SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 1994

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 1994


April 6, 1994

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by SHCC Chairman Roger Miller.Present: Roger Miller, Jerry Romero, Alice Edvalson, Mary Carlson, Sharon Ashcraft, Pam Grimes, Joe Clark, Mark Fetzer, Lynne Olson, Rawlins Young, Mike Binyon, jean Binyon, Wendy Sorensen, Leland J. Myers, Ruth A. Robbins, Ken Kraus, Del Brewster, Patrick Knowlton, Jack Simintob, Gary Buck, Craig A. Bohn, Charles T. Bintz, Dollie Bintz, Jeff Chapman, Dave Buhler, Harrison Smithwick, Mary Lu E. Judd, Morna H. Winkelman, Laurie Smith, John Mannos, Marghie Mannos, Jan Haug, Chad Eccles, Sheila O’Driscoll, Miriam Murphy, Mark E. Burton, Ed Sperry, Marv Tuddenham, Dorothy Tuddenham, Hope A. Hilton, Judi Short, Steven Lester, F.E. Draper, Martel Steckler, Leslie Hoodes, Rich Bennett, Jim Powell, Ronald P. Snarr.Approval of Minutes: Hope Hilton made the motion to accept the minutes from the March 2, 1994 meeting.  Motion was seconded by Jerry Romero and approved.Announcements: Councilman Keith Christensen was excused due to other council assignments. He sent word that they would not be able to proceed with a neighborhood hearing regarding the use of Sugar House p0ark for a recreation center until after June. He also indicated there would be a general meeting for all persons living in council district #7 on April 26 at 7:00 P.M. at the Nibley Park Elementary school (2785 So. 8thEast) . The mayor and all of her staff and the full city council will be in attendance to answer questions. It was suggested that we should identify projects and problems that need to be discussed at that meeting. Hope Hilton announced that the $20,000 needed to start work on the Wasatch Hollow Park is now available and they are ready to start the work now. It was suggested that we should identify projects and problems that need to be discussed at that meeting. Hope Hilton announced that the $20,000 needed to start work on the Wasatch Hollow park is now available and they are ready to start the work now.Trustee Petitions:Resignations for the following trustees were received either in the form of a letter or a petition from another person to take their place: Hope Hilton, Steen Lester, John Mannos, Ray E. Neilson, and Lloyd Siegendorf. New petitions were received from the following: Sheila K. O’Driscoll (Dilworth), Martel Steckler (Westminster), Craig A. Bohn (Garfield), Ronald P. Snarr (Garfield), Jim Powell (Sugar House Park), Wendy Sorenson (Westminster), Sharon Ashcraft (Highland Park). Dave Buhler made the motion to accept these new trustees, seconded by Jerry Romero and approved unanimously.US West Property: Sharon Ashcraft reported that the neighborhood petition regarding the development of the US West Property is in the hands of the zoning commission and that the builder is still trying to get approval on a plan to build apartments on this property. Three tanks have now been removed from that property.Legislature Update: Mary Carlson reported that $1.5 million was allocated for sound walls and that the area between 20th-23rd East is included in the planned area. Constructionis slated to begin by the end of the summer. She reported that the WADDOUPS bill passed in the House, but was stranded in the Senate and agreed to a compromise there. Salt Lake will be able to continue with their gun control laws. It will probably be revisited in the next session.Nibley Neighborhood Park: Ruth Robbins reported very little support in her efforts to get a CDGB grant to build a neighborhood park at 2876 So. 900 E. She feels that $200,000 would build the park which is much needed by the children in the neighborhood. Roger Miller suggested that the SHCC should really support that effort.Hillcrest Park: Roger Miller reported on efforts to build a neighborhood park at the end of Hillcrest Ave. (20th East & Stratford). The 14th of May has been set aside as a community activity to build this park in one day. This will be a joint effort with the neighborhood and the Redeemer Lutheran church that is located next to this area. He asked if it would be possible for the SHCC to donate some of the needed funds for this project. He explained that the SHCC received $2,000 from a well head survey project a year or so ago and that most of the work was done by people living in this neighborhood. Rawlins Young made a motion to donate $1,000 to this project, seconded by Steve Lester. Jerry Romero suggested the money be used for trees, shrubs, etc. that would be a permanent memorial. Rawlins Young reminded us of the great need for more green space in our neighborhoods. The motion passed. All persons present were invited to come May 14th at 8:00 A.M. to the parking lot by the Lutheran church and support this effort.Crime Report: Pam Grimes distributed flyers for the city’s “Night Before/Night Out Against Crime” activity which will be held Aug. 1, the night before those held in the communities. This will be held at the Utah One Center downtown. She also announced a Women’s Self Protection workshop o be held on May 14 from 6-12 AM. Officer Joe Clark reported that more officers are using the sub-station, even on weekends. He indicated that vandals have really done a lot of damage inside the rest of the old post office building. The shrubbery behind the old post office has been removed. The graffiti is a major in the business district. It has been impossible to keep it off as fast as the kids put it on. Officer Clark indicated that the Mobil Watch volunteers are going to be