SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2010

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2010


April 7, 2010

~ Sugar House Community Council Meeting Minutes – April 7, 2010 ~

Trustees Present – Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Elaine Brown, Jim Brown, Russ Callister, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Barbara Green, Carlyle Harrie, Michael G. Kavanagh, Larry Migliaccio, Cabot Nelson, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Derek Payne, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Christopher Thomas, Sandy Walsh, and Rawlins Young.

Trustees Absent Excused – Robin Bastar, Jason Bradley, Dolores Donohoo, Benny Keele, Susie Petheram, and Ed Sperry.

Trustees Absent Unexcused – Greg Carter, Pattie DeNunzio, and Dave Mulder.

Others Present – Jaelene V. Myrup, Jan Brittain, Jill Burke, Melissa Lichtenstein, John Sabodski, Soren Simonsen, Doug Stewart, and Leslie Stewart

Call to Order – Philip Carlson, Chair 7:00 pmApproval of Minutes – Philip Carlson’s motion to approve minutes passed unanimously.

Public Comments – Ben Mates with Salt Lake Center with Engaging Community spoke about the upcoming Sugar House Summit on May 1st, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.  The topic will be “Using Our Community As A Learning Resource For Our Youth”.  The Sugar House Summit planning committee is always open to suggestions for more community events.
Sandy Walsh is putting together a petition on to promote more traffic calming measure on 600 East.  Residents are requesting more speed limit signs, 2-way street striping and more crosswalks.  Call Sandy if you have questions.

Officer Reports –

  • Chair – Will continue to try and post petitions to yahoo group ahead of time for Trustee review.
  • Vice Chair’s – none.
  • Treasurer’s Report – No new transactions to report leaving the bank balance at $3,351.70.

Committee Reports – View committee reports on

  • New Committee – Sarah Carlson would like to form committee about trustees who may wish to participate in the Sugar House Farmers Market to raise funds for the SHCC.  Anyone interesting in participating or discussing the issue contact Sarah.
  • Parks, Open Space & Trails – Imperial Neighborhood Park is having a used book sale on May 1st to raise funds to purchase land for the park.  Hidden Hollow activities: Kiwanis Club of Sugar House will be conducting a clean up, Water Week in May will be celebrated, and May 8th there will be a celebration for the 10th Anniversary of the easement. There will be an open house on April 29th at Highland High for the Riparian Corridor Stream Studies so the public can learn about the findings of the consultants and submit comments.
  • Land Use & Zoning – Alcohol Normalization – staff report from Salt Lake City planning department did not reflect the modifications from the Planning Commission.  If you wish to follow up with this issue talk to individual council representatives.  Chick-Fil-A is proposing to put a restaurant in place of Lone Star Steakhouse.  Texas St rezone is on the City Council agenda for May 8th.  Lake St rezone is on hold indefinitely.  The legalization of a triplex on 615 Warnock Ave is moving forward.  The RDA Board selected the Wilmington Gardens project for the Wilmington Ave property.  More information on this project will come when papers are signed.  LUZ committee will meet next on April 19th and will be discussing a new proposal for a subdivision at 2178  E 1700 S.
  • Transportation – If you are interested in learning about transportation trends and uses that help determine where Federal money is allocated visit the Wasatch Front Regional Council’s website
  • Website/Technology –  None.
  • Bylaws – Nothing beyond motion.
  • Sustainability – Electronic Waste event at University of Utah Building Services parking log (west of Huntsman Center) on April 22nd and the Household Hazardous Waste Disposal collection days announced for Sugar House Park – Household Hazardous Waste Disposal link for more information.
  • Historical – Sugar House Stories event will be April 23rd at Sprague Library – looking for volunteers.

