SHCC Meeting Minutes Aug 6, 2014

SHCC Meeting Minutes Aug 6, 2014

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Meeting

Meeting Minutes – August 6, 2014

Trustees Present: Teddy Anderson, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Robin Bastar, Laurie Bray, Ed Dieringer, Topher Horman, Michael G Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Joedy Lister, David Mulder, Jack Perry, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Carole Straughn, Christopher Thomas

Trustees Excused Absent: Deb Henry, Scott Kisling, Larry Migliaccio

Trustees Absent: Rawlins Young

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Maggie Shaw, SHCC Chair

Approval of the July minutes: Ed moved to approve the minutes, Joedy seconded. The motion passed with no corrections to the July meeting minutes.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

There are no trustee petitions expiring, and no new petitions submitted.  Judi Short and Larry Migliaccio have petitions that will expire in September and Benny Keele’s petition will expire in October.

Treasurers Report: Robin Bastar

Since the last report in May we have had .51 in interest income, and $94.00 income from sales from the 4th of July street festival. Expenses included $40.00 for fund raising, $96.00 for the PA for the outdoor meeting in July, and $40.oo for booth registration for the 4th of July Festival leaving a balance of $4132.46.

Chair Report: Maggie Shaw

Due to the uncertainty of the weather our meeting was moved from the Sugarmont Plaza to the Sprague Library.

Sugar House Community Council will be joining Westminster College to sponsor a forum for candidates running for office this fall.  We are looking for a larger space than the library so that we can accommodate all the candidates and the student body from the college.  The location for the forum can’t be confirmed until the students return for fall classes.  Maggie is working with Westminster to get more members of the community involved including students who might help with the forum.  Westminster has more space options so she will be working with them to get something arranged.

Maggie announced that she will not be running for chair this year.  She will continue on as a trustee, and with the council’s permission, would like to pursue some fund raising options for  SHCC.  Love, Give Utah might be one option worth exploring.  Judi has spoken to Maggie about running for vice-chair which would provide continuity to the executive committee.

Chris asked when we would be holding elections for SHCC.  Candidates are solicited in September and we hold elections in October.  Benny will be asked to form an election committee and solicit nominations for the October election.

Fire Department Report: Captain Bret Key

Station #3 has been doing about 6 runs a day, 192 runs for the month which is about average for the station in July.

Go to their website to get their newsletter.  There are some summer safety tips regarding camping, boating, fireworks, and airport safety.

There have been some mudslides in the north part of the valley due to rainy weather conditions and new home construction.  Luckily we don’t have much trouble with that in SLC proper because our hillside neighborhoods are long established with not much new construction.  Most of the flooding occurs in Salt Lake City is due to old water mains that break.

  •  An audience member asked if the Salt Lake Country Club has a special permit to use fireworks outside of the legal dates for fireworks.  Captain Key confirmed that there are permits that allow fireworks for special events.  You have to contact the Fire Prevention Bureau.  There number is on the website.  He was unaware of a fireworks display at the Country Club but that is Engine #13’s area, not Engine #3.
  • Topher asked what Captain Key knows about eviction notices from the fire marshall that have been given to the tenants in the warehouse buildings located along the S-Line between 5th and 6th East (Wasatch Plaza).  Captain Key said that the tenants are being asked to vacate because the buildings have been deemed unsafe by the fire marshall.  It is the owner’s responsibility to maintain the buildings and provide upgrades to bring the buildings up to code. The buildings are not zoned for residential. The owners have been told what they have to do to correct the problems. Judi pointed out that a rezone could take a while.  There is not good access for the fire department to reach the buildings should there be a fire.  In the event of a fire, the department would probably have to access the buildings by using the tracks line on the south side because the alleyway on the north side is not wide enough for the fire trucks.  Bill Knowles stated that the city has been working with the owner for over three years while planning for the S-Line.  The owner has not done any work or put any money into the buildings in the whole three years they have been talking to him.  Bill recommends that the tenants relocate to other places.  Dave asked if this is going to continue to be a long term problem.  Captain Key feels the evictions will move the process forward.  Bill stated that he will work with Topher on this issue.

Police Report: Detective Zayes

Maggie requested that Detective Zayes check her phone number listed on the website because Maggie gets a different detective when she calls the number.

Detective Zayes will no longer be our representative from the police department.  There will be a change next month and then we should be seeing the same representative for a while.  Detective Zayes has been with District 5 for seven months and our area for a while.  She will come and introduce the new detective for our area at the next meeting.

