SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2012

SHCC Meeting Minutes – April 2012



Meeting Minutes – April 4, 2012

The regular meeting of the Sugar House Community Council was held on Wednesday, April 4, 2012, at 7:00pm, at the Sprague Library. Trustees in attendance were Michael G. Kavanagh, Russell Callister, Jim Brown, Rawlins Young, Cabot Nelson, Judi Short, Amy Barry, Scott Kisling, David Mulder, Sally Barraclough, Shelia O’Driscoll, Laurie Bray, Annalisa Holcombe, and Joedy Lister. Judi Short served as chair and Cabot Nelson as secretary. The trustees noted as excused were Topher Horman, Larry Migliaccio, and Grace Sperry.

Call to order at 7:00pm. The minutes of the March meeting were approved.

Since the regular July meeting would be on July 4th, Cabot Nelson moved to hold the regular meeting at the street festival. Motion passed.

Cabot Nelson moved have Dave Mulder head a committee of one to get support for staffing the booth for the 4th of July. Motion passed.

Bylaws Amendment

Amy Barry presented an amendment to the bylaws:


ARTICLE III – Board of Trustees

Section 3.2 Number, Election, and Tenure of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall consist of at least 15 Trustees. Neighborhood Trustees shall be determined in proportion to the relative population of each neighborhood district (as identified in Attachment “A” to these Bylaws), based upon the latest national decennial census block data. (See Attachment “C”) In addition to the proportional representation, the SHCC may authorize “At-large” Trustees, no more than two of whom shall represent any particular neighborhood district no more than 15. After each national census, any neighborhood district losing representation shall retain all of its Trustees until the first Trustee resigns or his/her petition expires. Additional Trustees shall leave by natural attrition until that neighborhood district obtains its correct number of Trustees. Each Trustee shall hold office after qualification for a period of three (3) years. The Trustees shall not continue in their office after the expiration of their three (3) year term unless or until they re-qualify through the stated qualification process. Trustees may serve successive terms.

Section 3.3 Qualification. A member shall qualify as a Trustee by obtaining twenty-five (25) signatures by way of a petition from eligible members from the SHCC neighborhood district that the member proposes to represent or entire SHCC boundaries for At-large Trustees. An eligible member of a neighborhood district is an individual residing, owning property, or doing business within that neighborhood and being at least 18 years of age. An eligible member for At-large status is an individual owning real property, owning a business or working within the SHCC boundaries and being at least 18 years of age.The individual shall present the signatures by way of a petition to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees one week prior to the Board of Trustees monthly meeting and shall become a Trustee upon a vote of approval by the majority of the Board of Trustees in attendance. A new Trustee shall be entitled to participate as a Trustee in the first SHCC meeting following approval of their petition by the Board of Trustees.


The amendment passed on a count.

Other items

Captain Chris Milne gave a report from the fire department.

For public comments for items not on the agenda, Wendy Bronowner mentioned emergency preparedness and the upcoming “Utah Shake-out” on the 17th, and Bill Andrea mentioned traffic calming in his area and signage on I-80.

Committee reports

Judi Short reported for the Land Use and Zoning committee.

Sally Barraclough reported for the Parks, Open Space, and Trails committee.

Rawlins Young reported for the Transportation committee.

Amy Barry reported for the Sustainability committee.

Laurie Bray reported for the Arts and Cultural committee.

Scott Kisling reported for the SH Business committee.

Community groups and projects

Judi Short reported for the streetcar planning and construction update.

Special presentations

Owner and developer Scott Spurrier reported on the New Balance retail development at the intersection of Highland Drive and 1300 East.

Mark Morris reported on his position as president of the Sugar House Park Authority and a newly formed group called the Friends of the Sugar House Streetcar.

Community and City Presentations

Det. Boelter, SLPD, gave a report on area crime.

Michael G. Kavanagh reported on Smith Crown Vacuums.

In lieu of Dolly Rauh, Steve Pfeiffer reported on library events.

Shawn McDonough gave a report for the Mayor’s Office.

Adjourned at 9:02pm.

Landon Clark
[email protected]