SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2004

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2004


April 7, 2004


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Su Armitage, Rich Bennett, Sarah Carlson, Philip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Doug Green, Mark Holland, David Lawver, Cabot Nelson, Julie Nitzkowski, Lynne Olson, Tina Ottesen, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, L. Rex Sears, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Rawlins Young (19)

Trustees Excused

Ray Pugsley, Ruth Price

City/State Representatives

Annette Daley, Mayor’s Office; Kim Thomas, Youth City Government; Lyman Guest, SLC Police, Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library (4)


Dan Hull, Marsha Gilford,Tom Judd, Bryan Smith, Curtis Miner, Vic Ayers, Emil Kmet, Tom Nitzkowski, Debbie Williamson, Thomas Q. Bailey, David Nelson, Dan Going, Jake Johnson, Joyce Cheney, Robert Cheney (15) Total (38)

Meeting Minutes

Meeting began at 7:00 pm with Chair Helen Peters conducting. Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Beginning balance of $1,823.92, deposits of $1,254.00, expenses of $1,750.00, ending balance of $1,327.92. Chair Report: Helen noted a thank you note from the Wharton family for the flowers sent at the passing of Gayen. Helen noted that on Feb. 23, 2004, the Utah State Legislature passed a Joint Resolution designating April 23, 2004 as the Sesquicentennial Anniversary of Sugar House. In commemoration of this event, the Sugar House Community Council has made available a commemorative pin, t-shirts with a Sugar House theme on the back, and a commemorative plate created by Sugar House business, Sugar Post Pottery. These items are available by contacting Alice Edvalson at 485-1663 or at [email protected] . Some items are becoming limited and will become more limited as the date of the anniversary nears.

Other activities planned for this occasion are

Fri. 23-24, Sugar House Merchants will have sidewalk sales and promotions; Fri. 23, 7 PM, the Sugar House Ward will hold a ward reunion at the Sugar House Stake Center on the corner of 11th East and 17th South; Sat. 24, Earth Day cleanup at Hidden Hollow from 9 AM – 12 noon; Sat. 24, Sesquicentennial Shootout, Paintball Competition from 7 AM – 6 PM at Fairmont Park; Sat. 24, 1-3 PM, a Children’s Parade in Fairmont Park; Sun. 25, 3 PM, a slide presentation and photo exhibit of Sugar House at the Sprague Library. Dan Hull reported on the parade, noting that participants will include Hawthorne & Uintah grade schools, and a band from Hawthorne and Emerson schools. The parade will meet and begin in front of the Fairmont Aquatic Center and will march along the sidewalk up to Granite Furniture on 21st South, along 21st South to Highland Drive, and south on Highland Drive to the Deseret Industries store and back to Fairmont Park. A time capsule will be created by the children, banners representing different decades will be displayed and the children in the parade will dress accordingly. Children participating in the parade will get a discounted pass for swimming at the Fairmont Pool. Smith’s Food will be providing refreshments for those participating. Dan is working to get groups to participate and suggested Sugar House businesses pass out advertising flyers to those watching the parade. Helen gave a report on the sale of the Sesquicentennial items noting that some items are becoming somewhat limited. Helen indicated that we would probably have a booth at the July 4th street fair. Helen noted several changes that have been made in the Planning Department, information regarding tree limb removal, tax preparation helps, neighborhood cleanup, the FAA proposed air routes, and a Road Safety Day. Marsha Gilford, representing Smith’s Food and Drug Stores, reported on the progress of the demolition of the 9th East/21st South store. She noted that it was the first combination food and drug built in Salt Lake. Easter Sunday will be the last day for business. Demolition will begin on the 19th with a special celebration. The new building on the corner is the pharmacy and will be open for business that day. They will have a shuttle on Mon., Wed., and Sat. to the 9th/9th Smith’s store. They are willing to work with those who have special needs. Smith’s management plans to be involved with the community during the store closure. The new store is scheduled to open in the fall. Tom Judd, a neighbor who has been quite involved with the Smith’s development, was at the meeting showing his support of this project. Today was his birthday and we sang “Happy Birthday” to him. Tina Ottesen showed a poster she has created about panhandling. She is encouraging the merchants to display it in their businesses to discourage giving to the panhandlers. Kim Thomas, from Youth City Government explained about the Youth City Government program opening in Fairmont Park in June. This will be an after-school and summer program with different kinds of activities, including computer web design, art, swimming, drumming, martial arts. Their program will target 11-14 year olds. They will partner with the Boys and Girls club for some of their activities. Fees charged are dependant on family income. They also have some employment and volunteer opportunities.

