SHCC May Meeting Minutes

SHCC May Meeting Minutes

Welcome to the Sugar House Community Council meeting.  Can get all Sugar House updates at and clicking on the Stay Informed button.  Continue have restrictions based on zoom bombing.   Are starting to talk about looking into in person meetings.

Secretary Report:  Devon Cantwell minutes are available for March and April.  Our meetings can now be found on youtube.

Approval of minutes for March and April.   Motion by Judi, second by Sally, all approved

Treasurer Report: Mike Bagley US Bank account balance is $15,332.00.  Donations coming in for the Mural Project.

Paypal $267.32 earmarked for the Mural Project

Forest Dale trustees received a letter from some community members about the restriping of Highland Drive.

Will Kocher reads statement: Letter from Robert Austin with 20 signatures from neighbors.  Submitting this letter for the records.  *Can find it in the recording

This project is still very open to the public process

Levi Update on transportation update: Organization called Sweet streets which is designed to reimagine our streets.  One of their initiatives is 20 is Plenty.  This campaign is modeled after other cities in which the speed limit is lowered to 20 mph.  This is primarily done for safety reasons.   The city is looking at redoing 2100 South in 2025 from 700 East to 1300 East.  We have a simple survey just to start getting an idea of what the community would like to see.

Soren Simenson-Jane Jacob’s walks.   We have organized a couple of Jane’s Walk one is Sat at 2 and Mon at 1.   We will be walking the S-Line to primarily look at what kind of development has taken place, the good and the bad and  how the transportation looks along this corridor reporting back to SLC and South Salt Lake for future development.

Detective Meinzer: Issues pertaining to District 7. Traffic concerns all over Sugar House mostly related to speed. Example 2700 South is one of those areas.  Looking at road construction and how it pushes folks through the neighborhood.   We want to have more patrol out to show that we are out there which we think deters speeding.  Also bringing out speed signs.   We are also looking at large metal plates that help slow traffic, looking at getting that funded. Crime in the area looks good. Some uptick in vehicle break-ins, mostly with unlocked vehicles.

Sprague Library Update: Cherie Koford Sprague is open to the public.  We continue to do public tours.  Please sign up or come take a self guided tour.   Thanking the SHCC for the artwork that we purchased, which was damaged in the flood.

Gene Davis: $15 million allocated for the S-Line extension. Hoping to hear from the SHCC about where they would like to see that extension end up.  We also were able to get enough money to connect the Parley’s Trail. So excited about it.

Canal Project Update: Natalie Moore SLC Public Utilities, the canal is installed and water is flowing.  From here on out will be cleaning up the above ground stuff: curb and gutter, sidewalks, etc.   Everything will be open, will finish the paving at the end of the month but only for an hour or so.  We won’t replace the trees that will be part of the larger project in 2023.

Diane Olsen: Update on 900 East reconstruction and East/West waterline.  We have started 900 East from Hollywood Ave to 2700 South.  This project is to improve the pavement, improving the curb and gutter, repairing sidewalk and making it more amenable to active transportation.  Project will go through fall.  East/West waterline overlaps on 900 East.  Also fixing the utilities.   Construction during daylight hours.  One lane of traffic will be open throughout the project.  No on street parking in this area during construction for safety reasons.  We are working with the area businesses.  We have flyered the neighborhood.  Dominion Energy is installing a new Gas Line at the same time.   East/West Waterline: SLC Public Utilities project.  Starts at terminal reservoir (42 million gallons) to 300 East about 6 miles.  Intended to move large amounts of water.  This is the construction you are seeing at Forest Dale Golf Course.   Will close 900 East for two weeks for the trenching of the roadway.   Will have detours.

Dale Lambert: Sugar House Rotary Club Been in Sugar House for 45 years, have 40 members, meet every Thursday at noon at the Forrest Dale clubhouse.  Everyone is welcome to join.  Service above Self is our motto.  There are 35,000 clubs around the globe and over 1.2 million members.  We are involved in a lot of local and international service project.  We support Highland High Family Services Program with food, money and clothing.  We also sponsor the Highland High Interact Club.   We sponsor the Westminster Rotaract Club.  We distribute dictionaries to every 3rd grader in the area.   Around Christmas time we are the ones ringing the bells at Smiths on 900 East and 2100 South. We love to partner with other groups.   We love service projects.