We can go to to see a list of crimes for our individual areas.  It is a great tool for determining the types of crimes being committed in our neighborhoods.

The crime stat report lists crimes and shows a comparison for the same time last year.  Detective Zayes reminded us that crimes do go up in the summer months because the perpetrators are out and active when it’s warmer outside.  She placed the stat sheets on the back table for us.

  • Robberies were down slightly
  • Aggravated assaults were even with last year
  • Burglaries were up
  • Larceny Thefts (which includes retail stores) were up
  • Motor Vehicle Thefts were down
  • Vandalisms (which includes car prowls that cause damage to the vehicle) were up significantly

Detective Zayes wanted to remind us that burglaries are up in the summer months because of the temptation to leave windows and doors open.  Please be sure to lock your windows, screens, and garage doors.  Also, lock your cars and don’t leave keys, purses, or bags in your car.

Public Comments for Items Not On The Agenda:

A member of the audience asked about the new signs that have shown up in the surrounding parking lots which limit parking to two hours. She feels this is too short of time if you want to get something to eat and then do some shopping, or attend a meeting at the library that takes more than two hours. Technically you can be towed if you stay over two hours. Laurie pointed out that the lots are private parking and Maggie said that we may not have any control over that situation.

There are also new signs in the post office lot stating that it is paid parking after 6pm. This might be because the boxing gym located next door was using it for parking for their customers.  Also, some people from the surrounding apartments might be using the lot.  Fees for the post office lot are being collected by Diamond Parking. Maggie commented that the evening before the Diamond signs went up, she walked by the lot around 7:30pm and it was completely full.

The audience member stated that now cars are parking on the surrounding neighborhood streets, sometimes for days at a time without moving.  It was determined that her neighborhood does not have “permit parking” only.  Maggie suggested that she call the SLC Parking Authority because you can be ticketed for parking on the street for over 48hrs.  Unfortunately it must be brought to the Parking Authority’s attention.

Dave asked why using the post office lot after hours would be a problem.  Ed reminded us that there may be liability, and vandalism issues.  Also, the increased use causes more wear and tear on the pavement requiring increased maintenance.

Maggie asked for clarification regarding the 2 hr limit and whether it was during specific hours. It is 2 hrs, 24 hrs a day and the signs state that you may be towed after 2 hrs.

Committee Reports

Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short

At the committee meeting in July they discussed a possible new zone for the 21st South and  21East block.  Currently there is no zone in the codes that allows for mixed use buildings in a residential area that would allow for retail on the bottom with residential on top and go taller than 30 ft.  The developer and the architect are working on language for a new zone that can be presented to the city.  They will report back to the LUZ committee at a future date.

In August, Dustin Holt from Boulder Ventures will be presenting plans for Phase II of the Granite block.

Derrick Payne of VCOB Architecture will present a proposal by Westminster College regarding a possible rezone of their properties on 13th east.

Judy will be seeking comments from the Land Use and Zoning Committee regarding a project that was presented some months ago to the SHCC.  We approved a PUD for the parcel located at 2442 South, 9th East across from Fairmont Park.  The footings have been poured and they encroach 6 inches into the 4 foot setback. The Planning Commission has sent it back to the Land Use Committee for comment after which, it will go back to Planning.  In the initial petition they said they would be 3 feet 6 inches from the property line and that is what they are but there seems to be a conflict after the inspector measured the footings.

Michael G received a complaint from a homeowner that a 100 ft building is being constructed near his home on Redondo Ave.(2050 South) and 8th East. Judi asked for the exact address so that she can look it up on the city website.  The problem is that this is happening in a parking lot so there is no house number.

Lyle Hagen from SL City Forestry volunteered to look it up on their system and get the parcel number.  He left his card with Michael G.

Parks, Open Space and Trails: Sally Barraclough

There was a committee meeting in July and we were joined by 3 guests from the community.  They were at the meeting to express their concerns about the proposed route of the McClelland Pedestrian/Bike Trail. The city council approved $1,000,000 in funding to start the trail which will eventually run from 8th South to the Brickyard Plaza.  They are concerned about the section just north of 2700 South.  At this time the plan shows that the trail diverts from the actual canal right of way and makes a jog around the existing housing complexes.  Amy said that a report given to the city Parks, Natural Lands, Trails, and Urban Forestry Advisory Board, confirmed that there are no plans in the near future to change the route of the trail to take it through this area. Sally assured the guests that we would keep them informed as the trail is developed.  It is likely that the trail will be developed at the north end first in District 5.  Erin Mendenhal, City Councilwomen  from District 5 will be conducting a meeting later this month to discuss the trail, after which there will be a public process to gather input from the community.

