SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 1996

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 1996


April 3, 1996

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Marv Tuddenham, Sandy Hiskey, Cheri Carleson, Rich Bennett, Julina Parker, Jaccquelyn Havey, Susan Green, Kathy Daly, Dorothy Tuddenham, Lynne Olson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Susan Rutherford, Jan Haug, Leon A. Halgren, William L. Holt, Keith Christensen, Elizabeth S. Brayman, Scott Kisling, Cheryl Slaymaker, Becky Nielsen, Scott Konopasek, John Rohlfing, Mike Devin, Linda Devin, Veronica Crandall, Ruth A. Robbins, Sheila O’Driscall, Joe Clark, John Naser, Mark Morrison, Charles Call, Coralie Alder, Tim Harpst, Susan Holt Excused: Sam Piaza Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. Minutes of the March meeting were approved. City Council Update: Councilman Keith Christensen reported on the Staker/Hughes gravel pit issue in the North West part of the city. The city council has re-zoned this area to allow extraction of gravel. There are still several issues that need to be addressed. Some are environmental and others are legal. Keith reported that President Clinton and Janet Reno has selected 17 cities to receive unallocated federal funds for crime prevention. Salt Lake City is one of the cities chosen. The amount could be about a half million dollars. Cheri Carlson asked Keith, in behalf of her neighbors, if he would be willing to seek a zoning ordinance similar to that done in Salt Lake County and Sandy City that would require the high voltage overhead power lines be buried. This could perhaps be done in conjunction with the road surface and storm/sewer work that is going to be done on 21 st So. and 17th East. The neighborhood is also asking councilman Christensen to insure that the Street Dept. not leave a mess on 21st So. as was done in the 27th So. area. Keith assured Cheri he would do what he could to support the neighborhood in their request. Keith discussed the proposed light at 21st So. and 15th East and indicated he personally is in favor of the light. He again recognized the big problem with graffiti in the area and assured us that he will do anything he can to help prevent this. Keith announced that the city has made available a cable TV channel 39 that is called SLC Unique and will provide information about what is going on in the community. He also indicated that a previous fee that was being charged to individuals for installing lighting in the neighborhood has been eliminated.Trustee Petitions: A letter of resignation due to new demands placed on his time has been received from Leland Myers from the Wilford neighborhood. New trustee petitions have been received from Sandy Hiskey from the Westminster neighborhood and Elizabeth Braymen of the Wilford neighborhood. Both were accepted by a vote of the trustees present.Committee Reports: Crime Report – Dorothy Tuddenham reported on the Gang Workshop to be held on April 11 as well as a Gang Issues Pep Rally scheduled for May 10. The Crime Report for Feb. and Mar. was distributed to those in attendance. There continues to be a lot of crime activity in our area. Traffic: – Rich Bennett reported on the traffic light on 15th East and 21 st South. He proposed a motion that we, the Sugar House Community Council, strongly support the light, but that the traffic on 15th East continue to be monitored and action taken if it is found that traffic does increase. The motion was seconded. Discussion included a suggestion that we wait until after we had an opportunity to see the displays that have been set up for this meeting and we have been given an opportunity to ask questions of the city personnel in attendance. It was also felt that there should be an item on a future agenda indicating a vote on this issue. It was pointed out that we have discussed this issue for the last several meetings and this issue was indicated as an item on the agenda again for this meeting. The vote was taken on the proposed motion and passed with 12 in favor and 1 opposed. Rich is working on a letter to the Mayors office reporting our recommendation regarding this issue. The next meeting of the Coalition for Livable Streets (CLS) will be April 13 at 9:00 AM in the basement of the Sprague Library.  Transportation and Traffic Displays and Discussion: Rawlins introduced the city transportation and traffic personnel in attendance and explained briefly the issues they are responsible for: John Naser, City Engineer, rebuilding streets, specifically 21st So. from 17th East-23rd East and 13th So. from 13th East ­17th East. The 13th S. part will begin in May and is scheduled to be completed by October. This area will be closed to all but local traffic. The 21st S. project will have a little work done this summer, but most will be done in 1997. During this


Landon Clark
[email protected]