SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2001

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2001


DATE:            WEDNESDAY April 4, 2001PLACE:          SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East  *** NOTE CHANGE ***               NEW MEETING ROOMTIME: 7:00 PMRay Pugsley, Chair. Conducting AGENDA 7:00 – 7:15       Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval                        Chair Report, Treasurers Report7:15 – 7:25       Public Input7:25 – 7:35       County Council Update – Steve Harmsen7:35 – 7:55       Organizational Issues                        Trustee Issues            Introduction of new trustees – Kevan Adams, Gary Bengtzen, Fred Conlon, Jared Fredrick, Justin Jones, Todd Slack, E. Paddington Campos, Jefferson Burgess, Julie Nitzkowski, Susan Petheram7:55 – 8:00       Police Update – Diane Olsen8:00 – 8:20       Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson                          Items to be discussed but not limited to:                            Chevron Station, Redman Development, Park View II Plaza8:20 – 8:25       Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham8:25 – 8:35       School Board Update – Kathy Black 8:35 – 8:45      Unit Legalization – 2021 So. 16th East (basement apt.)- Dick Perry 8:45 – 8:55       Unit Legalization – 1501 So. 23rd East (basement apt.)- Dave Fawson8:55 – 9:10       Proposed Pet Store/Clinic/Kennell at old Wild Oatson 7th East and Freeway exit – Heather Franc9:10                 Adjourn FUTURE MEETINGS:                      Sugar House Master Plan Update Open House                        Highland High Library                                    Thursday March 29 7 – 9 PM                                    Friday March 30 7 – 9 PM                                    Saturday March 31 2 – 4 PM           May Agenda Deadline – April 13, 2001 – Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1664            SHCC Executive Meeting – April 16, 2001 – 7:00 PM -Contact Alice for place            Next Community Council Meeting – May 2, 2001 – 7:00 PM            SHCC Trustee Review of Master Plan – May 31 7 – 9 PM THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library     NOTE: WE WILL BE BACK AT THE LIBRARY Questions: Call            Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181                         Vice Chair Helen Peters – 466-7170                        Vice Chair Su Armitage – 487-2321                        Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663                        Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352                        Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153                        Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on: *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************ SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILMINUTES FOR April 4, 2001 Trustees:  Alice Edvalson, Rawlins Young, Ruth Price, Fred Conlon, Ray Pugsley, Lynne Olson, Kevan Adams, Todd Slack, Justin Jones, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll, Gary Bengtzen, Jefferson Burgess, E. Paddington Campos, Judi Short, Philip Carlson, Scott Kisling, Jared Fredrick  (20)  Excused:  Tiffany Starbuck, Dolores Donohoo, Helen Peters, Dorothy Tuddenham, Ty McCartney City/State Representatives: Kathy Daly, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Diane Olsen, Linda Ward, Officer Lougy, Officer Kirkwood, SLC Police Dept.; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Elly Muth, Steve Harmsen, SL County Council; Kathy Black, SLC School Board (10) Others: Jerry Schmidt, Beverly Takos, Edward Glashien, Sherry Baranowski, Kathy Campbell, Melissa Lichtenstein, Peggy Wilder, Heather Franc, Lynn Williams, Donna Mirabelli, Jennifer Jolley, Wanda Gayle, Craig Anderson, Charlene Allert, Karen Whitlock, Diane Taylor, Erin P. Jackson, Sarah Carlson, Paul C. Farr, Dick Perry, Dave Fawson  (20) Total Attending – 50 Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley.  The minutes were approved. Treasurer’s report: Feb. beginning balance – $1,879.57, deposits of $71.00 & $14.00, expenditures of $15.00 for corporate renewal, $34.00 for postage – balance – $1,915.57 CHAIR REPORT: Chair, Ray Pugsley reported that demolition is well under way at the corner or 9th East and 21st South.  The addition to McDonald’s on 21st South is scheduled for completion by mid April. There is a lot of concern with the proposed school closures.  Kathy Black of the school board will be here tonight to answer questions. The mayor has recommended funding of $30,000 for a small area master plan for the Westminster neighborhood and $10,000 for an Historic Survey of the Sugar House Business District.  The public hearing on this was held last night, but comments can still be directed to City Council representatives.  Barry Esham gave information on the big garbage pickup schedule for this summer.  