our general session.  Thank everyone for doing a good job with the fireworks this year. Working on some drought, police reform, redistricting, a lot!!  We met the new Salt Lake superintendent who we think will be a wonderful addition.  

Det. Meinzer: Thefts/Larceny this month we had 62 in district 7.  Had 111 last year. We had 77 last month so the trend is going well.  Only 6 burglaries reported this month, 25 last month.  June we had 16 domestic violence cases, this month 12.  There has been an increase across the state and nation.  There are many resources out there.  Staffing: we did get raises which we would like to say thank you to the mayor and city council, we are currently hiring 

Porch Piracy is now a felony in Utah.  Don’t just post on next door please call us.  

Julia Wunsch from Spin Scooters: Spin and Lime have been selected as the two Spin Scooter programs for Salt Lake City.  Spin is owned by Ford. We have a fleet size of about 920 depending on the city we are in. We deploy about 1000 in SLC with the thought of increasing to 1250 which is allowed by the city. 

Mark Issac with a Snelgrove Update: We had a work session with the city council.  There is a public hearing July 13th and there could be action taken on July 20th with SLC council on our rezone and master plan change request.  We recently finished a design review with the planning commission.  We are breaking up the building to three different buildings. Different types of units, facades and buildings.  We will have a community garden and dog walking park on the top of the west building.  The two buildings on the ends will be 4 stories and the middle building will be 5 stories.  Will be walkways between the buildings.   We will have 47 microunits in the east building, affordable units in the west building and market rate in the middle.  Liquor store will have plenty of parking for customers.  We believe our design will make Commonwealth a better street.  

Ashley Bailey-Education and Permits Lead for the department of sustainability

 55 Employees who service 45,000 homes, businesses and multi family units weekly this amounts to 4.6 million curbside bins a year.  Here is the link to the rest of the presentation.

Preview attachment SLC Recycling.pdfSLC Recycling.pdf4.3 MB

Taylor Anderson-Sweet Streets and editor for Building Salt Lake

Street safety advocacy group affiliated with Heal Utah.  Working on transportation issues.  Group of volunteers.

Try to work with ongoing road construction projects to make those streets better lower speeds, safety, better bike and walking paths.  

20 is Plenty all around speed of cars in neighborhoods.

Triple A foundation shows 20 mph is the most logical.  Speed goes up,  the chances of injuries or death goes up dramatically.  This is the speed limit in many countries around the world.  Sign the petition for 20 is plenty.

District 7 City Councilwoman Amy Fowler

Finalized the budget.  I believe the city is moving in a direction they should have a while ago but we are able to compensate our city workers as part of the budget.  Working on an alternative response call.  Set aside $2 million for a pilot program to look at using alternative ways to respond to things that the police don’t need to respond to.  We feel like we were able to value our first responders.

Funded a Traffic Calming Study

All of district 7 CIP applications were recommended but all were not funded.  

Encampment continues to grow at the DI site.  RDA owns the property.  What I understand is that camp will be abated on Friday.  The RDA will then fence around the area.  

Council is going back to hybrid in-person meeting next week and we will see how it goes.  

Saying goodbye to Bess Thompson the Farimont Aquatic Director.  She is being transferred to a rec. Center on the west side.

8:53 meeting adjourned!


Landon Clark
[email protected]