SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2009

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2009


April 1, 2009

Trustees Present – Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Elaine Brown, Russ Callister, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Barbara Green, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Larry Migliaccio, Dave Mulder, Cabot Nelson, Lynne Olson, Lindsey Oswald, Derek Payne, Susie Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Rawlins Young.Trustees Absent Excused –  Pattie DeNunzio, Dolores Donohoo, Ed Sperry.

Trustees Absent Unexcused – Greg Carter, Sheila O’Driscoll.

Others Present – Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Jaelene V. Myrup, Traci Marsing, Jason Bradley, Melissa Lichetenstein, Cody Johnson, Cara Despain, Kenny Riches, Ramiro C. Flores.Call to Order – Maggie Shaw, Chair 7:02pm.  Cabot motioned to include a website committee report at 8:05pm on the agenda – passed without objection.


Approval of Minutes – Maggie motioned to approve minutes – passed unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report – Dolores is not present.

Public Comments –  None  Detective Smart – Presented handout of last month’s crime activity.  Spoke about bicycles and they are considered vehicles and all should obey same traffic laws as if you were a car.  Car prowl’s appear to be equally split between businesses and residential (19 in front of business, 20 residential) last month.  Det. Smart reported that the students living in the house near Westminster where last months shooting occurred has been evicted – neighbors are trying to come up with a plan to ensure more screening of tenants.  The appearance that Sugar House has a higher rate of damaged property is mostly related to car break-ins as the damage is listed as a secondary offense when reports are filed. Sugar House Merchants’ Report – Barbara Green presented idea about possibility of a horse mounted patrol in Sugar House.  Merchant Association was in favor of the increased visibility of a horse patrol and the ability to maneuver where cars cannot go.  Barbara was informed there is no increase in cost and horses usually belong to the officers.  Philip motioned that we add the SHCC name to the letter read by Barbara was amended to have Maggie write a separate letter to support horse patrol in Sugar House passed with one objection.  Barbara requested if anyone is interested in a booth for the 4th of July Festival to let her know as soon as possible.  UDOT informed the Merchant Association that the 1300 E west ramp on I-15 (loop entrance) will not be open until the 700 E ramp is opened for safety reasons.  Judi motioned that SHCC has a booth at July 4th festival in front of Sprague Library – passed unanimously.  Sally volunteered to organize July 4th committee to man the booth. Business Spotlight – Jolley’s Pharmacy & Compounding 1100 E 1700 S (M-F 9-6 Sat 9-2). Dean Jolley, owner presented to council about the variety of products and personalized drugs they offer.   Usually do 120 prescriptions per day and 60 specialty compounds for individual prescriptions or needs.  Family started company in 1954 and moved to Highland Dr and Emigration Market.  Dean Jolley mentioned that a 3rd generation of pharmacists is coming to keep it family owned.  Jolley’s Pharmacy & Compounding try to help solve problems, cater to people’s special needs, deliver, here to serve Sugar House and community.