Questions regarding this pickup can be directed to the NEED line at 535-6333. Ray has applications for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). We will have a representative to explain more about this program in a future meeting.  Fred Conlon reported on the 4th of July Festival planned for Sugar House. Approval to close the street has been given by all necessary people but the Police Dept. is saying they do not approve because they feel it will impact the traffic too much. It was generally felt by those in attendance at the meeting that traffic in the area on the 4th is very small during the hours of the proposed closure.  The representatives from the Planning Dept. and Mayor’s office will try to encourage the Police Dept. to rethink their decision. Fred ask for volunteers to help in getting more participants for the festival. PUBLIC INPUT:            Jerry Schmidt wondered if not closing 11th East from 21st South to Hollywood would make a difference in the decision to close the street for the 4th.  He also had some questions regarding the canal corridor North of 27th South as a pedestrian walkway.            Kathy Daly welcomed us back to the library and invited everyone to the grand reopening ceremony on Sat. April 21, at 10:30 A.M.            Paul Jackson expressed concern over a map that had been shown at the master plan open house that showed a possible TRAX line on 17th East to 21st South as an alternative to 23rd East. There are many residents living in this area who are opposed to this route and Paul suggested looking at another route.            Sheila O’Driscoll said she had received a brochure from the Support Alliance For the Environment regarding the nuclear waste issues that we have heard about in previous meetings. She would suggest that we ask this group to come to a meeting to give us an opportunity to hear from the other side of the issue.            Susan Petheram indicated she has scheduled a meeting for May 2 from 6 – 7 P.M. (an hour prior to our next council meeting) to start plans for the creation of a Sugar House Historical Society and encouraged all to attend.            Rawlins Young said that now is the time to start working on the process of traffic calming in the neighborhoods.            A concern was raised from some of the residents in the Allen Park area regarding statements that are made in the new master plan about making a more friendly trail along the creek running through this area. Much of this creek runs through private property and they are concerned that the city is trying to encroach on their property. We were assured that this trail would never be implemented in private areas without private property owners and public involvement. Rawlins feels that the only actual trail development in Sugar House in the very near future will be what may be done along the I-80 corridor paralleling Parley’s Creek.            Kevin Adams is concerned with neighbors on his street that are keeping very late hours and disturbing the peace and who are also driving very fast through the neighborhood and wondered what the appropriate course of action is to address this issue. The police officers present indicated they would look into the problem and encouraged the neighbors to contact police dispatch at 799-3000 regarding the late hour disturbance.            Charlene Allert living at 23rd So. and 5th East was concerned with the speed of vehicles traveling along 5th East and also indicated there have been several serious accidents in this area. She wondered if a speed board could be put up in this area. The police said they would look into that.            A question was asked if the old D&RG railroad tracks were being considered for a TRAX line. The answer was, yes.            County Council Update:            Steve Harmsen, an “at large” member of the county council told us a bit about how the new council form of government is working. He feels it is an improvement from the previous method and feels it is more professional. The biggest issue they have dealt with in the past 3 months has been the re-location of the Planetarium. He is sorry to see it going to the Gateway project rather than the new library block. It is possible that this decision could be changed depending on things that could happen with the Gateway project. He encouraged those living in the area represented by Russell Skousen to call him with comments since his was the deciding vote to go to the Gateway. He can be reached at 468-2930. Steve anticipates issues regarding the new swimming pool at Fairmont Park to be addressed by the council in the next few months. He encouraged us to be involved with how this center is administered and also encouraged us to talk to other areas that have similar facilities to find what has worked well for them. He feels this facility will have a major favorable impact on our community. Rawlins asked for his help in keeping the Senior Center cottage in Fairmont Park functioning as a senior facility. Steve indicated that City and County council boundaries could be adjusted when the new census figures come out and encouraged any comments regarding this issue