Land Use and Zoning Report 2014 October

Land Use and Zoning Report 2014 October

October meeting of Sugar House Land Use and Zoning was cancelled.
Demolition of the old Tap Room on Highland Drive is to make way for a temporary parking lot for workers to park in to build Legacy Senior High Rise Building.

2816 Highland Drive   Orthodontist office  I had a talk with Phil Winston  about his project on the corner of the triangle (Highland, Richmond, 1300 East)  He said the orthodontist is already there, and they have just rented the bottom to a high end home designer firm, I think he said from Europe.  They do very expensive homes, one example is they designed the home of Vladimar Putin.  He said that he bought the back yard of the former Landmark’s Design property to the south so he could have additional parking, and for that, the city tried to make him put in one electric car parking stall with a charging station, which he said was going to be $15k.    And I asked about the triangle in the middle of the street, because he agreed to landscape it.  He said he had a team of guys out there for 3 days, digging out the weeds around the edges (the triangle is asphalt)  He said Public Utilities came around and told them to cease and desist because there were a million utilities underneath and they didn’t want them messing with it.  He is going to continue to pursue it.
2204 South 800 East is a proposal for 4 town homes in an RMF-35 zone.  It was sent to me and I missed it, it will be on the Planning Commission Nov 12.  I have sent it to the Land Use Committee via email, please respond and give me your thoughts so I can get the Planning Commission a letter from us.
October 21 community meeting concerning the 2100 East and 2100 South parcel on the NE corner. If you were not there, we had 300 people in attendance.  The petitioner gave an overview, and then we had questions and answers.  We can  probably say 90% are opposed to the project because of too much traffic, building is too high, too many new housing units.  Our website has the proposal and people are able to send comments to my email.  At this point I have 25 pages of emails, and more in my in-box that I haven’t added to the Word document that I am building.  The majority of those are asking for something walkable, like 9th and 9th, or 15th and 15th.  We will be having the next Land Uze and Zoning Committee November 21, and we would appreciate it if all trustees could attend.  We will discus this in more detail at that time.  We should potentially recommend a motion to present at the December 3 meeting of SHCC, so I can write a letter to the Planning Commission December 4.
2442 South 900 East was approved by the Planning Commission October 8.  They approved the side yard as is, rather than making the developer dig up the foundation and re-pour.  Because the parcel is not square, it caused a discrepancy in how the foundation was measured.
The Vue at Sugar House is open.  Russ tells me that by mid November half the units will be occupied.  Wasatch Pub and Mellow Mushroom are open.  The next retail coming is Pot Belly, Cubbys, and Standard Optical.
Boulder Ventures is going to hold off their plans for the south end of the Granite Block along McClelland and Sugarmont until they meet with the RDA later this month.  The RDA is talking to the City Council about extending the RDA  for two more years.
The Liberty Village in Sugar House built by Cowboy Partners, will have their first tenants moving in about December 1.  They have 37 “affordable” units of the 171 units.  All are reserved and there is a waiting list.They expect the first people will start moving in December 11 if they get their Certificate of Occupancy.   No tours will be given until they have the certificate.  50 additional apartments have a deposit on them, people are leasing site unseen.
Landon Clark
[email protected]