Mayor’s Report – Lisa Harrison announced a public meeting for Parley’s Nature Park (Tanner Park) on Friday to discuss use of the park.  The Mayor will be available for a Q&A from 3:30-4:30 at the pavilion.  Public invited to comment and discuss their ideas about use of park.  Funds to complete project for the Wasatch Hollow open space is secured.  There will be a ribbon cutting on May 6th.  City/county building is paying off the bond for the building and is celebrating – looking for volunteers for event – “Celebrate the City” May 2nd, 3:00-7:00pm.  Budget workshop was held last week for our district to discuss budget.  If you were not able to attend you can get information and comment online    Council Report – Soren Simonsen spoke about a series of public meetings in March that included the Airport/Trax line, design about Grand Blvd to define what trax will look like, and the redesign of North Temple street with possible land use changes. Reported on a proposal initiated by Dave Buhler and Nancy Saxton to revamp taxing service in the city proposal will change from certificate of appropriateness to contract basis for taxis.  St Joseph Villa proposal to expand was denied and they are now back to considering how to develop within their existing footprint.  A couple taverns have requested a change to the conditional use ordinance to allow private clubs to operate in residential mixed use zones (currently they are allowed in commercial zones). City Council reviewed the airport budget for facility upgrades and hope construction will begin in 12-18 months.  Long term projects: Majority of May & June will be dedicated to city budget issues.  City Council is in the midst of reviewing CDBG funds, but District 7 has very few areas that qualify.  City Council will be reviewing legislative intent to contemplate plug in opportunities for electric vehicles in the future.  Gallivan Center RDA held an open house to gather public input on possible major improvements to area parking and expansion and improvements to facilities. Large transitional housing project is potentially being developed in District 2 moving out of Gateway location to expand and modernize.  City Council has requested Walmart to clarify their intent on the Parley’s Way project to see if and when they will be moving forward.  RDA is anticipating requests for qualifications from developers for the property located on Wilmington in the near future.Upcoming City Council meeting (April 7th) public hearings on Language of Flowers petition to rezone from residential to business. Council is considering a rezone to CN to reflect neighborhood small business relationship that mimics the 9th & 9th area.  Also,  looking at modifications to animal license fees. Visit for full list.

Presentations –

  • Brolly Arts –Amy McDonald Sanyer presented about upcoming Sugar House Stroll.  Spoke about success of last years event that attracted upwards of 1,700 to local businesses.  Several events scheduled for this year on the evening of May 8th and asked for support.  Brolly Arts is dedicated to developing community and addressing community interests and issues through the arts.  Lynne motioned to support Brolly Arts H2O water week event with a donation of $500 motion passed 11-8-4.
  •  Qwest – proposal for 2 DSL boxes on private property on 2024 S 1900 E and one on 2705 S Chadwick.  Proposing to place 2-3 utility cabinets onsite and secured via private right of way.  SHCC will submit comments on this proposal through the Land Use & Zoning Committee.

Council Business –

     Chair Report – forgone in the interest of limited time.

Committee Reports – View committee reports online Upcoming meetings April 21st 5:00pm (POST) and 6:00pm (LUZ & TRANS) at Sprague.

  • Website Committee (Cabot Nelson) presented two motions pertaining to the new website committee.  Motion 1 – “We move that the SHCC adopt the commission of the Website/Internet Committee, as given below under the heading “Commission..” passed unanimously.  Motion 2 – “We move that the SHCC provide no more than $10 per month to the Website/Internet Committee for hosting a website, payable either monthly or up to 12 months in advance” passed unanimously.
  • Land Use (Judi Short) –  Foothill Stake approved LDS church wrote letter stating the land would revert back to residential in the event they vacate property. Red Moose Roasting company proposing drive thru window at 1700 S 900 E – planning commission voted exit would be 17th South on east side from driver-thru and revamp cutouts (not in SHCC district but asked for our input).  Language of Flowers briefing with planning commission and rezone to CN (commercial neighborhood) before City Council April 7th.
  • Master Plan Review (Judi Short) – People not at new trustee orientation were given their packets.
  • Parks & Open Space (Lynne Olson) –  Approximately 100 people showed up to Wilford Neighborhood Park meeting.  New open space project for property located near Suicide Rock.  Property is in City’s open space master plan as a potential access to Bonneville Shoreline Trail and Parley’s Trail. County considered putting money toward this purchase last night and looks favorable.  New meeting POST will be talking about its mission and following Cabot’s model to write a commission and Lex Hemphill will be coming to next meeting to discuss park issues.  Grace motioned to send a letter to support purchase of property – passed unanimously.
  • Transportation (Rawlins Young) – Talked about proposal of Fairmont Park tennis courts proposal to put sidewlak and off-street parking along Sugarmont.  He questions whether the easement exists to do this.  He discussed trolley, station, Parley’s Trail is non congruent with SHBDMP transportation plan.

Maggie recognized Rep Brian King and he invited anyone with questions to contact him.  Motion made by Judi Short  to adjourn passed unanimouslyAdjournment 9:07 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]