Transportation: Deb Henry

Excused Absent

Arts and Cultural: Laurie Bray

The next Sugar House Art Walk is this Friday, Aug 8th.  You can go to their new website, or to their Facebook page for a list of the nine businesses who are sponsoring the walk this month.

The Sugar House Jazz Festival started last night.  Tomorrow night there will be  music on the Sprague Library Plaza, and on Friday night during the Art Walk there will be a large band called the Wasatch Jazz Project playing outside Sugar House Coffee.  There will also be a table sponsored by Smart Trips which is  the organization that teaches about and encourages people to use alternative modes of transportation including walking and biking.  They will be completing their time in the Sugar House area in mid August. There will also be a light installation in the breezeway near where One World Gifts and Artistic Framing are located.

Laurie is also looking for volunteers to help with ideas for the time capsule for the new monument plaza.  Topher has contacted Laurie but she hasn’t heard from anyone else including the RDA. Please contact her with your ideas as we will need to get started on this project soon.

Communications and Outreach: Christopher Thomas

They met in July and continue to work on the new website, The trustee list now includes photos of each trustee.  There are however, 5 trustees who have not submitted a photo and instead have a picture of a sugar beet where their face should be.  Please submit your photos to Amy. Judi volunteered to take photos at tonight’s meeting.

The committee is also working on formalizing guidelines for writing stories for the e-newsletter and the website.  They want the website to have content.  They are looking for people who are willing to write short stories (250 words or less), that is informational in tone not argumentative or persuasive.  Photos to accompany the story could be included.  Focus on the who, what, when, why, how.  Include information about how people can get more information and get involved.

Brad DiIorio from the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce attended the meeting.  The Chamber of Commerce and the Communications Committee of the SHCC are working together  to provide a special event each month in Sugar House.  The event, which is tentatively called “Sugar House Talk”, will be held the second Tuesday of every month at various locations in Sugar House on a rotational basis.  It will provide an opportunity for residents, business members and trustees to talk about issues concerning Sugar House in a less structured atmosphere than the more formal Sugar House Community Council meetings.  Brad is assisting with the organization and they hope to hold their first event in September.

The Communications and Outreach Committee is continuing to work on the door-to-door concept for community outreach.  This would conceptually be teams of two people who go door-to-door disseminating  factual information pertinent to a particular issue to a specific location or area in Sugar House.  They are looking for volunteers and it would be nice if one member of the team of two is a trustee from the council.  They are starting to work on a list of items that may warrant this type of public outreach.

  • Teddy asked if there would be a handout to distribute.  The Outreach Committee would be responsible for writing any informational documents for distribution.
  • Judi mentioned that at the Chamber of Commerce meeting they discussed putting together a packet of information that could be distributed in all the new apartment buildings that are opening soon. Judi suggested that we should include  information about the council and the Sugar House area map.
  • Joedy reminded us that SLC has hired a community outreach representative for the City Council.
  • At this point in the discussion, Janet Frazer who was in the audience introduced herself as the new Civic Engagement Manager.  Her role is to work with all departments within the city administration to develop strategies to improve engagement and communications with each other and the public.

Salt Lake Community Network: Judi Short

No Report

Sugar House Chamber of Commerce: Judi Short

They spent a lot of time discussing the fall candidate event that they are co-sponsoring with the students from Westminster College and the SHCC.


Lyle Hagen Urban Forestry Department

Lyle has been with the department for 30 yrs.  He commented that the department gets the largest volume of calls with questions from our part of the city.  He started his presentation by taking questions.

  • Amy has had a discussion with Tony Gliot the new director of the Urban Forestry Department regarding the trees that will be planted on the Monument Plaza.  She also learned that the department is divided into regions within the city and that in the past they mostly responded to complaint and request calls.  Tony is starting a new process whereby the department will take a more proactive roll rather than just a responsive roll in their planting strategy.  Amy wanted to know how we could be part of this proactive process and help identify areas that need planting.  The area coordinators will be driving around looking for potential planting spots.  Since these are mainly parking strips, they will only be looking at parking strips that are being maintained.  The challenge is making sure that newly planted trees are being watered.  The Urban Forestry employees are going out into the community to try to educate people about watering their trees.
  • Tony Gliot is going to work to rebuild the department that lost half of their workforce and half of their budget during the downturn in the economy.   They have gotten funding to plant twice the number of trees that they planted last year.   That should be around 1000 new trees.
  • They are looking at utilizing different species of trees than have been used in the past.  Our climate is warmer now and the Norway Maples for example are not doing well.  They will not be using that specie in the future.  They are currently removing 300-600 trees a year throughout Salt Lake because they have died.  That is why the department has received a larger budget to replace trees.
  • Judi commented that the “Rip Your Strip” campaign that encouraged people to xeriscape their park strips has been a big detriment to the trees.  The trees are not getting enough water to survive. She asked for more public education.  Lyle said that they are working through Community Council meetings and block parties to educate the public regarding watering trees.
  • Maggie asked if you have an established tree in your parking strip how often should it be watered.