Monthly Presentations –

  • Police Report – Detective Cryder 801-799- 3669 –  Citizens can now fill out a police report online
  • Mayor’s Office Report – Shawn McDonough 801-535-6338 [email protected] .
    • Non-discrimination ordinance went into effect April 2nd.
    • Anne Frank: A History for Today exhibit is coming to SLC Main Library April 13th – May 11th.
    • Parley’s Historic Nature Park – Mayor will be holding a meeting April 15th at 5:30pm to review and discuss the recommendations for comprehensive use.  Meeting will begin at the bridge.
    • Bike Summit on April 16-17th at main library with workshops.
    • Mayor one-on-one meetings April 22nd.  To schedule meeting call early on April 12th.
  • Sprague Library Update – Adriane Juarez – Upcoming events –  not present.
  • Sugar House Merchants’ Report – Barbara Green – July 4th Arts Festival will be held July 3rd for the street festival.  If you would like a booth talk to Debbie at Sterling Furniture.
  • Business Spotlight – Michael G. Kavanagh introduces Maureen Kent from Patagonia, 2292 S Highland Dr.  Patagonia has been in the Sugar House area since 1986 and happy to be part of the community.  Patagonia’s mission is to work to solve the environmental crisis through business.  The company has an Environmental Grants Giving Program and today has donated over $40 million throughout the country.  The Utah store has given over $300,000 to Salt Lake oriented groups working to protect the environment and support conservation.  Patagonia has begun to conduct a chronicle so customers can trace the environmental impact on any product to increase visibility, awareness, and accountability.  They also run a “common threads recycling program” to create a closed loop system for all Patagonia clothing so nothing has to be thrown away.

Special Presentations –
Sugar House Farmers Market is scheduled to be open on Fridays from July 9th through October 15th , 3:00pm to sundown on the Monument Plaza.  The Market will specialize in produce and locally made crafts with Sugar House vendors receiving preference for booths.  Vendor applications are due May 9th – you can obtain an application at

Bylaws Amendment – Section 5.2.1 Election Procedures:
The Bylaws Committee motion  “6.  Candidates may have an observer present during the counting of the ballots.  Members of the Elections Committee and Observers are prohibited from discussing with anyone what has taken place in the elections count without permission of the Election Committee” fails 7-17.
The Bylaws Committee motion “9.  Candidates on a ballot cannot be considered for a write-in for any other office” fails 9-17.

Philip Carlson’s motion to approve Travis Pearce’s petition for the Beacon Heights neighborhood passed unanimously.

  • City Council Update – Soren Simonsen – [email protected] .
    • RDA Wilmington Ave project – The Woodbury/Westminster development proposal was selected for this site.  The project will include a combination of housing types for students and apartments, includes a community function that provides space for nonprofits and other businesses, incorporates a community outdoor area that could house a community garden or outdoor ice rink.  The RDA will be working over the next 9 months to finalize the project.  The RDA board voted 2-5 to not allow any interim use on this property and continue maintaining with bark mulch.
    • RDA April 20th meeting – the board should be hearing about the possibility of participating in a small area plan for the Sugar House Business District that could provide funding for all the future potential developments in this area ranging from the Wilmington Ave property, streetcar, Parley’s Trail and updating the Sugar House shopping center.   Timing on this is important to further the community vision and goals of the Sugar House Master Plan about how we tie all the developments together.
    • Streetcar – Still waiting to hear about possible grant funding in the early summer and the urban initiatives grant cycle will come around again in the fall.
    • Council update –Walmart has received building permit to begin remodeling to the store, but has not moved forward as they are more interested in pursuing potential for a rezone.  Soren recently met with Walmart executives to discuss the issue and talked about types of development in Sugar House that have been successful that may be an example of the vision and goals of the community.
    • Budget update – The City Council will be looking at the 10% budget shortfall over the next 2 months.  The Mayor should be presenting his version of the budget on April 27th.
    • Upcoming Council items – Public comments welcomed on alcohol normalization ordinance, North West Quadrant master plan, ethics ordinance changes, and historic preservation plan.

Philip Carlson’s motion made by to adjourn passed unanimously.
Adjournment 9:00 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]