30 Jun SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2020
Sugar House Community Council Meeting Minutes
Approval for the minutes from last month
Motion Lynn Schwartz
Second Erika Wiggins
All approved
Reminder about filling out the census. Have until August 14th
We are skipping the Secretary Report and the Treasurer Report for time sake tonight
Will Kocher with the rules of how our meetings are run
Expectations of treating everyone with dignity and respect and please keep things civil. We are here along with the speakers tonight to inform the neighborhood of the comings and goings
Michael G.’s Spotlight on Business
Brandon introduced Tea Zaanti
Scott Lyttle is here to present. They are new to Sugar House. Moved from 1300 South and 1100 East to their new location which is 1100 East and 1944 South. Closed on this place 6 months ago and have gone under extensive reservations. They opened their doors on March 11th and closed their doors on March 15thbecause of COVID. Online sales have exploded since March. They are now open serving Tea, Beer and Wine. Their patio is open and limited seating inside. They continue to do take out orders. They have 85 different tea varieties. They also have meat and cheese platters along with some sandwiches. Our website is Teazaanti.com also have a Joe Coffee app to order curbside. Text 4747. Enjoy Tea Zaanti
Utah State Sen. Jani Iwamoto District 4. Crazy day and a crazy session. Had a good session with a lot of good bills. Everything is up in the air now. We are now dealing with the imbalance. We met with the appropriations sub committees and were tasked with cutting 2%, 5% or 10% in every area. It is painful. The cuts are going to hurt the most vulnerable populations. Personal cuts for me for example a pediatric trauma network that I started a few years ago. It will be cut at the 10% cut. Extra help with the Native American Community was funded this year but could also be cut. We have gone through all of the 2%, 5%, and 10% scenarios. We are also going to look at all of 2020. We think the governor is going to go green on Friday but Angela Dunn says we should not. We are going to push for the state to not go green. Working with the legislators of color to work together and change things for the good. One time Rainy day fund, I think it is really raining but we are talking about it. I think we need to really look at it. Jeremy Chatterton is asking about the education funds. Can the SUCCESS Act be cut? Everything is up in the air right now. I hope we can work it out but we will see. Executive Appropriations Committee will decide on the rainy day fund.
CIU District 7 Detective James Bishop
Clean ups with the Health Department is on hold. Because Someone on the team tested positive to COVID and with the ongoing protests.
The mayor has lifted the curfew.
The staffing for the protest is done by off duty officers. It won’t affect the patrol officers working their regular shifts.
Salt Lake County Recorder Rashelle Hobbs. We record every transition that deals with real property. We maintain a data base with over 14 million documents. This year we have recorded over 123,000 documents which will be record for the year. We have 41 employees. Community Outreach is important to me. Even with COVID this department continues to operate. We have started Property Watch. This program alerts property owners of everything that is recorded on your property. It will protect you from property fraud and offers peace of mine. We have currently over 6000 registrants. Visit the Salt Lake Country Recorder Website to sign up for Property Watch.
Ben Kolander Acting SLC Economic Development Director
Lara Fritz was our director until last August. I have been serving as acting director since August. We were started in 2017. A lot of our focus is on keeping businesses, supporting businesses and supporting the arts. We are very community oriented, We do about 300 site visits a year. We are also focused on sustainability. We work closely with the RDA. Sugar House has one current RDA location in Sugar House. We also have the Arts Council which runs the Living Traditions and Twilight Concert Series. Current Update,.a lot of our efforts are centered around COVID. We started Tip Your Server with Ty Burrell and the Downtown Alliance. We have provided financing to 52 businesses through SBA loans. I also sit on the State Economic Task Force. Our website is constantly being updated on COVID. We still have small business loans available and the state has commercial business loans. Coming out of COVID, we are looking at Life Sciences in the City. We are looking at building an ecosystem with TECH in Salt Lake City. The city is looking at representation from the different business districts of the city. This would do economic development as a grass roots effort. Our city is looking at platforms for different business districts. City has interest in doing this in the future.
Erika and Brandon from our council have been deeply involved in Sugar House Stories. There is a great need to help the businesses in Sugar House. We are trying to get the word out about these businesses. We have created a series of videos telling a story about these small businesses. Each video is 2 to 2 and a half minutes. We have done about 4 of them and word has now spread that we are starting to be contacted by the businesses. We are using the #SugarHouseStrong. The Bean Whole video reached about 6000 people where as our community council reaches about 200.
Looking at having a golf “tournament” in the future which will take place instead of the Bash this year. We are in the early planning stages but will keep you updated as more details become available.
The Great Sugar House Picnic is going on and will continue through mid June. Please support the local businesses and come to Sugar House Park and take a picture
District 7 City Councilwoman Amy Fowler
We had 200 plus people contact us at our City Council meeting last night. Long talks about police and racism within our society. The council and city are recognizing what racism is and we are working hand in hand with our police force
The council is working on making it easier for residents, developers, community in general to apply for the economic emergency fund. We will continue to support our small business owners and residents. All of the directors in Salt Lake City are passionate about this city.
Tim Cosgrove SLC Liaison-the mayor ended the curfew today. The mayor believes that people have the right to peacefully protest. The mayor’s office would like to thank all of the police departments who came to Salt Lake City to help during the riots. The budget remains flat. The budget is now in the council’s hands. The city kept money in the budget for a strong equity plan. Residents can submit proposals for a new city flag. That closes on June 30th.
Stratford will close at the end of June. We have had a lot of positive support but also negative support. Transportation is looking at the metrics to see if the street worked or not. We can all agree that the idea was good but the rollout wasn’t ideal.
Sally Barraclough-Heart and Soul Music Festival will not be happening this year but the Heart and Soul foundation are doing singing telegrams.
The SHCC has volunteered to monitor a portion of the Parley’s Trail from 1700 East to 2000 East for goat heads or puncture vines.
Laurie Bray-Utah Open Lands will have a volunteer opportunity to pull some weeds next week. Looking at doing a virtual art walk to help support the local businesses.
Meggie- doing some implicit bias training.
Meeting adjourned.