Lyle said trees need to be watered once a week during the spring and fall and twice a week during the summer months, for 20 minutes each time around the dripline of the tree. He personally likes  sprinkler system watering as opposed to a drip system.

  • A member of the audience asked if the trees for the city come from a prison nursery.  Lyle said they get the trees from a contractor in Oregon.  Bill Rutherford, a prior Director of Urban Forestry who retired, had secured a city parcel to start a tree farm but it was not started before the economy changed.
  • Teddy asked why the Urban Forestry department uses some of the trees species that they plant.

Lyle spoke about the different species that they are starting to use, some of them are hybrids of more familiar trees.

  • Maggie asked about their website.  It can be found within the Salt Lake City Public Services website under Urban Forestry.
  • An audience member commented that we should remember that trees clean our air and that they are an important to the environment.  Lyle commented further that the best landscape is layered with large trees, smaller trees, shrubs and some turf.  It is important for the ecosystem.
  • Amy asked when the trees will be planted on the Monument Plaza.  They intend to plant them this fall.

Lyle left his business card for anyone who had more questions or concerns.

Emigration Creek Project

Chris Lee

Emigration Creek runs behind the homes located on Glen Arbor Street (Christmas Street) to the north and Blaine Ave on the south.  It is a publicly owned area that extends from 1500 East to nearly 1600 East and is one acre in total size.

Chris has lived on Glen Arbor for about six years.  Last fall he applied for a Community Improvement and Outreach Grant offered by the city to obtain funds for the restoration of this riparian corridor.  He started by going door-to-door, contacting neighbors on Glen Arbor and Blaine Ave. and organizing a community group to address the problems involving the creek.  The city has a stipulation that in order to qualify for the grant, at least 51% of the impacted neighborhood must agree with the project.  Chris was able to get 60-70% of his neighbors to support the restoration project.

After that Chris put together a packet of information with photos to present to the city.  The city is supportive of neighborhoods that work together to adopt an area of the city hence the funding through matching grants.  The neighborhood will supply labor that will be matched at about $18.00 per hour per person with grant money.  The group applied for several different grants and eventually were awarded about $12,000.  The grant money must be used within the year, so they will continue to look for future funding for the project. They have also established a non-profit organization.

They will be removing invasive weeds, trash, and dead wood, and doing some new plantings in the spring. The SLC Open Space Department will be offering training for the volunteers through the city’s “Adopt a Spot” program. They would like to thin some of the larger trees to allow more light to come into the area but due to some neighbor’s complaints, there are no plans to remove trees at this time.    New trees will be planted on the top of the slope on the Blaine Ave side. The neighborhood volunteers will have to hand water the new trees for a couple of years until they are established. The SLC Open Space Department will help with the planting, especially on the steeper part of the slope where they will have to utilize machinery that shoots seeds into the hillside.

  • Amy said that Emy Moloutus, Director of the SLC Open Space Department reports on this project regularly to the Parks, Natural Lands, Urban Forestry and Trails (PNUT) advisory board and that she is very pleased with the work the neighborhood has done to make this project happen.
  • Judi said that the City Council chose to not fund the Community Improvement and Outreach Grants for next year.  She suggested that his group work with the City Council to encourage re-funding this grant program in the future as there are a lot of small areas of the city that would benefit.
  • An audience member asked for the name of the non-profit, which is The Blaine Hollow Restoration Group.
  • Teddy asked if there is access to the area and if there will be a walking path.  There will not be a trail because it is too steep and the parcel is a natural area.  The goal is to stop the creek bed erosion and clean up the area of invasive weeds and illegal dumping.  You can view the area from the Blaine Ave side by walking on the street from 15th east to 17th east.

