SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 1997

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 1997


April 2, 1997

Present: Trustees: Scott Kisling, Rawlins Young, Rich Bennett, Alice Edva1son, Cheri Car1eson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Ivana Thomas, John Richards, Sheila O’Driscoll, Dorothy Tuddenham, Judi Short, Tree Brown Hayes, Allen Johnson, Becky Nielsen, Del Brewster, Jan Haug, Doris Williams, Gene Davis (18) Excused – Julina Parker, Sandy Hiskey (2) City Representatives: Veronica Crandall, Howard Brown, Danny Walz, Helen Peters, Richard Turpin, Everett Joyce, Kathy Black, John Bennett, Shane Jones, Brad Stewart (10) Others: Christie N. Corbin, Coleen Menlove, Lynne Olson, Lew Swain, David Elggren, Cherri Cravens Laypoldt, Donna Mirabelli, Agnes Greenhall, Jolene Anderson, Kent Anderson, Sumner Swaner, Pam Johnson, Stacey Ford, Randall Dalton, Steve Jones, Linda Sayre, Phil Kennington(l7)                Total – 45  Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Scott Kisling. Scott introduced the executive committee with Sandy Hiskey excused. The minutes for the March meeting were approved. Chair Report: Scott reported that notices have been distributed to all homes for the neighborhood trash pickup schedule. If you didn’t get one, call 535-6970. He indicated that the McIntyre Center Development is on the agenda for the Planning Commission meeting tomorrow night at 6:15 PM. The Sugar House Community Council Parks sub-committee meeting has been changed from Apr. 3 to Apr. 15th due the Planning Commission meeting tomorrow night. Meetings on the Parleys Crossing project are scheduled for May 5 and June 2 at the Son’s of the Utah Pioneers museum at 7:00 PM. For more information, call Rita Lund – home – 466-7711, work – 364-8222. The construction on 21st South from 17th – 23rd East is scheduled to begin the first part of April with completion by the end of October. You may call 535-6240 for information on that. Treasurers Report: Cheri indicated we still have a balance of $1,400 in our account with no activity during the past month. Mayor’s Office Report: Veronica Crandall, representing the mayor’s office, introduced Stacy Ford from the U who is working with Dr. Martin on traffic issues. She reported on an open house sponsored by the Arcadia Heights and Benchmark Neighborhood Councils for the purpose of discussing some of the local traffic issues. These will include 1) Foothill Blvd-Thunderbird Drive intersection, 2) Foothill Blvd- 2100 So. intersection, 3) Broadmoor St.-Wasatch Drive intersection, 4) Foothill Blvd.-I-215 to Sunnyside. Veronica reported the city is working on organizing a Youth City Government program. This is a “mock” city government for young people in the community. Veronica will be working with this program. Veronica introduced John Bennett from the Futures Commission. John indicated that the Futures Commission is working on plans for the city for 20-25 years in the future. They are looking at what we want our city to look like, be like, etc. They are planning to have proposals ready for review in the near future. They are seeking input from the youth in the city and will be working to set up a Youth Futures Commission in coordination with the Youth City Government program. John would like to hear from anyone who has input that would be meaningful to their plans. He can be reached at 535-7703, FAX 535-6292, or @CI.SLC.UT.US. Crime Report: Dorothy Tuddenham showed diagrams representing the drive-by shootings for the past year. There were a lot on the West side and quite a few on the East side. She again encouraged involvement in Mobil Watch. Car prowls and other crime activity will be increasing with the summer months coming. Shane Jones indicated that burglaries will also pick up, especially around the areas of the schools. Stolen cars are also a problem. Shane reported a town meeting with Councilman Bryce Jolley for April 16 at 7:00 PM at Hillside Middle school – 2375 Garfield Ave. The next Sugar House merchants meeting will be held Apr. 16 from 9:00 – 10:00 AM at the Sprague library. Guest speaker will be J. Scott Palmer, the contract manager for the I-15 project. Shane said they are trying to get computers for all the police cars which will help cut down the paper work that is required. Beginning in May, 4 officers will begin the bike patrol in the Sugar House area. The chamber office would welcome any contributions to help in paying some of the expenses for this activity. “Speed boards” are going to be installed in some of the major problem areas. These boards record the speed at which motorists are traveling and it is hoped that this will help in slowing down traffic. They will also assist in issuing citations to speeding cars. Shane announced that he is going to be retiring and will be replaced by Michele Rendon-Van Roosendaal. School Board Update: Kathy Black indicated there will be an open house at Highland High on Apr. 30. This will be an opportunity for the community to