SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2000

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2000


April 5, 2000

Trustees: Helen Peters, Alice Edvalson, Sheila O’Driscol, Ray Pugsley, Lynne Olson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Gayen Wharton, Dolores Donohoo, Scott Kisling, Su Armitage, Rich Bennett, Rawlins Young, Robert Marsh, Phillip Carlson, Cheri Carleson (15)Excused: Ty McCartney City/State Representatives: Barry Esham, Kathy Daly, Bill Allayaud, Unda Ward, Val Pope, Dan Andrus, Juan C. Arce-Larretta, Jillynn Stevens (8) Others: Kevin Adams, Catherine Hamilton, ‘Deac’ Thomas, Lora Kidd, Deborah Bay, Sue Tucker, Mike Tucker, Lars Boggess, Ralph K. Henderson, Judith Price, Mike flails, Chris Olsen, Dylan Tucker, Court Mueller, Jasen Fiack, Troy Scheel, Taylor McKay, Reva Servoss, Bill Servoss, Roger Black, Chris Dayton, Melissa Lichtenstein, Kern Weaver, Monty Thurber, Kyumong Coo, Clayton Simms, Gloria Garwood, Jeff Woodbury, Barb Woodbury, Mack Woodbury, Danny Davis, Vie Ayers, Marian Ayers, Erie K. Johnson, Karin Whitlock, Beverly Takos, Brad Groves, Susan Ayers, Susan Petheram , Richard Mendenhall (40) Total· 63 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chair Scott Kisling. Minutes of the March meeting were approved Chair Report: Scott reported that trustee Ruth Robbins had passed away during the past few weeks. Flowers were sent from the trustees. A donation was collected from the trustees to pay for them. Scott read a letter that had been received from the Friends Of Gilgal Garden thanking us for our support and donation. There will be a hearing regarding the installation of sound walls from 18th to 20th East on the East bound side on Apr. 20 at the Forest Dale Club House from 6:30 .• 8:00 PM. If you have questions, call Dan Bergenthal at 535-7106. A notice has been received for a Small Business Association (SBA) Bank Day on Wed. Apr. 12 at the Wells Fargo Bank at 180 S. Main St. Open house will be from 11 AM to 4 PM. If any questions, call Roy Box at 344-6803. Scott also drew attention to a flyer from trustee, Cheri Carleson regarding a possible soccer field in Sugar House-Park. It was pointed out that if approval was give for these soccer fields, 12 mature trees would be destroyed. flood lights would be added, a flatland would be cut into the north hill, there would be an encroachment on Parleys Creek, and there would be an impact on the North West picnic pavilion. If you have comments either for or against this proposal, please call the Sugar House Park Authority at 483-5473 or contact chairman Clark Nielsen at [email protected] or[email protected] . Written comments can be sent to the Sugar House Park Authority Trustees at 3383 S. 300 East, SLC, UT 84115Treasurers Report: There has been no activity leaving a balance of $1,616.81. Fairmont Pool Update: Val Pope from the SLC Parks Dept. reported that this project is about 25% completed now. It should be 55-60% completed by now, but because of problems that have been encountered, they are behind schedule. They are still in hopes of having it opened by the end of the year. Val also said that there are rumors that the city is looking at additional parking where the tennis courts on Sugarmont currently are. The tennis courts would be moved to where the volley ball courts are and the volley ball courts would be moved to where the old swimming pool is. The Senior Center is presently vacant but the city will look at the possibility of opening it gain after the construction has been completed. Rawlins Young was concerned with the co-ordination with the trails projects through the park. Public Input: Dorothy Tuddenham reported yet another traffic accident on 9th East. Barry indicated he would check out the status of what is being done to resolve the traffic problems on 9th East. Helen Peters mentioned the continuing problem with graffiti in the area. She encouraged everyone to call 972-7885 to report any graffiti so it can be removed as quickly as possible. She also indicated that the dumpster area at the Smith’s on 21st So. is an eyesore and encouraged those present to complain to the store manager. A complaint was made about the traffic problems on 17th East during the lunch time at Highland High. Traffic is being a problem on Parkway as well. It was indicated that complaints could be made to the SLC Police Motor Squad at 799-3000. Crime Update: Linda Ward of the SLC Police Dept. gave us the crime reports for Distr. 7 for March. Car strip/prowl were up to 50% from 37%, burglaries were down to 17% from 23%, robberies were the same at 6%,, auto thefts were down to 9% from 12%, aggravated assault were up 2% from 0%, and sex assault were up 2% from 1%. She indicated that there are a small group of taggers living near 27th So. and 20th East. They pretty well know who they are but as yet haven’t gotten enough evidence to convict them. They would appreciate any help from anyone in that area. Crandall Ave. Park Update:Juan C. Arce Larreta from the Mayor’s office indicated that the proposed area for this park is 2 1/8 acres and the cost to purchase this property would be over 1 million dollars. Because of the financial problems the city is facing at the current time. there is no way the city will buy this property. He ask for suggestions of other creative ways that money could be raised so that this property could be acquired for a park. Rawlins Young indicated that this has been proposed as a park for many years in the master plan for this area. Master Plans are approved by the city and Rawlins suggested that it would take some real commitment on the part of city officials to follow through on items such as this that are part -of these master plans. Stratford Park Update: Eric Johnson, representing this neighborhood reported that plans have been drawn up and they are moving ahead with the development of this park. There has been some money donated to help in the development of this park. Special Recognition Presentation: Dan Andrus of the Fire Dept. recognized three scouts who had completed a special project of marking 300 fire hydrants with a reflective tape which helps in locating the hydrants at night. Taylor McKay, Dylan Tucker, and Chris Olsen were presented with certificates in appreciation for their work. Their scout master Mike Bails was also recognized. Mayor’s Office Update: Barry Esham of the Mayor’s office reported the following upcoming meetings with the mayor: Press and Community Conferences – Apr. 19, 5:30-7:30 PM Northwest Community Center, 1300 W. 300 N, May 17, 5:30-7:30 PM, Central City Community Center, 615 S. 300 E., Saturday Morning with the Mayor – Apr. 8, 10:00 AM – Noon, Sam Wellers Books. 