SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2002

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2002


WEDNESDAY April 3, 2002



PLACE:            SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East TIME:    7:00 PM AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting 7:00 – 7:10         Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval, Chair                                    Report, Treasurers Report7:10 – 7:15         Public Input7:15 – 7:20         Organizational Issues                                      Olympic Pins                                      Tote Bags                                      SHCC Purpose Statement Update7:20 – 7:25         Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham7:25 – 7:30         Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson7:30 – 8:00         Legislature Update8:00 – 8:15         Zoning Evaluation Study Between 9th East/McClelland & 21st South/Sugarmont- Melissa Anderson8:15 – 8:35         Residential Street Lighting Theme & City Wide Street Lighting Master Plan – Gordon Haight8:35 – 8:50         Conditional Use Permit in RB Zone with intent to build a Service Station – 2816 So. Highland Drive -Charles Moore8:50 – 9:05         Conditional Use Permit with intent to build 3 duplexes Redgate Properties – 3027 So. 11th E (11th East & Elgin Ave, vacant lot on east side) Peter Corroon9:05 – 9:20         Zone Change From R3 to CN Zone – 1703 So. 7th East with intent to create a Beauty Salon/Coffee Shop -Dennis Bronson9:20                              Adjourn            FUTURE MEETINGS:May Agenda Deadline – April 19, 2002 – Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663Sugar House Days        April 20th, Sugar House Business DistrictWater Conservation Fair Hidden Hollow   April 20, 11 am-3 pm     Music, boothsSHCC Executive Meeting – April 22, 2002 – 7:00 PM – Contact Alice for placeNext Community Council Meeting – May 1, 2002 – 7:00 PM – Sprague Library             THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library   Questions: Call      Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181             Vice Chair Justin Jones – 466-4160            Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708            Vice Chair Scott Kisling – 484-7340            Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352            Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153           Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on: orhhtp:// *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them pleasecall Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************
Sugar House Community CouncilMinutes for April 3, 2002 Trustees: Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Rich Bennett, Philip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Justin Jones, Scott Kisling, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Rawlins Young (16) Trustees Excused: Ruth Price, Gayen Wharton City/State Representatives: Debbie Gabrenas, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson SLC Planning Dept.; Gordon Haight, SLC Transportation; Diane Olsen, Brendon Kirkwood, SLC Police; Bruce Emmett, at least 2 others, SLC Fire Dept.; Jackie Biskupski, Representative Dist. 30; Karen Hale, Senate Dist. 7; Dale Lambert, City Council Dist. 7 (11) Others: Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Chris Bowler, Melissa Lichtenstein, Charles Moore, John Arrington, Camron Olsen, Kitty Stewart, Neil Stewart, Hollie Jones, Richard Stratton, Barry Makarewicz, Dennis Guy-Sell, Jenny Olsen, Linda Sayre, Chris Sayre, Val Murdock, April Larsen, Susan Herman, Peter Corroon, Gina Thompson, Karen Whitlock, Don Zarkou, Daina Marshall, Rachel VanAnda, Susan Hecht, Dennis Bronson (27)Total Attending: 54 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley. The minutes from the March meeting were approved with the correction of removing Paddington Campos from the list of trustees who were in attendance at the meeting.  He was excused. CHAIR REPORT:Ray reported that the City has set the schedule for the annual clean-up  but are not going to publish it for widely because of the abuse from persons outside the City.  City residents will be notified in the water bill prior to their scheduled time. TREASURER’S REPORT:The Feb. balance was $5,108.18. During the month of March there were deposits of $840.00 and $485.00 and checks written for $200.00 and $10.50, leaving a balance of $6,222.68. PUBLIC INPUT:Debbie Gabrenas from the Sprague Library announced a special Scottish Independence Day display and program to be held in the library on Sat. April 6 at 2:00 PM. She also invited everyone to a special Sugar House historical slide show to be held on Sat. Apr. 20 at 3:00 PM in the meeting room at the library.Lynne Olson invited everyone to the Sugar House Days celebration to be held in the Business District on Apr. 20 with a water conservation fair to be held in Hidden Hollow from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM that day. ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES:We have received a letter of resignation from trustee Tiffany Starbuck as she is moving from the state.We received a petition to become a trustee at-large/Wilford neighborhood from Chris Bower. Chris has lived in the area for about 6 months.  He works with the State of Utah in trade relations. He was born and raised in the Washington D.C. area.  He owns his home and is raising his family in our area. A motion to accept his petition was passed with unanimous approval. OLYMPIC PINS:The Olympic pins are gone!!!  Thanks to everyone who helped and supported this project in any way. TOTE BAGS:There are still a few of the tote bags left.  These are very nice dark blue bags with the Sugar House Community Council logo and web addresses printed on the side.  These are available for a $5 donation to the community council.  Anyone interested please call Alice at 485-1663. SHCC PURPOSE STATEMENT:Kevan Adams, representing the By-Laws committee indicated that he has checked with the Utah State Dept. of Commerce to see what would be involved with changing our Articles of Incorporation. He was told that we would need to pay a fee of $20 to amend and restate and resubmit the new articles.  Rawlins is concerned that this would have an impact on our obtaining the 501 (C)-(3) status and felt that the purpose statement should be in the by-laws. Kevan indicated that the by-laws seem to state “how” we do business and the Articles of Incorporation state “what” we do, and feels that the purpose statement additions that have been suggested better fit in the Articles. Ray suggested that the By-Law committee continue to check on this. The motion was made that we add the proposed purpose statement in the proposed amended Articles of Incorporation in order to submit them to an attorney for approval. Voting was 9 in favor, 1 opposing, 1 abstaining. MAYOR’S OFFICE UPDATE: Barry Esham is out of town so no update. PLANNING DEPT. UPDATE – Melissa Anderson:Melissa reported that she went to an Envision Utah workshop and gave us a copy of their 2002 supplement. She announced the Scoping meeting for the Westminster Small Area Master Plan will be held on Apr. 11 at the Boys and Girls Club.  CITY COUNCIL UPDATE – Dale Lambert:Ray recognized Councilman Dale Lambert from Dist. 7. Dale said that the Council has approved the proposal for open space for the remaining portion of the downtown library block. The Council will be reviewing funding requests for projects in Fairmont Park and plans for the Business District and Parleys Trail.  He asked anyone that had comments on Fairmont Park to please contact him as he felt there could be some hesitation to approve this funding. The Council has approved the annexation of the small area by 33rd South and Highland Drive. Dale welcomes any input from citizens. LEGISLATURE UPDATE – Representative Jackie Biskupski & Senator Karen Hale:Representative Biskupski, Representative for Dist. 30, reported that this session was especially difficult because of the interruption for the Olympics. They had to deal with two budgets, a redo of the 2002 budget as well as the 2003. The budget process has a big affect on what gets done in the City.Senator Hale, Senator for Dist. 7, said that they started the session having to deal with a $200 million shortfall and later found that there was an additional $54 million short. Some of the programs that have been working very well, especially some for children and seniors had to be eliminated. Higher education and the public schools were also hurt. On a positive note, the Bear River Dam was eliminated and they were able to get some bonding money that was a help. The Governor has vetoed some bills and there is a push for a veto over-ride session. Legislation was passed to make the Spanish onion the state vegetable and the sugar beet the Historical State vegetable. This was quite an interesting battle that was presented by groups of young people who had an outstanding experience in learning the Legislative process.This is an election year and we were encouraged to all get involved and get to know the issues. It is especially important to vote in the Primaries. Normally only 10% of the population votes in this election which means that only 10% of the population really has a say in who we are voting for in the general election. All of our representatives and senators are up for re-election this year so it is especially important for us in this area to vote. POLICE UPDATE – Brendon Kirkwood & Diane Olsen:Brendon reported that the assignments for himself and Diane have been changed and they are now working with districts 5 & 7 instead of 6 & 7. There has been a serial robber working in the Sugar House area. He seems to be working between the hours of 2 & 8 PM in the business district. He has been identified as a white male, 5’9″ tall, with brown hair and wearing a baseball cap, sometimes wearing sunglasses. Brendon asked us all to watch for someone fitting this description and notify the police. ZONING EVALUATION STUDY – Melissa Anderson:Melissa said the City is evaluating the zoning for the area bounded by 900 East and McClelland St., between 2100 South and Sugarmont Dr.  