used as volunteers at the sub-station because the background check takes quite a bit of time and expense and this check has already been done on them. Additional volunteers will be needed and will be trained as soon as the training is available. Dorothy Tuddenham indicated that the neighborhood “Night Out Against Crime: this year will be done in each of the smaller neighborhoods instead of a whole Sugar House area one as it was done last year. The trustees in each area will be responsible for the activity in their areas. This will be held on August 2.Community Survey: Alice Edvalson reported that the community survey is ready to go and will be done on Saturday morning, April 9. Volunteers are needed to help with this. Lynne Olson had copies of the survey. The question regarding a suggested site for a recreation center caused a great deal of discussion. Some felt the question should not be on the survey and others felt it should be just a fill in the blank suggestion. Marv Tuddenham suggested that since the survey was all printed and ready to go that anyone that felt strongly enough about a change should come Saturday morning and help in making the change to the survey.Recreation Center: Jerry Romero explained somewhat the background of the recreation center. He indicated that there were two committees that had followed through on their assignments. These were the survey and site selection. The survey that is to be taken Saturday is the result of this committee. The sites used in the survey question were as a result of work the site selection committee had done.Highland High Baseball Field: Mark Fetzer indicated that developers are in the process of developing plans for an expansion to the ball field. These plans will be presented to the land owners and will then be presented to the community council for review.KOPE Kids:Lynne Olson reported that the KOPE Kids did get some of the CDBG grant money for further development of Hidden Hollow. This will be used to do some of the needed grading in the hollow. She also presented the results of the survey that was done in the business district by the KOPE Kids. The businesses are much in favor of maintaining the small neighborhood environment in the area. Lynne asked permission to be involved in a planning seminar that is being sponsored by the Utah Council of Community Councils. Chairman Roger Miller asked for a vote to support Lynne to represent the council at that seminar. The vote passed. Master Plan: Del Brewster indicated that e firm is being selected to do the update to the Master Plan. They should be able to announce who the firm is by the next council meeting. He said the business district would like to form  a citizens’ group to help in the clean up of the graffiti especially in the area bounded by Hollywood Ave. on the North, the freeway on the South, 8th East on the West and 15th East on the East. Anyone that could volunteer 3 hours per week would be most welcome. Call the Chamber of Commerce office at 467-0844 for more information. Some groups are adopting a spot to keep clean of the graffiti. The city graffiti number is 799-3443. Jeanean Brown. There were some 66 cases of graffiti just this past weekend. Zoning Issues: Rawlins Young reported that the city is rewriting the zoning ordinances. This should be completed in the next 6 months. He suggested the council should create a sub-committee to review these plans. Jerry Romero made a motion that such a committee be formed. seconded by Rawlins  and motion passed. Each area of the council needs to be represented in the review  of the plan. Judi Short volunteered to be on the committee. Rawlins was appointed chairman. This needs to be on the agenda for the next meeting. Rawlins made a motion that we look at the by-laws in regard to the number of trustees allowed and re-evaluate the populations in each of the council areas to assure that we have adequate representation in each area. Motion was seconded and approved. Westminster Parking- Rich Bennett reported that a meeting had been held at Westminster College to discuss the parking issue with the college representatives,  the developer, the neighbors, and representatives from the community council. The college was willing to move the terrace back an additional 40 feet for a total of 80 feet and would also be willing to close off t he 12th East entry if that was acceptable to the city traffic planners. Rich read a suggested letter prepared to present the council’s recommendations. Jan Haug suggested the college should consider a shuttle from some other area. Roger Miller reminded the council that we represent the college as well as the neighborhood. Hope Hilton made a motion that we not send the letter, seconded by Miriam Murphy, motion passed. The executives will work with the existing Westminster committee to work out this problem. Judi Short suggested we find out what approvals the college will need to get and write a letter to them expressing the concerns of the community council and the neighborhood. A copy of this letter needs to be sent to all of the trustees so they will be aware of the content of the letter. Vice Chairman Replacement: Jerry Romero suggested we need to elect someone to replace John Manos who has moved from the area. . Those interested in becoming a Vice Chairman should contact Jerry. We will vote on the candidates at out council meeting in May. Old Post Office: Jack Simantob will come to the May council meeting to present more information on the old post office. Meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. 

Landon Clark
[email protected]