SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 1993

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 1993


April 7, 1993

Present:Jess Agraz, Rich Bennett, Judi Short, Jerry Romero, Pam Grimes, Miriam Murphy, Rawlins Young, Merrill Nelson, Carl Allred, Everett Joyce, Christine Chalbley, Diana Hart, Gary Thorup, Mary Carlson, Charles Wilson, Tim Harpst, Mark Fetzer, Hope Hilton, Dorothy Tuddenham, Ned Stephenson, Lynn Woodbury, Afton Kuriopoulos, Del Brewster, Jeff Chapman, Robert Neville, Rosalie Neville, Mollie Calhoun, Peter Barth, Marisa Palacios, Dave Buhler, Gene Davis, Brian Cannon, Ruth Robbins/Nibley, Alice Edvalson, Ruth Jensen, Barbara Faigle, Don and Shirley Hale, Jan Haug, Carl Allred   Steve Lester–Excused  Hollywood Ave. Traffic Update: Jerry Romero said there were 3 problems addressed by their committee.

1. Cul-de-sacs on McClelland and Lincoln would decrease business property values and access to existing businesses. 2.Need for traffic controls north of 2100 south in residential areas 3.Diverting traffic to other streets would cause problems in those areas. A compromise was reached. Stop signs would be placed at 10th East and Hollywood;. a “No Large Trucks” sign would be placed on Hollywood Ave.; and the entrance and exit signs to the Post Office will be reversed. A 25 mph speed limit and radar patrol is also being looked at.Introduction of Sugar House Police: Pam Grimes introduced Officer JoEllen Waynant. She said Capt. Steve Chapman who oversees patrols on the east side of town can be contacted at 799-3111. Field Commander Lt. Winkler for the p.m. can be contacted at 799-3000.  Zane Smith at the same dispatch number takes care of the S. side of the east side. Officer Reese Beat at 799-3000 takes care of 7th East-2300 East and 17th S. to the Freeway. Jerry Romero is concerned about speeding from 7th East to 13th East on 2100 S and about the pedestrian crossings by the library where many are not stopping for pedestrians. Ruth Robbins wondered about the status of her petition to lower the speed limit on 9th E. from 35-30 mph. There is a clean up April 24th for Sugar House. Call Del Brewster if there are problems in the area needing to be cleaned up. There has been a 400% increase in requests for help with graffiti clean up through the Crime Preventing Office so they are requesting a full time Graffiti Coordinator through the S City Council. Request for Apartment Legalization for Duplex:Carl Allred came requesting approval of a property at 1374 East Downington to be approved as a legal Duplex. The property has been used as a duplex since 1955. Rich asked if the steps to the back door would be improved for safe entrance. Mr. Allred said they would. Hope moved that we approve this apartment status. Dorothy seconded. This motion passed unanimously. Adoption of the minutes from March: The minutes were corrected to add that Gene Davis and Gary Thorup were excused. Also Rawlins said that Canyon Rim is a confusing place not a confusing name. Rawlins moved we adopt the minutes with those corrections. Mark Vincent seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Wellhead Project Update: Rawlins Young said we had received $2200 from the League of Women Voters. He has a question whether we are totally completed. We may have missed a comer. Miriam Murphy moved we send Rawlins and Judi to a luncheon with the League of Women Voters on Thurs., April 29 at a cost of $20 each to be paid out of SHCC funds.  This was seconded by Hope. The vote was unanimous. Neighborhood Conference: The annual Neighborhood Conference will be April 24. Afton moved we send those desiring to go at a total cost of $35 from SHCC funds. This was unanimously passed. The five going are Rawlins Young, Mark Fetzer, Ruth Robbins, Steve Lester and Hope Hilton. Judi will go to the dinner and pay for her own. Eastland Regency Development: Ned Stephenson representing the proposed Eastland Regency Development showed blueprints of the site east of K-Mart with included two more office buildings like the Gump and Ayres Building and a small strip mall and Restaurant. The retail space should be 21,600 sq. ft. The first new office building will contain 39,000 sq. ft. The second office building will be 33,700 sq. ft. There will be 478 parking spaces on the property. Merrill Nelson identified 4 variances being asked for: height, number of parking stalls, grade change and direct access to a public street. This hearing will be April 19, at 4 pm in basement of the City Building. Jess Agraz reported his traffic study: Access is limited to the present sites. Parley’s Way-Wilshire will have the main impact of the traffic because there is only one entrance and exit to Wilshire. He said one comes off the freeway and there is no traffic light until one is in another environment of business district. The speed limit is 45 mph. The speed limit should be lowered. Technically the analysis says that area is marginal for a traffic light but they might be able to get one if they bring in one lane of traffic instead of two lanes from the merging of 215. He said traffic over the years has been going down on Parley’s Way. If they got a signal it would have to be one that was tripped by pressure. Tim Harpst from City Traffic Department said counters will be placed on Wilshire approach and freeway approach. He would like to come back to the SHCC to make their recommendations to make that intersection work better. Harpst said pedestrian crossings would be part of his analysis. A discussion in sued concerning Wilshire area high school students crossing to catch the bus, the added attraction of a strip mall to kids, gymnastic school kids not able to walk due to the danger, the danger of walking onto KMart property on a ramp with a blind curve, and wheelchair accessibility to property. Agraz said a signal would solve a lot of problems. Stephenson said Woodbury doesn’t control KMart property but would be happy to work with KMart to try to create additional walkway. Agraz said in answer to questions on increased traffic that there would be close to 4000 more car trips per day. Gene Davis said there are lots of problems when one signalizes a parking lot. Peter Barth reported that some of the neighborhood is not opposed to the development but are concerned about the increased traffic. Most neighbors are operating without a great deal of information. They are concerned with increased traffic onto Maywood and Lynwood as well as at Parley’s Way and 2300 East. Neighbors are worried about the increased traffic onto the freeway. All the neighbors agreed that we would like the project to be tabled to allow the city to do a small area master plan to look at all the issues with traffic in the neighborhood and at the appropriate land use on properties to be developed. Merrill Nelson said the planning department would recommend denial of the variances on the bases of height, access and grade . Parking would be looked at. Diana Hart said Jim Naegle of UDOT suggested a traffic light would cause more accidents and would not solve problems. Lynn Woodbury did not feel that they should be held accountable for problems that were larger than what they could control. Gene Davis made a motion the SHCC support the Neighborhood committee and the City Planning Department recommendations that #1 We support denial of the variances on the basis of non direct access to a public street, height, and grade. #2 Furthermore, we encourage the development of a mini-master plan to be drawn up by the city to study the traffic problems and land use within the boundaries of 2100 South on the north, Foothill on the east, 1-80 on the south and 20th East -2100 East on the west. Judi Short seconded this motion. The vote was 8 in favor and 2 opposed. Judi moved we adjourn.    

Landon Clark
[email protected]