be directed to our City and County representatives. Organizational Issues:            A list of committees was circulated among the trustees to solicit members for each committee. Since we have had many new trustees in the past few months and time has not permitted getting acquainted with them, we were scheduled to hear from all of them tonight. Due to the length of the meeting already, a motion was made that we hear from half of them this time and the other half next time. Voting was 14 in favor, 2 abstaining. We heard from the following new trustees: 1) Jefferson Burgess – He lives in the Allen Park area and is an “at large” trustee living in the Garfield neighborhood. He is attending Westminster College and is involved with a business that designs candy, toys etc., 2) Kevan Adams lives on Hudson Ave. and is representing the Forest Dale neighborhood. He has been especially interested in creating a neighborhood park along the SL/Jordan canal corridor and in getting neighbors talking to each other., 3) Gary Bengtzen lives on 15th East and 29th South and represents the Wilford neighborhood. Gary grew up in this area., 4) Fred Conlon lives on Imperial and also has the Sugar Post Pottery shop on 11th East across from the Post Office. He is an “at large” trustee representing a business in the Westminster neighborhood. Fred is coordinating efforts with the Merchants Association., 5) Susan Petheram lives on Lake St. and is representing the Fairmont neighborhood. Susan has done a great deal in efforts to preserve historical information about the Sugar House area. Police Report:            The Police Dept. was represented by Linda Ward and Diane Olsen from the Community Oriented Police program and Officers Lougie and Kirkwood. Linda reported that crime in the area seems to be holding steady during the past month. She is not aware of any suspect in the Sinclair Robbery last night. They are still working on problems on Windsor Circle. Kathy Daly asked about skateboarders in the Sugar House Plaza parking area. It seems that Boyer’s security has fallen through. She has asked the Blindside business to help in controlling this situation but has not had much response. Julie Nitzkowski reported that a block party is being planned for the Windsor Circle area in hope that would help work out some of the problems there. The Police Officers cautioned parents about letting their children go into the restrooms in Sugar House Park alone. There is a lot of lewd activity going on there and it is encouraged that parents accompany children to the restrooms. It was reported by a neighbor that there is excessive dog debris in the park at Wasatch Hollow. Linda suggested they contact Animal Control. Planning Dept. Update:            Melissa Anderson from the Planning Division reported on the Sugar House Master Plan Update open houses that had been held the previous week and indicated that comments from those would be considered and the plan updated as needed and would there will be a final review by the Sugar House Community Council on May 31 from 7-9 P.M. at the new Sprague Library meeting room.  She had a map of the whole East side of the block from 21st South to Wilmington showing the proposed developments of the Chevron Station on 13th East, the Redman Building by Woodbury Corp. and the Park View Plaza II by the Mechum Development.  She explained some of the concerns and considerations involved with these three projects.  The Park View Plaza II has been approved but there are still a few details that are pending approval on it. One of the big concerns with the Redman development is with the alley on the East side of the building.  She said the alley will be developed as part of that project and will be from 10 – 15 ft. wide and it will be ADA accessible down into Hidden Hollow and will be landscaped on both sides. Final plans for this project have not yet been approved.  The Planning Division will be looking carefully at the public access into and from the Chevron project.  It was suggested that Margaret Pahl of the Planning Division needs to assure that the alley will always be accessible to the public and that public rights are maintained.  There are still concerns regarding the shared parking issue in the whole Sugar House Business District.          Mayor’s Office Update:           Barry Esham reported that the Mayor and his staff will meet with the Sugar House Community Council one hour prior to our council meeting in June to discuss anything of interest to those in attendance. They will be meeting with the Liberty/Wells Community Council on Wed., April 11 from 7-9 P.M. at the South Community College Campus.  There will be a Saturday Morning with the Mayor on April 7 from 10 A.M. to noon at the “Cup of Joe” at 353 West 200 South.  Barry is doing a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) report of the Fairmont Park area and will be reporting to the Mayor and City Council and making recommendations for that area. Barry asked for volunteers to help in stuffing the minutes and agenda into envelopes for mailing.  