Monument Plaza Update

Bill Knowles and Ben Davis

The bus stop has been temporarily moved from 21st south to 9th east.  It will be restored to approximately the same location when construction on the plaza is finished.  Bill confirmed that plan with the SLC Transportation Department and with UTA.

Ben announced that construction on the plaza started on Monday August 4th and is expected to be completed by the first week of December.  It is a 120 day construction schedule which is fairly aggressive but they have already done a lot in three days.  Ben answered the following questions from the council and audience.

  • Amy asked about the sidewalk demolition schedule.  She is concerned that both the north and south sidewalks will be out at the same time.  They are starting with the south sidewalk first, getting it completed and opened, then working on the north sidewalk.  Trees will be replaced at the same time this fall.
  • Dave asked if they are saving the pavers.  The pavers were deemed unsalvageable and will not be used.
  • Joedy asked if the same number of trees will be replaced on the north side and if this project includes the paseo.  They are planning on utilizing the same number of trees.  The RDA project includes the paseo to the south end of the Rockwood Building.
  • Teddy wanted to know if there will be any improvements to the esthetics of the bus stop.  At the present time it is going to be replaced with a UTA standard bus stop, but Ben is working with a new design.  They are working out a maintenance agreement between UTA and Salt Lake City Public Services.
  • Michael G. asked if the monument itself will have it’s water feature restored.  The water basins will restored with water pouring from the upper basin down three tiers to the bottom.  There will also be a 14’ x 20’ water feature just to the west of the monument that will be about 4” deep.  The shallow feature can be drained when there are events being held on the plaza to provide more space.
  • Teddy asked if there are going to be tables and benches.  There will be moveable tables and chairs.  The restaurants will also have outdoor dining areas.
  • Laurie had heard that the Johnsons can’t upgrade more than 50% of the Rockwood Building without providing parking for their tenants.  Ben was not aware of that and doesn’t know the extent of the upgrades to their building.
  • A member of the audience asked if there will be street food vendors on the plaza.  The pavers were designed to hold the weight of food trucks and the area will be wired, so the hope is that there will be vendors for special events and that the Farmer’s Market might consider returning to the plaza.
  • Joedy asked if there would be a grand opening.  There will be a grand opening celebration and the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce is involved.  The Santa Shack opens around the same time so there will need to be some coordination between the two activities.  The council suggested that we could possibly have something in the spring when they turn on the  water features.  Ben will work on coordinating the grand opening and report back to us.

Bill  Knowles announced that there will be a grand opening for the streetcar greenway sometime between Sept 5 -19th.  It will be an event to celebrate the completion of the green space and trails  surrounding the S-Line both in Salt Lake and South Salt Lake. Update:  This event is scheduled for Friday, Sept 19th.

The city is working on funding for Streetcar Phase 2A and 2B which would pay for construction to bring the S-line along Highland Dr to 21st South. They are starting their environmental impact statements and engineering designs and hope to apply for a TIGER by the first of the year.  There will be more public announcements and meetings in the next few months.  The streetcar will not go into the new monument plaza but will have a stop somewhere on the street in the area.

  • Michael G. asked Bill where we should direct our complaints to UTA regarding the hours of operation for the S-Line on the 4th of July.  Bill expressed his concerns about this situation in a meeting this morning but he doesn’t know how far it will go.  As ridership increases he hopes we will get extended service hours.
  • Sally reminded the council that in a previous meeting we approved a letter written by Deb Henry to UTA from the council regarding these issues.  Deb Henry and the transportation committee have been working for months to get our voices heard with UTA.
  • Bill said there will be a public process in regards to extension of the S-Line and that would be a good forum to express our concerns about the hours of service.  He is very supportive of extended hours of service.
  • A member of the audience stated that Lisa Adams, SLC Councilwoman from District 7 got a commitment from the city council and UTA that they would work to make sure we have service next year on the 4th of July.

At this point in the meeting Maggie reminded members of the audience to sign up to receive email updates from the SH Community Council.

Spotlight on Business: Michael G Kavanagh

SLC Hemp – Adam Wong, Founder

2100 South, 1117 East

Hrs:  Monday – Saturday 11:00 to 8:00 and Sunday 12:00-6:00

Adam distributed written information about their products and passed around a sample of hemp fiber to allow us to feel it’s strength and texture.  He wanted us to know that their food products are the “Healthy Hemp, not the Happy Hemp”.

In their store they carry a variety of food products including hemp seed oil for cooking, hemp protein powders, raw seeds, and hemp mayonnaise.  They also have body care items such as soaps, lotions, and shampoo.  They have textiles including hats, belts, purses,  and clothing items. Another line of products includes hemp seed based wood stain and deck sealer which has no formaldehyde, and is pollutant free.