Kristen Riker Director of Parks and Tony Guiot Urban Forestry.

Tony Guiot:  Sugar House has the most trees by community council at 14,464 trees. We are looking at adding more species to the mix and there are about 5000 open spots to plant trees in the park strips.  Sugar House has received 956 new trees in the last 3 years.   We just planted 195 new trees which puts it over 1000 in 3 years.  Tree survivability is dependent on responsible watering.  We are very focused on reaching out the communities to tell the story about watering trees. We have an idea of setting up an Urban Forestry Subcommittee with the SHCC. We believe a subcommittee will have a profound impact on identifying locations for new trees and maintaining the trees that have been planted pertaining to water.  This subcommittee will have a direct line to our Urban Forestry division for educational opportunities, training, programs, etc.

Kristen Riker: Reimagine Nature is our master planning process.  We are in our phase 2 with a survey. Our 4 divisions in Public Lands: Natural Lands, City Parks, Urban Forest and City Golf.  Over 70 miles of trails, 80 city parks and 108 holes of golf.  Thousands of acres of natural lands and 86,500 Urban Forest Trees. The master plan is informed by a 2019 needs assessment.  97% of residents think it is important to live within a 10 minute walk of a city park. Survey results were huge. 5 plan goals: connecting green spaces, creating welcome, active and inclusive green spaces, protect and commit to stewardship, grow and expand our park system and environmental health and sustainability.  We are now at the stage in the plan to come up with 10 transformative projects (found in recording)  Survey is at  Survey closes May 9th at midnight.

Suzanne Stensas-Update from the Transportation Advisory Board of SLC.  The city would like to know who is seeing trenches from google fiber that aren’t being capped.  They are understaffed and need our help.  Another discussion was about the 2100 South rebuild esp the section from 2300 East to 1300 East changing to three lanes with a designated turn lane.  Community opposed this a few years ago but are looking at it again.  Looking to start to have a discussion about this.   Wish future developments would really place an emphasis on trees mostly sufficient room to plant trees.

Meggie update on the mural project: Sugar House Mural Project has kicked off. Looking for more sponsors.  Thanking everyone who has donated so far!  Working with local businesses on finding wall space for the murals.   We will have an event for the murals August 13th in conjunction with the Sugar House Art Walk.  More information to follow. Call for mural artists went out on Monday.

Councilwomen Amy Fowler: Ribbon cutting of the new library.  Thanking for the information that the community council provides. Working on making sure golf is here to stay and finding other ways to recreate on the city golf courses. We are in the midst of budget season…the mayor proposed her budget yesterday.  We have a month and a half to review it and approve it.  We are happy with the mayor’s budget from first glance but I am sure there will be tweaks.  We encourage you guys to look at it and let us know what you would like to see in the budget.

Mayor’s Liaison Tim Cosgrove: Mayor’s Budget has been sent to city council which includes essential services she has 4 guiding principles to this budget: prioritizing growth equitably, making our city more environmentally resilient and sustainable, bolstering our communities with inclusive opportunities and supporting city employees.  Other budget highlights include $450,000 to hire 6 additional social workers and $200,000 for additional inclusion and diversity training for officers.  11 million for affordable housing, 4.7 million for RDA projects, and the potential  for $50 million for new capital projects that have been waiting for a long time which includes the old waterpark and shoring up older historical buildings around Salt Lake.   Quieting the train horns.  Improvements to the shoreline trail and the Jordan river trail.  Salt Lake City will continue to require all city buildings will continue to wear masks and encourage people to still wear masks.  The microgrant application is due at the end of the week. The mayor appointed Andrew Johnson as the new director of homeless policy and outreach.  Stage 1 advisory for the drought.  If we can save 7 gallons per household per day we can save 157,000 gallons of water this year.

Updates from committees:

Sally POST: Three Successful earth day activities.   Work day in Fairmont Park, planted 30 trees and cleaned up the park.  Friends of Fairmont are having a meeting on May 19th from 6-7 pm to discuss plans for Fairmont for 2021.

Laurie: Sugar House Art Walk.  Have a couple of new participants for this month.  Trying to do as much as we can outside. 5-8 pm can find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Meeting Adjourned.



Landon Clark
[email protected]