Public Input

Bryan Smith, living in the Highland Park area spoke regarding Highland Park elementary school that is scheduled to be rebuilt next year. The current building is slated to be torn down in the summer of 2005. Bryan is trying to work with the county to purchase the current building to use for a community center. He is asking for our support of this proposal. It was felt we needed more time to consider this proposal so we will put it on the agenda for the May meeting. It was suggested we have a representative from the school district come to represent their views. A motion was made that we write a letter to the City Council, the Mayor, the school district and the County requesting that no decisions be made until the community has had an opportunity to respond. Voting on the motion was 13 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. Mark Holland announced a Walk for Mental Health on April 17. Lynne Olson reported that the RDA Advisory Committee did not allocate the money for the monument plaza. We need to do some lobbying to the Mayor and City Council for this. A motion was made that we create a committee to contact the decision makers to make them aware of how important this project is and that we also send a letter to the Mayor and City Council. Voting was 13 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. It was noted that the City Weekly chose our Sugar Beet sculptures as the best public art project in SLC for this year.

Mayor’s Office Update

Annette Daley reported that we can now dispose of Hazardous Waste at the Costco at 1818 South 3rd West on the 4th Thurs. of every month in the NW corner of the parking lot. Hours for this deposit are 8 AM – 4 PM. There will soon be a suggestion box at the Community Affairs office. The City has a new Economic Development Manager, Eddie Butterfield. He can be reached at 535-7141. He is especially interested in working with small businesses owners. Annette indicated there is still time for input for the SHBD zoning ordinance.

Crime Update

Lyman Guest, of the SLC Police Dept., reported on crime statistics for the previous month. He indicated they have had pretty good success with their truancy sweeps. Tina Ottesen reported on the Neighborhood Watch meeting she organized 2 weeks ago. They had distributed some 2,800 flyers and felt they had some 200-300 in attendance. She encouraged every community to work together to prevent crime.

868 Ramona Development

Grace Sperry reported that this is at a standstill because additional information has become available which changed the previous feelings of the committee and they want to re-look at this whole project. Grace will see if they want to be put on the May agenda.

Chevron Gas & Food Mart Redevelopment

Lynne Olson reported on the history of this project. The Chevron station has been sold to Mike Peterson of Peterson Oil and he is interested in moving forward again with this plan. Architect Curtis Miner, explained some of the issues that needed to be addressed including: pedestrian access and safety, vehicular access, public transportation (there is 1 bus stop in front of Redman and 1 in front of Park View Plaza II), controlling the sound from the car wash, and landscaping. The architect wanted to make the building representative of the other historic buildings in the area and has used elements of the old prison and the old Walgreen store. A conditional use permit is needed because it is a re-development in the Sugar House Business District, which allows the Community Council to review the design of the building. David Lawver suggested using recycled water for the car wash. Vic Ayers, owner of the Redman building, is supportive of the proposal but is suggesting a limitation on the hours for the car wash. It was suggested that the landscape be xerascape. Rawlins Young raised an issue with curb cuts on arterial streets. A motion was made to support the plan and suggesting they put in more trees, with voting 16 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.

2017 – 2033 So. 12th East Development

Armand Johansen was not here. Helen explained that HUD is now requiring 9 ft. ceilings which would increase the height of the building to 83 ft., which was higher than previously planned. Armand has worked it out with the City so he can stay within the 75 ft. limit that was previously proposed. As a result, he didn’t need to come back to us for any further review. The funding is now in place so this project will probably begin in the near future.

Petition Renewal

Rawlins Young has presented his petition for renewal.

Reading of the by-laws

Trustees present for this reading were: Su Armitage, Susan Petheram, Tina Ottesen, Cabot Nelson, Rex Sears, Grace Sperry, Philip Carlson, Rawlins Young, Sarah Carlson, Helen Peters, Alice Edvalson, Lynne Olson, Judi Short, Dolores Donohoo, David Lawver, Doug Green, Mark Holland, Julie Nitzkowski, and Rich Bennett (19). Sections 5.5 and 5.6 were approved by a vote of 17 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining with a few minor changes. Article VI – The motion was made to skip for now with voting 12 in favor, 5 opposed, and 1 abstaining. Article VII was approved as read by a vote of 16 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstaining. Su left before the vote of Article VII was taken. Rawlins made the motion to change the word “may” to “shall” in Article VIII, Section 8.1, but after much discussion withdrew his motion. After much discussion on Article VIII, Sections 8.1 and 8.2, Dolores suggested that we get the source from which Article VIII is taken. A motion was made that we find the source of Article VIII and discuss it further next month. Voting on this motion was 15 in favor, 9 opposed, and 2 abstaining. Sections 8.3, 8.4, Article IX, Article X, and Article XI will be read next meeting. A motion was made to delete (b) in Article XII with voting 18 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. After much discussion, Article XII was approved with a few modifications by a vote of 16 in favor, 1 opposed, and 0 abstaining. There was much discussion about how committees are organized, with questions about the chairs privilege to appoint people to certain assignments, or assign projects to standing or ad hoc committees. Helen asked Grace Sperry to come up with policies and procedures for the Land Use committee since that is the only committee that is actively functioning.


Adjourned approximately 9:30 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]