SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 1995

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 1995


April 5, 1995

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Tree Brown Hayes, Jim Friedman, Katie Eskelson, Jan Haug, Ned E. Stephenson, Cheri Carleson, Jeff Niermeyer, Roger Mitoray, Judy Vincent, Dorothy Tuddenham, Hope Hilton, Ruth ARobbins, Kathy Daly, Wendy Merrill, Sheila O’Driscoll, Del Brewster, James J. Smith, Craig A Bohn, Gene Davis, Sharon Ashcraft, Dave Buhler, Becky Nielsen, Judi Short, Susan Greene, David Halling, Scott L. Kisling, Richard Lauritzen, Katina S. Ventura, B. L. Smith, Joe Clark, Rich Bennett, Donna Mirabelli Excused: Allen Johnson, Keith Christensen, Dolores Donohoo Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. Minutes of the March meeting were approved. Announcements:: The city council approved the new zoning ordinance last night with a few minor changes. Changes in our area included the “Y” at Highland DrivelRichmondl13th East changed to commercial and 27th South between Highland and 9th East changed to a single family duplex zone. Most of the Sugar House area is now basically R1 (single family). Rawlins expressed a concern that a neighborhood organization and a non-property owner can no longer initiate a zoning change. It can only be done by the property owncr. This is in conflict with a policy set forth in the Sugar House Master Plan. Vice Chair Election: The election committee had not contacted all trustees to determine those who were interested in Vice Chair. Rawlins asked if any present were interested. David Halling indicated he would be interested. A motion was made and seconded to accept David as Vice Chair. The voting was 8 in favor and 10 opposed. The majority felt that all trustees should be given an opportunity to run for Vice Chair. Judi Short and Rich Bennett will contact all trustees prior to the May meeting to determine who is interested in serving. Water Dept. Presentation: Rawlins indicated that the Water Dept. is planning to increase the water rates. Leland Myers felt this was an effort to drive down the use of water in the high use years and also to cover expenses in a low use year. Later in the meeting Jeffry Neirmeyer of the Water Dept. came into the meeting and presented a document describing the proposed water rate restructuring. He indicated there were two options they could take to deal with the increased water needs in the city, 1) upgrade the existing delivery system, 2) implement a seasonal rate change. He also indicated there would be a public hearing on this issue at the city council meeting on April 11 at 6:00 P.M. Due to the lateness of the hour, it was determined that a more detailed presentation be made at the May council meeting. Legislature Update: Gene Davis and Dave Buhler reported on the committees they had been involved with and answered questions from the audience regarding issues that had been addressed at the session of the Legislature. Traffic Report: Scott Vaderlast from the Traffic Dept. reported on the proposed changes the dept. are going to implement on 15th East in an effort to solve some of the traffic problems in that area. 15th East has become an overflow street from the heavy traffic on 13th East. 15th East from 9th South to 21st South is classified as a residential street. There are currently 4 way stops at 13th and 17th South. They are proposing adding 4 more at Harvard, Emerson, Kensington, and Westminster. The posted speed is 25 mph, but the actual speed of most motorists is 33-35 mph. They are also going to add cross walks and double yellow lines at these intersections. Prior to making these changes, they will have signs in those areas indicating the proposed change and a number to call for any comments. They hope to have the signs up by Friday the 7th and will accept public comments for about 10 days before actually making the changes. The Traffic Dept. representatives would like to come back to the council meeting after this time to report the results. A show of hands from those present indicated that 10 didn’t like the proposed idea and 7 did like it. Scott also reported that the one-way traffic on Parkway has now been implemented and they are observing conditions to determine how this is working. Parks & Recreation: Craig Bohn reported on a “March for Parks” being held on April 21 at 9:00 AM starting at Stratford Park, proceeding down through the Parleys Creek corridor, through Hidden Hollow, and to Fairmont Park where they will be met by the Mayor and there will be a tree planting ceremony. This event is being sponsored by some of the area schools. The purpose is to increase awareness of parks, their importance and the need for improvement of them. Tree Brown Hayes reported that the Friends of Sugar House Park are taking a “No Change” stance regarding suggested changes for the park. A questionnaire on parks has been distributed in some area. The Parks & Recreation committee is meeting on the last Wed. of each month at the library.

Landon Clark
[email protected]