SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 1998

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 1998


April 1, 1998

Trustees: Present: Scott Kisling, Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Sandy Hiskey, Alice Edvalson, Rich Bennett, Cheri Carleson, Sheila O’Driscoll, John Richards, Su Armitage, Dolores Donohoo, Tree Brown Hayes, Dorothy Tuddenham , Doris Williams, Del Brewster (15) Excused: Julina P. Parker, Judi Short, Ruth Robbins (3)City/State Representatives: Kathy Daly, Bill Allayaud, Diane Stover, Linda Ward, Wendy Wells, Michele Hutchins, Rick Graham (7) Others: Phillip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Ray Pugsley, Laure Wilkinson, Janet Hopkins, John Hopkins, John Thackeray, Eric Hopkins, David Hopkins, Clem Jackson, Brent Vincent, Ed Sperry, Grace Sperry, Tracy Mason, Helen Reinhold, Mein Reinhold, Mel Henricks, Agnes Greenhall, Hazel Bailey, Lynne Olson, Christie L. Drage, Jerry Schmidt, Tony Grant, Fred Babcock (24) Total – 46 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the March meeting were approved. Chair Report: The city clean-up schedules have been mailed out. We need a representative from our area for the National Community Development Week Recognition program. If interested, call Sandi Marler at 535-7267. A request for vacation of the alley between Ramona and Hollywood Ave. between 15th and 16th East will be presented to the city council on April 21 at 6:00 PM. We need a trustee to check this out. Volunteers are needed to serve on some of the city boards including: CDAC, Land Use Appeals Board, Planning Commission, and the Recreation Advisory Board. Helen presented the proposed document defining the Sugar House Community Council Neighborhood and Trustee Allocation. The motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept this document as the definition of the neighborhood boundaries for the Sugar House Community Council and the manner in which the trustees will be allocated for each neighborhood. As a result of this, a new trustee name and address list will be made available along with the neighborhood boundaries. New Trustee Petition: A petition for a new trustee in the Grandview neighborhood, Phillip Carlson, was presented and accepted. Treasurers Report: The bank balance is $2,237.39. Public Safety and Education Report: Diane Stover of the Police Dept. described a letter sent to the known neighborhood leaders in Dist. 6 & 7 in an effort to determine if these individuals are still willing to serve as neighborhood leaders. This in an attempt to update their records. Wendy Wells of Youth and Family Services explained some of the services provided by this organization. Among them are youth and family intervention services, mentoring, preparation for productive jobs, and anger management. Rich Bennett reported on the Citizen Police orientation seminar he has attended. Trustees Rich Bennett and Dorothy Tuddenham have both completed this class. Its purpose was to help citizens better understand What – Why – How – of police work. We were again ren1inded that Mobil Watch and CERT training are available for any interested citizens. City Council Report: None. Fairmont Park Swimming Pool: Rick Graham reported that the sub-committee working on this project has looked at several possible locations outside of a Fairmont Park as was requested at our last meeting. The main one that was looked at was on Wilmington Ave., east of Elizabeth St. It was felt that there was not enough space in that area for the necessary parking. It was also felt that the acquiring of the necessary property in that area did not meet the deadlines. It was felt that there were too many risks with this option. The sub-committee has chosen the NE section of Fairmont Park as was recommended at our last meeting. There is currently funding for the 6 lane pool, but there are private individuals that are exploring the possibility of private funding to expand it to an 8 lane pool.Mclntyre/Hygiea Update: It was reported that the deadline for completion of the Hotel is June 15. John Thackeray reported that a new tenant is going to be located in the NE building bordering on 21st South. Old Navy would not accept the glass street front that was agreed upon. Old Navy will probably be located in the adjacent building to the South. Other business that are being looked at for this block may be Barnes & Noble, 2 grocery stores, Jan Sport, and buffet, soup/salad bar types of eating establishments. It is planned that Barnes & Noble will be in the 21st South/Highland Drive comer location by the fall of this year. Planned Unit Development – 1935 So. 17th East: Tony Grant reported that he had talked with neighbors since the last meeting and feels that their concerns have been resolved. Trustee, Sheila O’Driscoll reported that she has also talked with the neighbors and has found no one opposed to the plans that have been presented. She again emphasized the need for the neighbors to be involved all along the planning process and be very much aware of what is being presented to the Planning Commission. Traffic is still a major concern. The neighbors are very insistent that the homes be single family homes. One neighbor spoke very favorably for the project, but did express again the concern for the increased traffic. The motion was made, seconded and approved by a 7 to 6 vote to accept the plan as presented with the stipulation that neighbors have adequate information on the plans and given ample opportunity for comments very early on in the planning process. The motion was amended to include the need to work with the city