The reason Adam opened the store was to provide healthy, sustainable products to the community and to help break down the preconceived ideas that people have when they hear the word hemp.  Hemp is a very versatile agricultural product that is even being used in building products such as insulation.

Adam grew up in Layton Utah but traveled a lot with his family while his father was in the Air Force.  He attends the University of Utah and started selling hemp products three years ago at festivals and trade shows.  He opened his retail store last year in July.  He chose Sugar House because of it’s diversity and hopes to see his business grow as all the housing construction is completed.

  • Laurie wanted us to know that SLC Hemp is participating in Friday’s Art Walk sponsoring a mother and her daughter as featured artists, and she encouraged us to visit his store.
  • Benny asked if hemp would grow well in Utah. Yes it will, but in order to legally grow industrial hemp here it must be regulated by the Department of Agriculture or be part of a University program. At this point the guidelines have not been written for Utah.
  • Carole asked if they sell fabric by the yard.  They have swatch samples and you can order fabric from the store.

Salt Lake City Council: Lisa Adams, District 7

Excused Absent

Mayor’s Office Report: Shawn McDonough

Salt Lake City now has their own City News cast.  It covers timely topics along with a historical feature. You can find the newscasts on YouTube. Current topics include Historic Preservation, Liberty Park, and the Flying Trapeze in Pioneer Park.

Shawn noted that Ben Davis had already given us an update on the  Sugar House Monument construction.

The SLC solar panels that are producing power for the city have been placed placed in the following three locations:

  1. The solar farm at 1965 West 500 South
  2. On the building at 349 Plaza
  3. On the new Public Safety Building

There are a total of 4000 solar panels which is enough to produce 1.7 million kilowatt hours annually. That is equivalent to the amount of electricity produced by 1.8 million pounds of coal each year.

  • Christopher pointed out that Mayor Becker has been very supportive of solar power and net metering.  He wrote a letter to the Public Service Commission opposing the fee proposed by Rocky Mountain power charging solar panel users.    The PSC is expected to make a decision regarding the service fee sometime between Aug 15th and the end of the month.  Shawn will pass on our thanks to the Mayor and inform him that as a community council we also sent an opposition letter to the PSC.
  • Carole asked if the city has net metering on their panels.  Christopher said that the fee was for residential users only, and that businesses have a different fee structure.

Shawn encouraged us to get out and buy the Hive Pass for bus and rail transportation.  The numbers of sold passes are not where they had hoped they would be by now and the city is hoping to continue the pilot program.

  • Laurie asked if there is anyway the Hive Pass program could be expanded to include SL County residents.  At this time it is only available to SL residents.
  • Christopher asked where we are in terms of sold passes.  Shawn wasn’t sure of the exact numbers but she did say the city was going to put more money into marketing the passes and extend the program past August.  There has been a booth at the Twilight Concert Series and they are also offering free three day passes so people can try public transportation.
  • Janet Frazer, SLC Civic Engagement Manager commented that this in an innovative product and the city is working in partnership with UTA to improve the purchasing options.   She encouraged us to consider a purchase of $30 a month to support public transportation and to please take part in this pilot program. You can pay for the full year at once for $350 or pay $30 monthly with a full year commitment. You can make the payment as part of your utility bill.  The pass does not cover the Park City bus, the ski busses, or the paratransit buses, but it covers all other rail and bus transportation.  You have to purchase in person and bring proof of SLC residency.

Shawn asked us to please look at Open City Hall.  They are currently asking for feedback about the Downtown Master Plan, the SLC Golf Courses, and concerns about the ground mounted utility boxes. The utility boxes for cable, phones etc. are being placed in park strips along shared property lines.  They are looking at making the permitting easier.  There is a one time payment to the homeowner which then gives the companies the right to place the box and it may not necessarily be where the homeowner might want it.  These are private company utility boxes being placed on public city property. There is still time to comment on Open City Hall.

  • Judi commented that Land Use has been dealing with this issue for years.  There have been complaints regarding service vehicles in the area of  the boxes and the lack of respect for the private/public property .  The property owner is expected to remove graffiti and keep the area around the boxes maintained and the boxes can be quite large.

Sprague Library – Dolly Rauh

Dolly invited us to come back to the library tomorrow evening for the SH Jazz Festival from 5pm-7pm on the library plaza and the final Sounds of Summer program that starts at 7:30pm.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:53pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]