254 S. Main, May 13. 10:00 AM-Noon Tony Caputo’s Deli, 308 W. 300 S., One On One with the Mayor· Apr. 12,5:00-6:30 PM, May 25,5:00-6:30 PM. call 535-7704 for appointment. Barry announced a party to help launch the SLC Olympic Volunteer effort on Sat. Apr. 8 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM at the City/County Building. Jillynn Stevens of the Criminal Justice Services Division told us some of the responsibilities of this division. They work with victims of criminal activity as well as with the criminal. They support the philosophy that the criminal has a responsibility to make things right with the victim and they sponsor workshops to work with the offenders and the victims. Unit Legalization: The Land Use & Zoning sub-committee have reviewed the following requests for unit legalization: 1) A duplex at 2057 Ashton Circle by Ralph K. Henderson. The motion was made to approve this request with the voting, 9 in favor, 2 opposed, and 2 abstaining. 2) A duplex at 923 Garfield Ave. by Laura Kidd & Rosie Pederson. The motion was made that we approve this request with the voting 7 in favor, 2 opposed, and 3 abstaining~. 3) A triplex at 615 East Warnock by Kay Hamilton. The motion was made that we approve this request with the voting 9 in favor, 1 opposed, and 3 abstaining. The following concerns were noted with the third request; the condition of the house, the cracked foundation, a sagging roof and damage on the chimney. Street Lighting Requests: The following requests were reviewed for street lighting 1) Hannibal St. between 21st and 23rd So. by Gloria Garwood. There are approximately 60 homes in this area and there are 44 that are participating in the project. 2) Glenmare St. between Parkway and Stratford Avenues by Deborah Bay. There are approximately 31 homes in this area and there are about 28 participating in this project. The motion was made that we approve both of these requests with the voting 11 in favor and 1 opposed. AT&T Power Boxes in the Sugar House Area: Brad Groves presented information on the installation of power boxes that supply voltage to the cable, internet. and phone systems and ensure no interruption of these services. There are 7 proposed sites for these boxes in the Sugar House area. They are: 2240 So. 900 E., 1861 So. Lake St., 1035 E. Downingtown Ave., 523 Driggs Ave., 1616 E. Garfield Ave., 2133 E. Garfield Ave., and 1734 E. 2100 S .. We had previously had a presentation on these power boxes and there were many concerns expressed at that time. The same concerns were again expressed. The motion was made that we amend the previous letter that was sent to the Planning Commission with the addition of the identifying who is specifically responsible for the removal of graffiti on these boxes and send the amended letter to the Planning Commission for their consideration of these power boxes. The voting was 8 in favor and 4 opposed. Granite Block Mini Master Plan Update: Susan Petheram reported they are continuing their work on the small area master plan of the Granite Furniture block and invited everyone to attend a Public Participation Night to review and discuss their plans. This meeting will be held Apr. 12 at 7:30 PM at the Sprague Library. Susan is also looking at the possibility that this block may be eligible for designation as a Historic district. She is looking at those things that could be of historic value in that block. Library Update: Kathy Daly invited everyone to come and celebrate with them the beginning of the expansion project on Apr. 15 at 10:00 AM. She indicated that the building permit is in place and the demolition has begun. She also indicated that we should plan to hold our Community Council meetings somewhere else beginning with the May meeting. (We will meet at the Forest Dale Club House) Planning Dept. Update: Bill Allayaud of the Planning Dept indicated that the next Master Plan meeting will need to be changed because of a conflict. He is still working on finalizing the recommendations for the zoning changes for neighborhood business and small neighborhood business. This is scheduled to go to the Planning Commission on Apr. 20. The rezoning of some parcels in the area of Hollywood and McClelland was approved by the City Council and this should be presented to the Planning Commission in June. He indicated that Walgreen’s had filed a complaint against the city in connection with the proposed building on the comer of 9th East and 21st So. The city is working out this issue. A question was asked about the Diamond Rental property and Bill said this is still up in the air. Proposed Redman Building Development: Jeff Woodbury and Richard Mendenhall presented revised plans for this property. The new plans include commercial on the ground floor, storage in the basement, and the rest of the building as residential. The residential is proposed as 31 condo units and a loft unit. Entrance to the property would be from 21st South and 13th East. They are acquiring a small portion of the Chevron property to the East and the city owned alley for a walkway and landscaping. They will be adding lots of glass windows on all sides and balconies all around. They will be keeping the REDMAN sign on the top due to popular demand. They will increase the size of the building from 45,000sq. ft.. to 78,000. sq. ft. and it will be 6 1/2 stories tall. They figure the cost of the condo units will be $200 per sp. Ft..  The motion was made that we approve the conceptual design with special attention to the details on the east side to create a more open, friendly, safe and aesthetic design. The voting was 6 in favor, 4 opposed and 3 abstaining.  Meeting adjourned at 945 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]