There were a couple of volunteers at the meeting, but if anyone else in willing to assist with this, please call Barry at 535-7971. School Board Update:           Kathy Black from the SLC School Board reported that they will soon begin building a new Nibley Park Elementary School.  It will be built on a different location on the school property so it will not interrupt the operation of the school. She explained that it is difficult for the schools to get funding when the number of students is low.  Saving tax dollars is the boards major priority. The ideal size for an elementary school is 500 students. There is still a lot of opposition to closing schools in our area.  Kathy explained that the board is now considering all elementary schools East of I-15 for consideration for closing. The committee that is looking at this issue will report back by the 1st of June with their recommendations. It was suggested that the board need to look closely at what they do with the properties of the schools that they close. It was also pointed out that closing schools has a big impact on the neighborhood because the closing of schools discourages families from moving into the area.  It creates one of those “vicious circles”. Unit Legalization – 2021 So. 16th East (basement apartment) -Dick Perry            This apartment has been used as an apartment since the early ’50’s and Mr. Perry has owned it and used it as an apartment since 1968. All the neighbors have given their approval of this request. There was much discussion on the whole unit legalization process.  A goal of the Sugar House community is an effort to preserve the single family dwellings that we have.  There are those that feel that any of these apartments should be incorporated back into the single family home and there are those that feel that there is a need for these smaller apartments to provide needed housing in the area. After much discussion, a motion was made that we approve this request with voting 8 in favor, 5 opposed, and 2 abstaining. Unit Legalization – 1501 So. 23rd East (basement apartment -Dave Fawson            This apartment has also been used as an apartment since 1960 and the current owner has used it as an apartment for the last 18 years.  The neighbors have all approved this request. There was more discussion on the legalization process and a motion was finally made to close the debate with the voting 12 in favor, 2 opposed and 2 abstaining.  The motion was then made to approve the request with the voting 10 in favor, 5 opposed, and 2 abstaining.  A motion was then made that we need to discuss the unit legalization process so we will all understand what is involved with it.  The voting on that motion was 8 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining.  There was then a discussion of things we need to consider.  These included: 1) What is our goal for the Sugar House area?, 2) What do we expect of the person requesting the legalization?, 3) We need to set up some guidelines that we agree to follow, 4) It was suggested that the current sub-committee look at what we need to look at and make recommendations to us., 5) It was suggested that our concerns be conveyed to the city and suggested that they look at their process. 6) A motion was made that the sub-committee do a training session on the unit legalization process and include representatives from the City and that this training session be part of the next 2 meetings with 1/2 hour either prior to or during the meetings.  The voting was 10 in favor, 1 opposed, 0 abstaining. Proposed Pet Store/Clinic/Kennel at the old Wild Oats on 7th East & Freeway exit – Heather Franc            Heather explained what she would like to do with the existing building at this location.  In order to do what she wants, it would require a zone change from Neighborhood/Commercial to Commercial/Business.  It is the Kennel that is causing the need for the change. She indicated the outside would stay basically the same as it currently is.  She indicated that the surrounding homes are all rental homes.  The question was asked whether we want to change the zoning to allow for a more intensive use for a single parcel and do we want to create the possibility of increased traffic in this area. After considerable discussion on this issue and due to the lateness of the hour, a motion was made that we table this issue until next month with the voting 10 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Trustee Petitions:            We have received a petition for a new trustee from Tom Campbell of the Highland Park neighborhood.  Since he was either not at the meeting or had not stayed until this late hour, a motion was made that we hold his petition until the next meeting.  The voting was 10 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining.            We received a renewal petition for Rawlins Young of the Sugar House Park neighborhood. The motion was made that we accept this renewal with the voting 10 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]