see what has been done during the recent construction at the school. The next school board meeting will be Apr. 8. They will be addressing the issue of busing, especially the renewal of the contract with Transpec. There will also be a meeting on Apr. 22 regarding the English as a 2nd language program. Water Dept. Report: Brad Stewart from the Water Dept. explained the upcoming water rate increases. The suggested rate is a 15% increase. A public hearing will be held in May on this issue. It is also suggested that there be an additional 7% increase for each of the next 4 years. The increase would take effect on July 12. The City Council is the one that approves or disapproves the increase and they do this every year. Unit Legalization: Pamela Johnson presented a request for a unit legalization at 1925 So. 16th East. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to support this request. Phil Kennington presented a request for a unit legalization at 1033 Ramona Ave. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to support this request Rich Bennett reported that the agenda item for new development at 1874-78 View St. had been canceled because the requester had taken the request to the Board of Adjustments and they turned down the request. A request for a conditional use permit was presented by Sumner Swaner for new development at the oldDiscriminator Music property at the intersection of 11th East Wilson Ave./McClelland St. The property is .4 of an acre. The plans are to replace the existing structure with a new 2-story building on the North end of the property. The building would have a footprint of 3,000 sq. ft. The building would house retail on the lower level with an apartment and Sumner’s landscape design business on the 2nd floor. A motion was made, seconded, and approved with 14 in favor, 1 opposed, and 1 abstention to support this proposal. McIntyre Development Update: This proposal is being presented to the Planning Commission tomorrow night. Lew Swain representing Boyer Company presented the plan with specific mention to those things that have been changed since the last presentation and addressed specific issues that have been raised. The following points were specifically made: 1) The buildings range from approx. 15,000 sq. ft to 2,000 sq. ft. 2) The traffic engineer has made an evaluation that the addition of 2 stories for additional office space has not made a change in the traffic impact that was originally presented because the original study was based on a generic description of the types of buildings and business, while the later study used specific types of businesses and buildings as per the current plans. The level of service will be the same as was originally stated. This does take into consideration some modifications that have been previously identified. 3) Relocation of the police station will be based on the recommendation of the Police Dept. They can either stay where they currently are located or they will be given a main floor location or a second story office area. The decision will be by the Police Dept. based on their goals for this area. 4) They have been asked to have a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) review, but that needs to be done after they have a more detailed landscape plans where they can see where the plant materials etc. will be located. Those who do the CPTED review do not have any problems with the layout of the buildings themselves. 5) They have met with UTA but have found them to be hesitant to say definitely what they want. They do say they do not want a pull-out location for the stops, but want to stay in the line of traffic and have a bench at a stop at 21st So. and 11th East and approx. 21st So. and 12th East. They are opposed to having any bus access inside the property. 6) The library is planning on a future expansion. The plans allow for that planned expansion as well as provide for the parking needs for the library. It is estimated that the library has 300,000 plus patrons a year and this has been considered in the parking plans for the library. 7) They have attempted to create major pedestrian ways providing access to the block from all sides of the block. 8) The Parleys Creek pond will be brought to the surface to create water ways through the center of the block similar to what has been done in the City Creek Park downtown. 9) An access will be provided through the Hidden Hollow area up through to 13th East. 10) Elizabeth Street will be vacated by the city and traded for property that is owned by the developer along the creek as well several easements that are being by the developer for access into the block and the parking that will be provided for the library. 