A meeting is being planned for input from the neighborhood on Apr. 17, 7-9 PM at the Boys and Girls Club. RESIDENTIAL STREET LIGHTING AND CITY WIDE STREET LIGHTING MASTER PLAN:Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning and Gordon Haight, SLC Transportation presented what is being proposed for the lighting in the City and in our residential areas. Judi Short suggested a straight pole be used in the neighborhoods because that is what has already been used in the areas that have been installing the light poles with the matching grant program. The matching grant program has been very popular in some of the neighborhoods. It provides more light, but we were told that it does not necessarily prevent crime. Gordon handed out a survey and asked everyone to fill it out and return it to him tonight. The master plan is proposing that the City take over the maintenance of these decorative light poles. Gordon demonstrated the difference in the lighting using different types of covers. The master plan will be going to the Planning Commission and City Council for hearings and public input will be heard for each of these.  Any comments can also be directed to Gordon at 535-7147. Melissa asked which color we wanted for the traffic poles in the business district, bright blue or black. The voting was 5 for blue and 6 for black. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WITH INTENT TO BUILD A SERVICE STATION AT 2816 SO. HIGHLAND DRIVE – Charles Moore:Mr. Moore, the Realtor, and John Arrington, the current property owner, came back again this month with a revised proposal for this property. They are now proposing a Service Station/Convenience Store at this location. One person from the audience commented that he liked the new proposal. The motion was made that we not approve the request. Discussion included: (1) a concern that the light canopy and parking lot were out of character for the rest of the neighborhood, (2) we are trying to preserve the neighborhood feel, (3) this intersection is a problem with the traffic as it is already and this would only make it worse. The allotted time was up and a motion was made and unanimously approved to extend the time for 2 more minutes. Voting on the original motion was 12 in favor, 3 opposed, 1 abstaining. Charles asked for suggestions of what would be acceptable at this location. Justin Jones suggested that he should meet with the developer liaison and a sub-committee to explore other options. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WITH INTENT TO BUILD 3 CONDOMINIUMS 3027 SO. 11TH EAST- Peter Corroon:Mr. Corroon presented plans for a Planned Development of 3 condominiums.  This area was just recently annexed into the City. When it was in the county, this request was approved, but it had to be annexed to the City because of the water access. The entrance would be from Elgin Ave. The units would be 3 bedroom, 3 bath and sell for approximately $150 – $170 thousand. The motion was made to accept this proposal with the condition that a pedestrian access be provided into the Brickyard. There was some discussion including the concern with the garages in the front of the property. The vote was 2 in favor, 9 opposed, and 3 abstaining. Mr. Corroon asked to meet with the development group to see if a better solution could be worked out. The motion was made and unanimously approved that he should meet with the developer liaison. ZONE CHANGE FROM R1 TO RB 1703 SO. 7TH EAST – Dennis BronsonMr. Bronson indicated that the house at this address is currently divided into a triplex and is difficult to rent because of the traffic at this busy intersection. He is interested in comments from the group. Melissa Lichtenstein, living at 1793 So. 7th East is opposed to the proposal. She doesn’t want to see a business there and doesn’t feel there is enough parking for a business. The parking is also too close to 7th East and the cars trying to get into the parking would be competing with the children that are crossing the street on the way to Hawthorne School. Melissa feels good about living on 7th East. A couple of other neighbors close to this address were also opposed to a business. This property is currently zoned R1-2000 and is a non-conforming use. The motion was made that he come back next month with a specific zone request and specific plans for what he wants to do. Discussion included the possibility of a live/work sort of situation. It was also suggested that since this borders on the East Central and Liberty/Wells Community Councils that he should also meet with them. Rawlins Young encourage that we keep the arterial concept and not add more business along 7th East.  Voting on the motion was 7 in favor, 7 opposed, 0 abstaining.  Ray broke the tie by voting in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. 

Landon Clark
[email protected]