traffic calming group to work out the traffic issues. Discussion on the motion included a desire for better attention to planning ideas regarding pedestrian access, a concern with building homes on non-dedicated streets, and a comment from one speaking from a historic standpoint who indicated that they have found the private courts to be quite charming. 13th East Office building: Fred Babcock presented the latest plans for a new office building at this location. This development is being done by Mecham who also owns the blue glass building to the South of this as well as the major part of the Granite Furniture block. The original plans that were presented to us were for a taller building. Those plans were not approved. The new plans are for a lower building, The plaza has been modified to include more on the West side, overlooking Hidden Hollow. It is felt that the trees on the East side of Hidden Hollow will hide the building to a great extent. A request was made that it was important that the East side of the Hollow be maintained as native vegetation, even as a wet land area. The new building would contain 125-130 thousand sq. ft. There is 109 thousand sq. ft. in the blue building. The new building would contain 6 floors which is the same as the blue building. There will be 420 parking stalls provided. This is more than the city requires, but less than the business use needs. They are planning to go to the Planning Commission with these plans on the 23rd of April. The following concerns and comments were raised in hopes that the Planning Commission would consider them in the approval or non-approval of this project: I) There were comments that the connection between Hidden Hollow and 13th East were good, they liked that part of the design. 2) There were positive comments regarding moving the sidewalk on 13th East back from the roadway with more space between the sidewalk and the street. 3) Some liked the idea of providing for off street parking for delivery trucks on 13th East and another comment objected to that because there is not suppose to be access to or from businesses from a major street. 4)   The stairway between Hidden Hollow and the plaza needs to be ADA accessible. 5)   The planned walk way width of 12-16 ft. wide was liked. 6)   The plan for the use as office space rather than retail was appreciated. 7)   Some did not like the obstruction of the view West from Sugar House Park. 8)  Some were concerned about the lack of detail in the drawings as presented. We were also informed that more detail information was available for those interested. 9)   It was suggested that an elevator be provided from the lower levels to the upper levels. 10) There was a concern over the access to the business on the lower level, West side. 11) Some were concerned that the parking provided for was more than the city code required, however, it is less than needed by the businesses. 12) It would be nice to see a 3 dimensional model of the entire block in order to get a better picture of what all the new development will really look like. 13) The existing parking structure is a natural location for the nests of the swallows in the area and have caused problems in the existing parking structures. There was a strong desire to not create a similar situation in the parking for this development. In fact, it was suggested that natural areas be included in the design to attract the nesting of the swallows in the lower area next to Hidden Hollow.The motion was made and approved that we send a letter to the Planning Commission letting them know that we have reviewed the plans as presented and have had many discussions regarding them and that we list the comments and issues that have been raised. It was also suggested that we send a similar letter to the Mayor’s office with the same information indicating this information was being sent to the Planning Commission. Planned Parking Area on 11th East – 1st Security Bank: Clem Jackson presented plans for additional parking on the vacant lot on 11th East just South of the Sinclair Station. Plans are for a 4 ft. wall along the 11th East side and a 6 ft sidewalk on the South side of the lot. This lot would be used for parking for the bank employees. There were several concerns raised with this plan, including open space issues, Salt Lake/Jordan Canal Trail concerns, landscaping concerns (desire for xeriscaping), some didn’t want the wall on 11th East, security/crime prevention concerns, need for shared parking in this area, and apparent parking problems with the Soup Kitchen which is also in this area. Trustee, Tree Brown Hayes will work with 1st Security to see if some of these issues can be resolved and it was suggested that Del Brewster of the Chamber of Commerce get involved in coordinating with the businesses involved. The master plan for the Sugar House area specifies that there be joint parking in this area. Del was asked to involve the RDA on the joint parking issue. Adjourned at 9:50 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]