11) The underground parking is in the South East corner of the property. The entrance to the parking structure would be from the entrance off Wilmington Ave. Conceptual drawings of the buildings and landscape were presented to show the type of architecture and landscape design that is planned. It is anticipated that the Planning Commission Hearing tomorrow night will result in either an approval or rejection of the conceptual design as it has been presented. If it is approved as the staff report recommends, there will be specific conditions that a committee be formed to further define the resolution of the common spaces and the exact appearance of each of the buildings before formal approval will be given to proceed with the development. The developers feel that they have provided a plan that to this point defines what they feel they can accomplish. Scott read some of the comments that have been received and pointed out some issues from the master plan and the Wikstrom study that have been concerns. The KOPE KIDS from Beacon Heights Elementary School are concerned with gathering places and open spaces. They are concerned that this area not be another glorified strip mall with an “ocean of parking”. A letter addressed to Kimball Young of the Planning Commission describing this plan as a generalized shopping center with no regard to the uniqueness of the area.· They hope that any future development is not known by any one retailer’s name. A letter from a Ms. Poll commented that the Wikstrom study recommends that the parking be 50% structured parking and 50% surface. The proposed plan has more surface than structured. She also talks about the town center concept as well as pedestrian walk ways and transit access. She also talked about the loss of municipal facilities in the area such as the post office, a school etc. and would like to suggest that municipal facilities be considered in the development. Scott talked about parking issues recommended in the master plans, especially off-street parking. He tried to point out other issues from the master plan he felt the developers have addressed. These included: 1) getting rid of the blight that currently exists, 2) expand on the use of the existing Parleys Creek water, 3) address the monument, 4) mixed use. The pedestrian access/transit orientation rather than the automobile is perhaps not as well addressed as some would like to see. We need to determine if this development really has local draw as the master plan suggests. The master plan also calls for community scale businesses not large regional scale businesses. The businesses need to have a strong street presence, street orientation, with parking in the rear. It needs to have good circular circulation for traffic. That means that you can get from one parking area to the other easily. Scott was hoping that more of the parking could be hidden so it does not seem such a large area of the block is parking. Scott feels that perhaps the edges of the development need more work to make that part look as nice as the center portion. Allen Johnson suggested that the city planning staff has been involved with this process, they have looked at it with reference to the master plan and the Wikstrom study and they are suggesting that it is in compliance with these plans and they are now recommending that the plan be given approval to proceed to the next step. Tree Hayes made a motion that we adjourn and it was seconded. Discussion included feelings that we were not where we felt good about adjourning at this point. The question was called for and the vote was 9 opposed and 4 in favor of adjourning. Del Brewster made the motion that we give a letter of support for the plan that has been presented tonight. It was seconded. Discussion included an appreciation of the effort the developers have made in considering the desires of all the parties involved with this issue. It is felt that this is a wonderful compromise considering all the differences of opinion there have been over this development. Others still feel that it is a compromise with what is defined in the master plan and the Wikstrom study and would hope that more still be done to make it even better. Another person would like to see it scaled down even more because of the large amount of traffic it is felt this would generate. Rawlins still feels that the considerations of transit access to this area are not being addressed appropriately. It was felt by others that it was not solely the responsibility of this development to solve all the transit problems of the city and this area. A substitute motion was made that we include with the motion a request to the planning staff to be especially sensitive to transit, pedestrian, bicycle, and shared parking issues relative to the Sugar House area. Everyone agreed that the motion should read: We recommend to the city that they accept the plan as it has been presented to us tonight with a request to the planning staff that they be especially sensitive to issues relating to: 1) transit issues. 2) Pedestrian access, 3) bicycle access. 4) shared parking. The motion was seconded and the question was called for. The vote was finally taken with 10 in favor, 4 opposed, 2 abstaining. Motion to adjourn was seconded and approved at 10:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]